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Everything posted by johng

  1. See you didn't answer the question again...but resort to name calling.
  2. They are brilliant I love their version of "Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine" are they coming to Thailand soon ?
  3. Says so right in the article above You guess wrong, I'm not a scientist just someone who's pointing out that the scientists are "bewildered" "astonished" and lacking in convincing explanations...but at the same time it's certainly 100% man made global warming because it just is the scientists say it is so it is. Obviously not those scientists quoted in the article they must be conspiracy scientists how dare they admit they are baffled.
  4. Is anyone allowed to "take care" of Biden or "BiBi" if they believed these 2 are also examples of today's Hitler ?
  5. Clearly the "scientists" don't either ! But are definitely caused by "global warming" and that warming is definitely caused by human activity ?
  6. The Russian band that where arrested in Phuket and eventually deported back (to not Russia) ?
  7. What sort of logic would it be afflicting "leftwing" conspiracy addicts ?
  8. IMHO they ( the US government) think they are the worlds policeman and can go around the world dictating "the rules based international order" which they hypocritically don't adhere to themself.
  9. It didn't split in half and it also didn't collapse, debris from the collapsing tower was ejected causing damage. The other 3 buildings collapsing into their own footprint still "unexplained".
  10. I've not much idea at all about US or any other law, it just seems odd to me that it's "ok" to call for assassinations of some people but not for others.
  11. It's got completely out of hand since 9/11 the rules where never that strict now they are virtually non existent. Do you too believe that 3 steel framed buildings collapsed into their own foot print on that fateful day ?
  12. So let me get this straight, you agree with me that it is illegal to call for the assassination of Trump ? I then asked if it was also illegal to call for the assassination of Putin or Biden or "BiBi" do we agree that all would be illegal or am I putting more words in your mouth ?
  13. Did it then collapse into its own footprint ?
  14. " Yes, and? " What was your question ? I asked you a question too which you didn't answer.
  15. @george Of course only Google actually knows for sure.... but I have shown that they themself say they have collaborated with and "surfaced" viewpoints from "trusted sources" assuming that would mean to the detriment (submergence) of other views. https://www.promarket.org/2018/04/12/unprecedented-power-digital-platforms-control-opinions-votes/
  16. I believe they are "surfacing", prioritising, pushing what ever you want to call it a certain viewpoint or narrative to the top of the search results on certain subjects and for certain partners/ "trusted sources" independently of "Sponsored Ads"
  17. Or it could be described as trying to open dialogue. Who was it that said he would make Saudi Arabia a "pariah" state ?
  18. 3 steel framed buildings collapsed into their own footprint something that had never happened before to 1 building let alone 3 in the same day.. I remember watching on tv latter that day and thinking how "lucky" it was they fell straight down like that and not off to one side.
  19. Yes auto spell checker I should have followed my own advice on who checks the spell check checker.
  20. Guilty without even being charged. The other ballot bans have been overturned on appeal.
  21. Scientist say they have no explanations but in the very next paragraph
  22. You see no problem in calling for assignations ? Putin and Trump are fair game how about Biden and "Bibi" ?
  23. No I'm concerned about the "surfacing" meaning they push certain things to the top of search results. Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications at the United Nations, highlighted that the UN had partnered with several big tech companies, including TikTok and Google, to control COVID and climate narratives while claiming, “We own the science.” https://sociable.co/government-and-policy/we-own-science-world-should-know-un-wef-disinformation/ https://nypost.com/2023/05/24/how-google-manipulates-search-to-favor-liberals-and-tip-elections/
  24. @george here is 1 example https://blog.google/technology/health/world-health-organization-google-collaboration-health-information/
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