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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. Any one had the Hernia op lately....or know of someone who has had a good experience in this area?
    I usually head down to BKK when ever there is the possibility of going under the knife, but maybe would stay in Udon for this.

    My wife phone BKK/Udon hospital to see if they had anyone who has done a larger number of them---the answer from the switchboard was --don't know, but we have one Doctor from from Mon-Thursday...then 1 Doctor here Fri & Sat, and 1 Doctor for Sunday.

    I just don't think I will be beating my way to their door.

  2. When I met my Thai wife 9 years ago she was working in a farang owned restaurant, 3,000 baht and 2 days off per month. That is pretty damn close to slavery as far as I'm concerned.

    And tips ramrod711 And tips................. ................................wub.png


    Just joking---yes its quite bad....

  3. Twiggy -Andrew-Forest. ( Twiggy, named by the Australians as he is anything but) .. an ardent christen & one of the top 5 riches people in Australia who was found guilty of misleading & deceptive conduct by the Australian Federal courts, usually spends his time , energy (& considerable amounts of money) ranting against any government that would have the temerity to tax his mining empire.

    Forrest has also been publicly accused of engaging in questionable methods of land acquisition, and has also had accusations leveled at his company for failing indigenous trainees at FMG's vocational training center in Port Hedland.

    Its not to say that slavery isn't a problem in Thailand or around the world--- I just wish someone other than Twiggy & his bible bashing daughter would take up the banner...............coffee1.gif

    • Like 2
  4. Wow. You've overstayed more than 3 years, on 4 separate instances. And you 'lost' your passport every time? That's certainly a suspicious pattern that, if I were a judge, would make me inclined to discourage your return to the scene of your repeated offenses.---garryinhuahin.


    Yes Garry & add on to that, the fact that the OP has just 7 post, & you may get a clearer picture...... its not April already is it.....coffee1.gif


    *The 1 April 1992 broadcast of National Public Radio's Talk of the Nation revealed that Richard Nixon, in a surprise move, was running for President again.

    His new campaign slogan was, "I didn't do anything wrong, and I won't do it again." Accompanying this announcement were audio clips of Nixon delivering his candidacy speech.

    Listeners responded viscerally to the announcement, flooding the show with calls expressing shock and outrage.

    • Like 2
  5. You don't have to get a multiple re-entry permit when you do your extension. You could get a single re-entry permit (1000 baht) that would be valid for the length of your extension or until you use it.

    There are re-entry permit desks at both airports in Bangkok that are open 24 hours a day.

    Thank you for that ubonjoe....(& all) I will be going through Suvarnabhumi in the next few weeks, can you or anyone tell me of the exact location of that desk---I would like to familiarize with the location in case I have to do a dash.

    Thanks again for clarifying that

  6. I have been on a yearly extension of my Visa for about the last 10 years--("Retirement") & have always taken the Multiple entry option with this--my thinking being that as I have an aged parent in the UK, I may get that late night phone call on a Buddha holiday/weekend etc, But are the immigration people at the Airport always available?. I remember quite some years back that they had an office (don muang) but that office sometimes closed on holidays. I would not travel urgently outside of Thailand for any other reason, then this--I want to protect my Visa extension, but do I need to take the 3,900 baht M/Entry option or would I always be covered regardless of the time / date by an immigration officer being available to issue an on the spot re-entry stamp.?


  7. " but hoping to find a Thai wife. " Best you start looking as soon as you can before there all gone ....

    there's not that many available in thailand you know ......

    So where would you suggest he looks then steven100....The Bronx


    Your right farang000999..............the whole post did all become very nauseating

  8. I need to go back to the UK in Feb 2015, & thought I would stop off at one of these places, with the wife for a week--then she could return to Thailand, I have never been to any of them before, looking at the hotels on some sites, I am quite amazed at how expensive they are. Be grateful for any tips on what place is the better/what hotel ...etc...etc

    Thanks Guys

  9. She was heard to say to a complaint official “why couldn’t you help me” before taking out a bottle of gasoline from her handbag, poured it on her clothes and lit it afire with a lighter. "I reckon, she had it all planned. " -----bryanlunadelacruz

    Many Thanks Sherlock.........................coffee1.gif

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