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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. 3 hours ago, webfact said:

    The family of 80-year-old British national Christopher John Russell are appealing for any information...............

    They found him.............Mmmmmm..... Charlie put the Will back in the top draw....yes they found him in Tesco.


    "Mr Russell’s relived family members have since confirmed that Mr Russell is well."


  2. It just wears me out (& I am sure everyone else ) trying to explaining to you sanemax.


    1/ why didn't the UK give them there money back....


    It wouldn't be because the UNSC under a request from the USA imposed world sanctions on Iran ..would it...by any chance.


    Why are they giving the money back now....

    It wouldn't be because the Americans have singled the sanctions are over by paying them back the money they owed under exactly the same circumstances

    Would it by any chance..............


    After hanging onto it for 40 years--they wouldn't be paying it back if the Americans hadn't paid it back---I really do not know how much clearer that can be for you.

  3. 13 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    This is between the UK and Iran .

    Nothing to do with the USA

    Britain did not --repeat did not impose unilateral sanctions on Iran --but with the EU it followed -the UNSC proposal sponsored by the USA to impose sanctions and not send tanks that had been paid for.


    But I wont cloud the issue with facts sanemax......so lets just.


    You Win…......:clap2::clap2:


  4. 16 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    This is about the U.K. and Iran

    Honestly sanemax ,, do you really think that the UK imposed an arms embargo all by itself ?

    I did give you the link-- The USA imposed an arms embargo on Iran-then went to the UN and asked the world to follow. The EU did follow.


    "In December 2006 the UNSC imposed a partial embargo on the export of technology related to nuclear weapon delivery systems to Iran, which includes certain technologies which can be used in conventional military applications. In March 2007 the UNSC added an embargo on arms exports from Iran. This was followed in June 2010 by a UN embargo on the export of most major conventional weapons to Iran. These UN restrictions on arms supplies to Iran remain in place. They were amended in October 2015 allowing supplies of major arms and related components and services with the specific approval from the Security Council."

    Last year--The USA  (Obama) then broke the embargo SECRETLY to pay Iran back for the Arms deal it had in place that didn't honer.


    Where does that leave the UK..or any of America's allies ??


    "The Obama administration has maintained that the $400 million was the first part of $1.7 billion sum it had agreed to pay Iran to resolve a failed decades-old arms deal made with the government"


  5. 44 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Its a difficult one , Iran signed the contract , but arms embargoes mean the UK can not deliver .



    1/ The arms embargo was started by the USA

    2/ The USA have given them all their money back in cash

    3/ The UK cant give them their money back because there's an arms embargo


    Am I missing something here........Signed confused farang.........:omfg:


    Following the Iranian Revolution of 1979, the United States imposed economic sanctions ... Imposed an arms embargo and expanded the freeze on Iranian assets. --Wikipedia

  6. 2 hours ago, webfact said:

    “Every two days, an Australian dies in Thailand,” she said. “The roads there are the second-deadliest in the world she said,

    "Lies, damned lies, and statistics" --

    Would you think that an Aussie died on the road every 2 days.....yer they didn't.

    But put two "true" statements together like that--and what do you have...I guess some would call it fake news.  Yes an Australian dies here every 2 days---And -yes its (now ) the deadliest roads in the world.

    .                                          And yes both figures are unrelated.

    The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade "Latest" report found that 211 Australians died in accidents in the entire world.

    Total Australian deaths (for all reasons) in Thailand for that year (2016/2017) are 203. (I have been to the burning of 3 old diggers already this year--no they didn't ride bikes)


    No one is saying the roads aren't 5th world here..& there is a lot of madness in the driving. But if you are going to start a foundation (which I suppose takes donations) start with the correct figures... They are bad enough without adding the PR massage.


    Source--Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Consular State of Play, 2016-17.






  7. 10 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    Good for Thailand. China was once an important source of weapons for Pol Pot. Draw as many conclusions as you like.

    And America was once an important source of weapons to the Nazi's---your point being ??

    The full details of how the Fords and Rockefellers colluded to supply Nazi Germany are still not fully known because those were strictly guarded trade secrets, but even the little that has been made public and acknowledged by historians makes it clear that the war did not in any way slow the pace of the US  trade with Berlin..

  8. 51 minutes ago, jaiyen said:

    America wants to stop it and the dumb British government want to give them money to help make it happen.  Unbelievable !!

    The unbelievable part is that you do not seem to remember sending Plane loads of money over to them just a short while ago.....

    No not the 400 million the mad UK is thinking about --not twice that amount....not 3 or 4 times that amount......500% more...

    Fact-check: "Handel claims Obama flew $2 billion to Iran, admitted it is being used to fund terrorism"--As part of that exchange, an unmarked cargo plane delivered the money after American officials were certain that three Americans held in Iran were on their way home.


    But hey its about 11 months ago---lets forget about that and talk about those mad Brits

  9. 5 hours ago, Basil B said:

    Just send in the SAS.

    I think they tried that (or the American equivalent of the SAS) nearly 40 years ago and they got soundly beaten then...

    If you are going to make a deal with them---we will sell you these arms (and of course all the spares you need to keep them working)

    Then the Poodle's  master says dont send them the  spare parts--and of course you obey your master.

    You have broken the contract....sold them a product with no spare parts to keep working...You need to pay them....

    After all your master paid them....3 plane loads of fresh Dollar bills sent from Obama with love.......so Americas Poodle should pay them also.

  10. I sure its far from being rated as the best...but the last time I was in BKK went to the Zoom Bar....as its near the appointment I had at BBH hospital...got there at about 6pm..had a drink then looked at the wonderful view of about 3 klm's of parked cars on the highway....so we decided to stay,  quite a few Mai Tai's latter my wife noticed the  netting they had around the building just one floor below and asked.... I just told her that was to prevent people who had just got the bar bill from leaping......well we laughed and laughed....right up to the point when we actually got the Bar Bill......:omfg:

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