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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. I guess he also departed without ever paying his hospital bill.

    A tribute to the 24 carrot farang tourist the Thai haters are always saying we need more of. Thank God he wasn't Chinese, they would be out in force demanding he be hung.       

    I am sure as an honourable Brit Soldier he will be giving the money back that they both conned out of the public with their "Call for Help" scheme.



  2. Every things a negative ---every things a conspiracy , do you really think that a country like Cambodia that had just come through the Americans dropping more bombs on it than we dropped on Germany--then having 25 years of the nut case Pol Pot, can come back without some help?

    There are investments all around the world--countries invest in the UK--USA Australia, especially the Chinese who are awash with money as your countries have decided to have them take over all your manufacturing.

    Yes they can invest in your country, but invest in Cambodia--Oooh its a conspiracy

  3. On 5/21/2017 at 11:09 AM, boomerangutang said:

       Trump will do what another Republican scoundrel did:  resign when it's clear he's going to be busted open like a rotten coconut stepped on by an elephant

    So not like lieing Willy.... who came on TV to tell the world that he never touched that young girl---then when it hit the fan and he did get impeached hung on tightly to his job and refused to go.



    After nearly 14 hours of debate, the House of Representatives approves two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, charging him with lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice. Clinton, the second president in American history to be impeached, vowed to finish his term.---Wiki

  4. Yes..That's what I thought--also you do not need a licence if a certain age or many other reasons---they list them on a PDF.

    The other stations (ITV-Channel 4 etc) do not get any money from licence fee's . the idea is not about licence fee money as such--it is to try to restrict overseas viewers as they wish to sell the programs on. Some programs are big hits in America/Oz etc

  5. I am with Trust Zone--- just started to have a few problems, it has about 5 different sites with UK base. I have found that if I have a problem-&  I Google the BBC (while in VPN) I seem to access it a lot easier than just going in on a Bookmark.

    But I only really go there to look what is coming up as I also I have found a site that has all UK TV programs--all channels, on it within an hour or so of broadcasting--includes all the news not only from England, but Wales, Scotland etc.. Also have taken a lot of programs from Irish TV there--that has some good stuff. I know TV isn't happy about posting Pirate sites--so I'll put it at the bottom, if its been removed PM me.





  6. 7 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    This is an ideal situation for both parties.

    It's exactly what they did with Thaksin.

    Yes--I think even He would like to have the chance to redo that move again-- just a short time in Prison... In what his lawyers say were quite good conditions, (as he left everyone of them to do jail Time) then he could have been walking around saying whatever he wanted to say. He had already been banned from running for office again at that point---so the record wouldn't have mattered.

  7. Thank's guys---sorry for delay in thanking--been traveling, I  did check before I left & there was nothing so thought --maybe I should have wrapped this post up in a "I think my girlfriend is cheating on me- & where do I go in Silom thread"---then looked through the 120 page replies.



    Thanks for your contribution Buick--I will take a look  for the freelance boats in that area--the hotel I  just checked into --the travel desk is asking 4,000 for 2 hours. I did see cloud 47 roof top on the net---liked the look of it because they call it a casual bar---the only other one I had been to was the Zoom bar when my wife had to go into the hospital near there.


    Again Thanks..............:omfg:

  8. Got some friends stopping over from Oz on the way to the UK-- they have booked a hotel in Silom for 5 days.

    So I will also book in there--I dont know the area much, (or BKK that well--been last 15 years in Issan) I can pick up some stuff from the net, roof top bars etc. I would like to take them on a river cruise-- are the private owned long boats in a special area, would like to take them up some of the klongs where people are still living, what would be an average 3-4 hours rate to pay.?


    I know PatPong is in the Silom area, been over 12 years since I have been there----but I believe the night market is quite good--and of course they will want to Gawk at the sites, but there has been so many stories about bars doing a rip off that I'm worried about stopping for a drink in any of them-- but recommendations if you have any please.


    Massage in that area--I mean he is really into good massage, he pays about $90 for his 45 min sports massage in Oz.

    Or anywhere that you think would be of interest that I could have missed on the webb.


    -------Wow 5 days in BKK...after years & years in Baan Nok.


    Thanks guys.

  9. On 8/7/2017 at 4:09 PM, Orton Rd said:

    so 10 years cover and then when you will more likely need it they dump you, that's not a company to recommend is it

    If your under 60---yes I really do recommend them--because then your not dumped--ever-- its true as with all Insurance companies over 65 they dont publish rates---so you can be priced out of it. But when you are with them --they do seem to take that extra step, I had a bad accident after being with them for just 3 weeks. Flown down from Issan to BKK for facial reconstruction. All insurance companies deem that you can not claim for the first six months, the girl at Brumangrad entered my card by mistake--they (BUPA) phoned the hospital and told them they would pay for everything as they deem it an accident not sickness. I haven't been their best client--seem to have a run of stuff happening the last few years---I watched them get ripped off by the hospitals, once they know you have a good cover. I wish they would bring out another policy that does not include the BKK/Brumangrad hospitals--would be a cheaper rate. Also wish that the government would get hospitals to give basic care policy to Ex-pats in their catchment area-- I am sure they would come out of it with a profit. Just basic--and if you want your own room etc--then you pay up more--but at least you know you will be accepted.


    Still as my Irish mother would say---If wishes were horses--beggar's would ride.

    • Like 2
  10. Yes they have done some long over due updates halloween--- but most of those are great for banks etc---but that's not usually where they float them-- normal traders etc wont pick up so much on security changes, like a thread etc. For some reason there seems to be so much resistance to any change in the $$ format...everything the same colour--& everything the same size, (which must be a nightmare for your blind population) --- even the UK is now changing to a plastic note

  11. 2 hours ago, stevenl said:

    You will have to mention on the application form that you were just 'sacked' from Bupa (I presume you mean an existing policy was cancelled). This will significantly decrease your chances of getting accepted elsewhere at reasonable conditions.

    Oh it's just BUPA's policy......if you joined after 60 years---then they finish with you after 70 years---it was explained to me at the time---but that was way in the future--so nothing to worry about....then in the blink of an eye--I'm 70, ...They said they would do one more year if I needed, they have been quite good & I would recommend them to join (to anyone under 60)

  12. 11 hours ago, The Dark Lord said:

    Have you ever considered the effect that the menopause has on some women? A doctor ( female) and Thai) described it as hormone induced psychosis

    Yes --having great fun at the moment as my wife is going through ...."The Change"...da da  dar...

    The air con goes on & off about 40 times a day....It's to hot....it's much to cold...(how can it ever be to cold in Issan)


    Where do you want to eat tonight ?

    You Pick it will be fine.......I pick it's not fine.


    Anyway if the OP is looking for Good T.V advice...(hows that for an oxymoron)


    Its never run away from your problems.........It's so much faster to drive.......... :coffee1:



  13. Is it worth coming back with all those hassels overhanging you....? There's other options with Vietnam etc going ahead.


    I knew of someone in a similar situation who just changed last name (UK -by deed poll )--says if asked he would have told them---but apparently no one at entry asked.


    But of course I wouldn't advise anyone to do anything----that is not 100% honest in Thailand

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Aforek said:

    I prefer Thai 100% ; as said above, I don't agree that they accept luk krungs

    Do you accept that America /  can put in a mixed race --Black--American, but feel Thais can not ?


    **And the winner of the 2015  M/U in Japan comp...?? Mixed Japanese / African America Ms Ariana Miyamoto. Representing Japan in the Miss Universe Comp



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