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Everything posted by johng

  1. They are significant because they where found near to the vice president on the day, when they where reported to police stationed nearby outside the vice presidents office they casually dealt with the situation even letting some school children pass right by the bench the area should have been swept for bombs etc in the hours before but weren't found the timers on the bombs could only have been set a few hours before hand. It's been postulated that these bombs where known about before hand hence the casual police actions and that they may have been a backup plan in case "insurrection day" at the Capitol failed to materialise. Strangely Kamala Harris and MSN never mention this grave threat to her life on "insurrection day" The person setting the bombs is on CCTV footage but yet to be apprehended.
  2. @gamb00ler why is it taking so long to bring them to trial ? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jan-6-defendants-d-c-jail/
  3. Yes of course I'm serious they where/are not insurrectionists none of them where charged with that crime let alone convicted..they didn't even bring their guns ( zip ties are not lethal weapons) the most they could be accused of is violent disorder this after being fired upon by police with tear gas. Trump questioned the election as is his and everyone's right to do so as has Hillary in the past is she an insurrectionist ? lock her up !!! It is you cheering on the dystopian future where no one can question "the powers that be" and if they do they are firstly shamed,bullied and smeared if that doesn't work then de-banked and de-platformed and finally locked up. The fake electors no I don't remember them. I do remember the strange case of 2 pipe bombs found near the vice president on that day strange in the fact neither she or MSN ever mentions it, I've mentioned it 3 times now and no one here wants to talk about it either. Possibly tied in with the Rey Epps thing not saying he planted them.
  4. You'll be the first shouting blue murder when the shoe is on the other foot as it surely will be at some point in the despotic dystopian future you cheer on.
  5. Will you be first in line for snipper team ? Strange they didn't bring their guns with them to overthrow the government on "insurrection day" Got any inside CIA info on the pipe bombs found at 2 different locations near to the vice president on the day.
  6. Yes unfortunately 1 was shot by police one died of a drug overdose and a couple of heart attacks...less than died during the so called summer of love riots.
  7. The "fruitcakes" are those calling Jan 6th an insurrection when in fact it was a mostly peaceful protest very much more peaceful than the so called summer of love which was fully supported by the very same "fruitcakes"
  8. They received in most cases totally disproportionate sentences. You applaud the removal/suppression of a right to protest...but just wait till the same happens to a protest you agree with or are possibly part of. You didn't answer about those locked up without a trial.
  9. In the imaginery scenario that the POTUS was locked up he would have his secret service bodyguards with him.
  10. One was shot and died that day. Others imprisonment without trail ,grossly inflated sentences for many. Overall nothing more than a witch hunt an affront to the right to protest and "democracy" itself.
  11. What is shocking is the treatment of the Jan 6th protesters.
  12. It must be me, I'm still none the wiser. If real democracy exists nowhere on this planet...but it does in many places then surely those places are not of this planet ?
  13. Yes he is otherwise he would be in court over the classified documents stashed in his garage.
  14. Obama wore a tan suit ?.why he has a natural whole body tan unlike Orange man bad.
  15. Yes and therin lies the problem lie/cheat/steal to get into power then how can anyone believe those in power .
  16. Numbers 1 and 6 in the list are surely off limits perhaps a trick question ?
  17. Well at least the life of a fly is quite short then she can reincarnate again and again working her way up to enlightenment and supposedly no more suffering. Have you asked her what she thinks she has "done wrong" to come back as a fly ?
  18. The casualty figures presented by Palestinian authorities have proven to be reliable in the past. Isreal/IDF says 13,000 terrorists so we are just supposed take their word for it ? how do they know who are terrorists, where they wearing t-shirts, carrying Hamas ID cards perhaps they where tattooed with a terrorist mark... and what about the thousands of innocent men women and CHILDREN murdered by the IDF ?
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