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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. 7 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

    I think the bubble is unevitable. 91% sold and only 61% occupied would really worry me as a government and as a developer

    Why is it a problem Bob?....they have been sold...Paid for by people who can afford to buy them and not live there..., Paid for by people who do not have to take out bank loans or are forced to sell them.......What's the problem.


    They dont view this as a problem in some of the hottest markets around the world...in fact a large hedge fund in New York-is channelling its money into real estate that it leaves empty. Why do you view it as a problem in BKK ?

    New York Number of empty New York City apartments continues to rise--One third of the most expensive apartments in New York City are empty for at least 10 months of the year, according to a recent report by the US Census Bureau

    London The number of long-term vacant homes in Kensington and Chelsea has risen by nearly 25% in a decade




  2. 17 hours ago, james.d said:

    Market bosses?.. more like loan sharks / mafia types. However money will probably change hands monthly to allow extortion etc to continue undisturbed.

    The 100 Bant is the Rental charge........according to the Daily News

  3. I think that people (especially non British people) may be getting confused with what they think is just a border issue. This has implications for the whole "Good Friday agreement"

    The 19 point agreement that Ended Direct London Rule. Voted in favour 94% of the votes from S/Ireland  71% N/Ireland. Its very detailed but article 2 of the agreement (the article that got the IRA to lay down arms) states.


    "It is the entitlement and birthright of every person born in the island of Ireland, which includes its islands and seas, to be part of the Irish Nation. That is also the entitlement of all persons otherwise qualified in accordance with law to be citizens of Ireland."

    Or as the politicians who sold it to them at the time stated-- "The British Government are effectively out of the equation and neither the British parliament nor people have any legal right under this agreement to impede the achievement of Irish unity."


    It's a movement towards unification -- I dont know if you can just stick a boarder up across the country and still not expect a return to what the British use to describe their 40 year war...as     "The Troubles"

  4. 31 minutes ago, crazygreg44 said:

    I kindky ask you to read the five links I dug up for you in response to your rant, in post No. 17

    OK CGreg….my apologies for the smart remarks –rant--there was no need for it. Early mornings are not me

    Euromonitor International’s, has been around I think since the mid 50s Greg way before anyone thought of TAT, head office Paris, it doesn’t  just monitor passenger movement but investments. For serious investors, who pay a lot of money. It does reports on all countries—the last small one on Thailand in Oct costing  $us990 to purchase, recommends movement of funds into digestive remedies-  Anti Acids etc industries because of the unsuitable eating habits and growth in visitors not used to this.

    What I am trying to say Greg is it’s not a small organization that would just take someone’s figures and say….”Oh Ok if you say so, we will run with these” people (companies) pay a lot of money to get their (detailed) figures & reports, before they make major decisions.

    But lets leave it there...you get the last word....have a G'day Mate..............

  5. 22 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

    but you may be getting mixed up with Visitors and transit.

     Post #5

    Yes I read that post CrazyG what is the point they keep saying that it isn't a tourist report--isn't tourist numbers---and you keep coming back with either tourist or 4 year old reports. You must have had some difficulties at school CrazyG....did you use to put in a maths test paper to the English master ?


    The only other thing you just keep completely ignoring is THIS ISN'T T.A.T

    How many times do they have to print that.

  6. 2 minutes ago, crazygreg44 said:

    why don't you use the internet and compare?

    I have posted so many CrazyGreg...the report is from the internet......oh your the guy with the 4 year old internet link like showing BKK wasn't top 4 years ago.....:wub:.. I take it that other "Secret up to date Source"  you have has disappeared......just amazing CrazyG

  7. 4 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    That's not a security van and doesn't claim to be, it's a Kasikorn Bank van.  The security van that was robbed was a proper Brinks armoured security van

    You obviously dont live here JustWeird or you would see these security vans taking sometimes up to 20 million to replenish the ATMs Notice they have removed the doors from the back making it so hard to get into. In 20 years here I have yet to see a "Brinks Type" security van..and by the way the brinks  do not have a key to the door--everything is controlled by the inside man--who stays with the van at all times

    before you tell everyone their wrong....at least Try to Google..

    CHIANGMAI, THAILAND - NOVEMBER 11 2014: Money delivery Van of Google

    Image result for security van Thailand


    And here is the Post office Security Van--carrying all the registered letters--money orders etc...notice they have CCTV...one step up from most bank vans
    Related image
    And a Bank on Wheels....we used to see a lot of these up country about 10-15 years ago...ATM van...top security again.

    9 hours ago, crazygreg44 said:

    Some 32.3 million people visited France's City Of Light in 2013,

    Thanks for the 4 year old link CrazyGreg--- I can take it from UK address of that link that you dont live in Thailand. People will find it difficult to access.


    OK so Its four years out of date--but that's an improvement here, as most people that slag off Thailand usually just repeat a fantasy--"what they want to believe", or what the guy on the next bar stall has told them.--(so it must be right)


    Yes 4 years ago Paris was the top spot--funny no one thought that was a con job.

    So you finish your post with

    9 hours ago, crazygreg44 said:

    another source says for 2016

    What other source CrazyGreg..??????  Love to see the one that isn't 4 years old



  9. 5 minutes ago, properperson said:

    Can't see that its anything to do with me - and surely the onus is on him to take it to immigration ?

    I fell foul of this  PP, in Nong Kai...about 10 years ago...they admitted that it was the house owners fault, but fined me anyway & told me to get it back off of him. Things may have got better since than--depending on what part of the country you in.

  10. 1 hour ago, Grumpy Duck said:

    555 makes me remember a 1970's animated porn movie "Fritz the Cat" where blacks were called crows. 

    Mel Brooks went a lot further GD with the star wars take off..Space Balls, that not a lot of (Gentile) People picked up on.... as well as Pizza the hut / Yougut etc, he slipped in " May the Schwartz be with you" Schwartz was a Yiddish/German way of referring to Nxxxxs--lower class black people. I see now in Google and many other P.C. places they seem to have toned  (the meaning ) down to black hair which is ridiculous.


    **Q/What does Schwartz mean—A/ Means "black" in German. used by American jews as a derrogatory word for black people. "Why would she marry him!? I mean he's a Schwartz!" - old jewish lady from the show "Soap".--.urbandictionary.com



  11. 2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    The reason Bangkok is up there quite likely has much to do with the fact that the majority of Thailands tourist arrivals travel through Bangkok.

    That's correct Richard, and the fact that people fly into Don Muang from outside smaller countries, as written and then they have to pass immigration to get to the Swampy airport. This does put the figures up...doesn't mean there is a plot, or its a conspiracy. This isn't TAT doing the figures. I think Singapore is still a bigger hub for travel.


    But do acknowledge the gains Thailand has made---when I first came here departure was sometimes delayed while the golfers who shared the airport played through--not a joke--fact.

  12. 5 minutes ago, TomAikins said:

    You're right. No idea where this crap came from.

    Its already stated where it comes from---the Euromonitor International’s --the European based organisation that monitors all world wide movement of air passengers.


    Which bar did Tommy Aikins get his information from........:omfg:

  13. 1 minute ago, Time Traveller said:

    And no sanuk711, I'm not a hater. 

    I am sure your not TT...but you may be getting mixed up with Visitors and transit.... Heathrow is one of (if not the) busiest airports in the world & its numbers are huge but a lot of it is transit, flying into London to get to places in Europe that do not have the capacity to handle the 380s or other very large type Aircraft. Also most Euro county's have a lot of overseas flights going into smaller regional airports Glasgow/Manchester etc....Thailand does not have much of this, so everything has to come through BKK...also people leaving  from different local countries to other destinations from Vietnam/Laos/Burma etc have to first go to either Singapore or BKK to get the international flight, in BKK this usually involves, coming into one airport transferring (passing Immigration)  to go to the other airport. Where as Singapore etc stay at same airport.  Remember the report isn't about tourist to the country --they have already stated in an earlier report that Thailand is not top for that....but just for people coming into the City of Bangkok.

  14. All we need now is all the Haters to come out and tell us that the Euromonitor International is also in on this world conspiracy to pretend people like to come to Thailand....even though some of them came and made it their permanent home...





















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