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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. As if they were about to this shit and don't forget they were helped by a thi's as its clear without them nothing is possible and we are hoping to hear the names of thai rackit as well.As bangkok is famous around the world and is known as scam city and every one is advised before to getting to bangkok about 90% scams and kinda shit done by the help of thai peoples as we use to read many news every day. NoRgEy _ DENMARK

    Wow tips that's really deep....................................I think..............coffee1.gif

  2. "in 1997 i remember 98 to the pound, Meatboy said 97 as in 1997, that is not in the last 10 years sanuk711.--LennyW"

    True LennyW... I missed read that one................maybe a trip to spec savers is on the cards.

    Apologies to Meatboy..........................sad.png

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  3. The report came from the World Economic Forum based in Geneva --but does that really matter if I could find a report in a dustbin saying that Thailand was falling behind all the other countries---& I'm sure it would be warmly welcomed & soundly agreed upon in every bar.

    They are within 7 places of being as competitive as China That's why VW & others are coming here

    But no your right....Thais what are they worth....


    It really must be hell living here for some of you guys........... lets just all hope they do not do well at anything else.

  4. I remember 97,90+bht.to the gbp.you want to come and see the building that's going on about 5kilom.from korat city.

    I pass 4 lots of shop houses most days that have been built the past 2yrs.not even a third of them have been taken,

    and there's another lot going up close by.keep it up guys the banks will be looking for some money shortly to prop them up.

    10% interest for savers.biggrin.png

    I think you are having one of those fantasy dream meatboy......... in 10 years its never reached past 57baht - GBP



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  5. Bill Kerr dies while watching TV aged 92

    The last of Hanock's Half Hour: Bill Kerr, the final surviving male member of the cast of the iconic radio comedy has died aged 92 in Western Sydney.


    Bill Kerr, Australian actor and radio star, dies aged 92.---He was well loved, unlike his brother Wayne........coffee1.gif

  6. BBC News: Cameron calls Putin and threatens him into allowing access to investigators to the crash site of MH17. & to withdraw all his troops from the Ukraine.


    In other news: President Putin is rushed into hospital requiring 376 stitches to both his sides.......................coffee1.gif

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  7. First there is the difference between airborne and aerosol transmission. Then there is the basic effect of infection level. I find it hard to reconcile the statement that it is as infectious as HIV, because last i understood, I can happily sit in the room next to a dying HIV patient and I will never contract HIV from them. How can people be infecting each other just from being in proximity? It cannot be that they are sticking dirty needles into each other, so it can be spread by ALL bodily fluids when the patient is extremely sick, hence the need for all the protective equipment.

    I found another site that catalogued that with adequate hospital treatment, mortaility is 56%. Hardly odds anyone wants. Thai@Heart

    & you want to keep this site all to yourself Thai@Heart ??? by all means please share the information on the oncoming threat with us all.

    I find it hard to reconcile the statement that it is as infectious as HIV, because last i understood, I can happily sit in the room next to a dying HIV patient and I will never contract HIV from them. Thai@Heart.

    That's right Thai@Heart---but you try telling anyone that when HIV was as new as Ebola.... I don't know how old you are or if you were an adult in that 80s period , but many people look back on it with shame--landlords were evicting gay tenets, companies were sacking their workers..... if you were not old enough at that time [email protected] Google back to it, this (HIV) was so much bigger & scarier than Ebola.

    Please don't get me wrong T@H Ebola is a lot more faster acting & more deadly then HIV but it does have the same genetic make up. Just 20 years ago, Western experts said confidently that there was little that rich countries could do to stop the global AIDS crisis, which was killing millions of people in Africa and elsewhere. How threatened are you now..??

    Please look at this press release its from one of the USA's top laboratories in January this year--no its not Yaho-answers

    AIDS And Ebola Found To Use Same MechanismTo Spread In Body


    Let me ask you again [email protected] threaten are you by HIV

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  8. Of course there is a difference between droplet and airborne transmission. However, if you are in close proximity to a patient, it makes little difference.

    Those mentioned up above are not airborne but are things no one would like to catch, and are considered pretty infectious. I think its pretty obvious that they don't want people to panic,so they are making the statement that ebola isn't airborne. But I tell you what, if someone with mumps sat on a plane next to me, I wouldn't be particularly happy about it, would you?----Thai-at-heart

    No I wouldn't be happy with that scenario Thai@Heart, because mumps is like the common cold its is transmitted airborne & with my luck I would get it again after nearly 60 years of having it the first time. But if you look back to the madness of the 80s when HIV first hit---I mean it was much bigger then this, I was in living in Oz at that time & the government of the day were well over the top....they had TV adverts running of the grim reaper in a bowling ally throwing the ball down and getting 7 out of ten people -- I had many gay friends who my wife wanted me to ban from the house--let alone use our toilet, a lot of people were scared as you are when faced with uncertainty--but as someone posted a while back, we had HIV 80s--& then something else in the 90s...cant think what now SARS in 2000, SARS did worry me because it was airborne & can leap across boarders so quickly--but because of this they moved on it quickly killing millions of birds.

    Of all the stuff I have read this Kiwi site makes a lot of sense ---why have 1,500 people died, this would not have happened in the UK, Germany or USA. something that should have been eradicated quickly wasn't.


    If the Ebola epidemic devastating the countries of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone had instead struck Washington, New York or Boston, there is no doubt that the health systems in place could contain and then eliminate the disease.

    Hospitals would isolate suspected cases. Health workers would be outfitted with proper protective clothing and equipment. Doctors and nurses would administer effective supportive care, including comprehensive management of dehydration, impaired kidney and liver function, bleeding disorders and electrolyte disturbance. Labs would dispose of hazardous materials properly. And a public health command center would both direct the response and communicate clearly to the public about the outbreak.

    Ebola is spread by direct physical contact with infected bodily fluids, making it less transmissible than an airborne disease such as tuberculosis. A functioning health system can stop Ebola transmission and, we believe, save the lives of a majority of those who are afflicted. So why isn’t this happening in West Africa, where more than 1,500 people have already died?

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  9. Many common infections can spread by droplet transmission in at least some cases, including:
    Common cold
    Fifth disease (erythema infectiosum
    Pertussis (whooping cough)
    Strep (strep throat, scarlet fever, pneumonia)

    So its as infectious as these. Great......Thai at Heart

    They have stated all along that the best disease to acquaint it with is HIV , it very similar in its infection..bodily fluids etc, it is not airborne, but if you cast your mind back to remember the same sort of panic when HIV hit, don't be anywhere near someone when they cough--yer 1,000s died of that being passed in a sneeze or a cough, common infections are passed by air--I don't know how you can equate this with your list Thai-at-Heart, & really to post a source of information on the disease like Yahoo-answers, you do know how that works don't you, they post the questions, & anyone (loon) is allowed to answer them---some font of knowledge that is.

    If you can find a medical source that states its an airborne virus --like the list of things you have put up there-I will look at it. but please don't hold your breath while looking...........coffee1.gif

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