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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. The OP's son has a Thai birth certificate. Therefore, he needs neither a search of the family history from the district office nor a lawyer.
  2. Please search aseannow.com and/or the worlwide web for TDAC (Thailand digital arrival card)
  3. Please see this correction the OP posted early in this topic: $6m baht translates as dollar six metres Baht. The OP does not mention what country's dollar he means but it is safe to assume that it is the United States dollar (curreny code: USD) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dollar?wprov=sfla1 With m, the OP obviously does not mean metre or the prefix milli, but million. There is no official symbol for million and one sees different symbols used by different people and different news publications, the most frequently used being M, which is the prefix mega. https://www.bipm.org/documents/20126/41483022/SI-Brochure-9-EN.pdf With baht, the OP clearly means Baht (currency code: THB) https://www.xe.com/symbols/
  4. Removed an off-topic post.
  5. Removed an off-topic that was about departure from Thailand, whereas this topic is about arrival.
  6. Since the member who started this topic brought it off topic himself, already with his very first post, this topic is now closed. For the record, the following are the guidelines for the Thai Language forum, stated at the top of the home page of this forum:
  7. If your passport was not scanned and your face was a not photographed, then your "pass", ie your passing through the electronic gate, was indeed "just ignored". I doubt, though, that this was the case. I remember that on my passing, I first had to insert my passport's ID page into a scanner, or perhaps I only had to place the passport on a scanner in a specific way to get the embedded chip read, I can't quite remember it. A couple of seconds later I had to go to a camera a few steps ahead for a facial scan. The camera seemed to have a problem but after I took my spectacles off I got the green light and the gate opened.
  8. From a recent experience I got the impression that immigration is now proactively encouraging the use of the electronic exit gates at Suvarnabhumi airport (BKK) Using the fast track, for which I qualify, on departure from BKK I walked towards the two manned immigration desks but was stopped halfway by an official and directed to the nearby electronic lane. So now, for the first time, I have no exit stamp but I know that this will be no problem when I travel to Thailand again. I meant to get the exit stamp merely for the silly reason tha I like to see them neatly lined up next to the entry stamps in my passports.
  9. There is no universal standard rule about what airlines should do in a situation like that. There are the IATA guidelines on this subject, but airlines are free to follow them or not at their own discretion and responsibility. Most, if not all, international airlines are members of IATA.
  10. I wonder how helpful your reply to a post made almost two years ago is to the OP. @ElephantEgo I am curious to know if you got formal clarification on the legality of the status of company B.
  11. Below is the Google Lens translation of the title page of I.B.O. 14/2568 As usual, some numbers are not translated correctly by Google Lens using Google Translate. OCR did not work with the original Thai page.
  12. Clause 13 of the Immigration Bureau Order (I.B.O.) 14/2568 seems to be the one for family members of a Thai family, but there is no mention of financial requirements. Is that perhaps in a separate Immigration Bureau Order? The I.B.O 14/2568 is for applying for a visa and changing the type of visa at immigration offices. Perhaps the financial requirement will be stated in a separate new order for extensions of stay, which we have yet to see.
  13. Sadly, the PDF available for download from that link is a collection of the images of 12 scanned pages. That procedure seems standard for the Immigration Bureau. I used OCR (optical character reading) to convert to a text PDF form which text can be copied, eg for pasting into a translation app. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mhXdZFCXUs1zXghHWVjg0mzGeOlftr8F/view?usp=drive_link It will take me some time to do the Englissh translation using Google Translate and put it into a table similar to the Thai original.
  14. It is 15 days, but better take that as 14 days because of the way some immigration offices are counting it.
  15. Updated to add Immigration Bureau Order 14-2025 on visa inspection and change of visa type for aliens entering the Kingdom
  16. The hotel does not send a certificate to immigration. They notify immigration of the foreigner's arrival at the hotel.
  17. If you pronounced natal the way you wrote it here, I am surprised that they understood it. Perhaps you showed them the Thai translation of sugar on your phone.
  18. The "chat gpt" got this wrong. The latest information I have seen on the timing of the Thailand Digital Arrival Card (TDAC), also known as the "TM.6 online" system is the following: Source: https://www.nationthailand.com/news/tourism/40045807 Please note differece between "…will require…" and "…expected to be…"
  19. No details are available yet. The latest news seem to be that "... The Immigration Bureau has also collaborated with other agencies to streamline travel processes, integrating the TDAC with: The Department of Consular Affairs' E-Visa system ..." Source: https://www.nationthailand.com/news/tourism/40045807
  20. On bookonwardticket.com it says that their onward tickets come with a PNR code and that this will serve the purpose for visa application. On the tickets, this code is often referred to as booking reference, reservation number, etc (https://www.altexsoft.com/blog/pnr-explained), even on fully paid flight tickets.
  21. As the OP has already been given the answer he sought and to forestall more off-topic posting, this topic is now closed.
  22. There have been a lot of off-topic posts in this topic and as the OP the already has all the answer he sought, the topic is now closed.
  23. You answered the question of how to "kill off" your multiple-entry re-entry permit yourself in your opening post of this topic (highlighting in bold is mine): More precisely, one could say that you will have to leave Thailand not later than 23 April and return visa-exempt not earlier than 24 April. The only question in your OP was: If you have got no definitive answer to this question in this topic, it is because no definitive answer exists. The degree of stress, if any, a traveller arriving visa-exempt on 24 April or later will be submitted to at any land or airport entry point cannot be predicted. The only definitive advice valid today that will most probably still be applicable at that future time is to avoid the land border entry at Aranyaprathet on the border with Cambodia.
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