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Everything posted by johng

  1. well I think it deservers to be said again and again and again how many thousands of Palestinian life's to an Israeli life is acceptable ?
  2. So you are ok with Israel murdering many thousands of Palestinian men women and children in retaliation ?
  3. Have humans done that by breathing in and out ? or burning "fossil fuels" leading to a vast overall increase in world wide prosperity. Whatever the case it is a miniscule % increase in the atmospheric mix, is the "final solution" the elimination of those breathing in and out producing the deadly C02 ???
  4. I prefer a manual gearbox, I feel it keeps my mind more concentrated on the task of driving,gives more control better for ascending and descending hills much harder to press the wrong pedal and go zooming off in the car park, of course the auto wins in heavy traffic. Some would like to remove the human element from driving altogether with fully automated vehicles when that happens I'm sure there will be many missing the old ways not just the smuggest.
  5. The SCOTUS have ruled that Trump can't be removed from the ballot.
  6. Unfortunately it seems they have not learnt anything at all,those who implemented them suggest the reason the measures didn't work is because they where implemented to late and too laxly ie the next time they want full on China style welding people in their homes, quarantine camps as seen in Thailand and Australia total surveillance and control a dystopian nightmare for most but the "Covidain authoritarians" best wet dream.
  7. For the most part it seems to me they drive from Bangkok to visit the airconditioned shopping malls,with a brief look at the beach at sundown then drive back to Bangkok again.
  8. If you fall for the Central Bank Digital Currency then indeed you will own nothing and I'm sure the vast majority won't be happy at all ...living in 15 minute pods,carbon tax for vehicle use,every movement and purchase tracked meat and dairy highly restricted due to "climate emergency" eat the bugs they are environmentaly friendly ! Dystopian nightmare.
  9. Still around even after the de-platforming, debanking, censoring,ridicule,shadow banning, character smearing and lawfare. The truth will always emerge eventually.
  10. No they are total hypocrites as usual trying to hold other countries to ICC "justice" whilst excluding themself even to the extent of having a statute saying that they can invade the Haque and repatriate any American that may wind up there. https://www.hrw.org/news/2002/08/03/us-hague-invasion-act-becomes-law https://scholar.harvard.edu/ksikkink/blog/“invade-hague”-“support-icc”-america’s-shifting-stance-international-criminal-court
  11. There needs to be many more independently minded MP's shaking things up in parliament. I think/hope perhaps people are beginning to see that there is very little difference between the policies of the 2 parties that always win always more tax, more bureaucracy, more convoluted laws, hypocrisy more censorship and less overall freedoms. Brexit the Covid debacles (especially),Ukraine,climate change alarmism and now Gaza/Israel have brought that into sharp contrast at least for me.
  12. nope it's true
  13. Try changing the capacitor.
  14. Are these "covid survivors" fully vaccinated, semi vaccinated,octo vaccinated or unvaccinated ? How many IQ points does one "loose" after the hangover part I to III and beyond. Are there perhaps some novel MRNA therapeutics that can restore the lost IQ points ?
  15. a 32inch smart tv for 2000baht can you please point me in the direction of this bargain. I believe that @scottiejohn has a TV with built in digital tuner he just needs a suitable old school antenna pointing at the strongest signal to receive the free to air Thai digital DVB-T2 signals in all their glory some are HD and some have dual soundtracks (often original soundtrack so a Holywood film is in English but a Chinese film would be in Chinese etc) some stations have subtitles but I found then to be miniscule on screen maybe my setup. I have not found any radio stations again my be my setup I'd be interested to know if someone can get radio.
  16. I think that info may have been correct back in the 1990's now they use the 500-800-ish MHZ range. power level,frequencies and compass pointing for all the Thai TV transmitters. https://dttservicearea.nbtc.go.th/webapp Chaingmai in the screenshot below.
  17. May help if you name the channels you are interested in/have trouble with. I regularly watch NHK world direct from Japan NASA tv from US and Red Bull tv from god knows where with my NT fibre each of them has good and bad days and worst day none are watchable, there are just to many variables in the streaming chain to know where the fault actually lies. That's why I have an extensive collection of TV shows and Movies on my NAS server + a satellite dish and regular old school tv antenna 😋
  18. I'm afraid that just like most others the Thai's will fall hook line and sinker for CBDC's too.
  19. Link to show what ? I'm talking about the cartoon posted above.
  20. Err no it's a bit too far away for my antenna although I can get signals from Bangkok 160 KM's away from my location south of Pattaya.
  21. Beta Digital HD-37E
  22. I had good results with this one D15E from Amorn (Pattaya) until they changed the frequencies in my area after the 600mhz sell off then there was interference and lucky for me building management installed an even "bigger" antenna and filter.
  23. https://dttservicearea.nbtc.go.th/webapp
  24. Not quite that simple with a digital signal as there needs to be a signal for the receiver to lock onto before a picture is displayed. There is an antenna pointer direction finder and frequency specs for any location in Thailand somewhere on this website https://digital.nbtc.go.th/ I'll post proper url when back on my computer. There may also be a need for 3/4/5 G mobile phone signal filter at the antenna depending on the frequency used in your location.
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