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Everything posted by johng

  1. Do your own research...Google openly admits that they prioritize/promote certain sites/opinions on certain subjects.
  2. Perhaps it was trained on Google data that inherently contains "woke" biases. They openly admit to biasing search results of certain topics towards so called "trusted sources". How could they have "missed" that there have never been a woman or black pope and none of the "founding fathers" where black Nazi's where not black and Asian (for the most part) is kinda suspicious how it went so wrong and that no one (human being) checked in the first place !
  3. You tip your hat to someone that suggests assassination of a past and possibly future POTUS isn't there some sort of law against that ?
  4. Still none the wiser as to how a flat bladed screwdriver can remove or insert an internal bore circlip external circlip yes 100% agree.
  5. Are they the "vast majority" of folks ? no they are the vast minority of folks.
  6. By the look of that piston he should check the 2 stroke oil mix also check that there is no water in the fuel..I had terrible problems on my water cooled 2 stroker because ( my guess) of coolant leaking in the combustion chamber causing piston seizures..won't be coolant as the Vespa is air-cooled but could be water in the petrol.
  7. This circlip is in a 20mm + deep bored hole retaining the hydraulic piston, there is no way just to use a flat headed screwdriver a rag to catch the things is always a good idea.
  8. Vast majority of everyone jabbed or unjabbed didn't end up in hospital let alone die.
  9. Where you alive and at ground zero to see those 2 events ? I assume you where for the last couple of years how many actual bodies piled up did you see with your own eyes ? Yes ventilators used mainly in the beginning before the vaccines where even available killed a lot of people should never have been used. Absolutely no way to prove that without a time machine. I do too 100% they certainly did push the narrative and people where dumb enough to believe them. Have you ever considered that if you hadn't been "vaxed" and caught Covid it could also have been a mild case ?
  10. That circlip can be a right bugger to get back in without the "proper" tool I fought with it for half hour before having a lightbulb moment of using a G clamp and socket to persuade it into near position, using a screw driver for the final satisfying click into place. Front bake action restored for a while.
  11. Estimates of estimates. "universally agreed" I don't agree therefore it is not universally agreed.
  12. Quick lock down the whole world again !!!!! don't they have a vaccine for it yet ????? No that was pushed by "vaccinators" but now you seem to admit that if you take the "vaccine" you may still get the disease but for sure for sure it will be less lethal but you still might die ?
  13. I actually myself with my own eyes saw 0 bodies piled up how many did you see ? not on the TV but in real life ? There is no point begging for a shot/vaccine if you already have the disease is there, the point of a vaccine is to prevent you getting the disease. incubators ??
  14. Yes move very very slowly with a new (novel) vaccine technology. What is the Infection Fatality Rate of SARS-Covid 2 ? How many people die every year in the world ?
  15. I see not much has changed here very sad to say.
  16. Is that another way of saying that they sided with Hitler and fought against the Russians ?
  17. Hold on I thought "Social media sources" where not allowed TikTok So far there is also no evidence that thay are not..this is the whole point people (experts in their fields) are saying they see something different. Calling for a rigorous investigation is met with claims of "misinformation" and "Antivaccerism"
  18. Ha ha ok you got me with a spelling mistake I'll go laugh in the corner later 😋 pony which is £25 I will take in cash thank's
  19. Nothing like the CBDC's will allow...that will be total control and should be resisted by all means.
  20. I like the cash option quick and easy and no messing around + no one knows what you spent that cash on...well ok "person of interest" is neigh on upon us with all the cameras.
  21. Totally irrelevant they don't need to be "medical examiners or physicians or scientists" to notice that something is different something has changed they do the job day in day out they are qualified to notice something different.
  22. No clues here move along nothing to see.
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