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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. Removed a post commenting on moderation.
  2. Talking about immigration offices, It would have been useful if @Cardano and @terryq had indicated at what office they had their excellent experience.
  3. You've got this joke all wrong.
  4. @cdemundo The following two sections from an English translation of the Immigration Act serve as background information: Who in Section 38 is who? In your situation, householder = cdemundo owner = owner of the condominium unit occupied by cdemundo, respectively the Condominium Juristic Person acting as agent for the owner possessor = cdemundo Now reflect upon the following: Who is the first to know when cdemumdo arrives at the the rented condominium unit? Given the frequent changes in immigration rules regarding the TM.30 notification without public announcement and the fact that different immigration offices interpret and apply these rules in different ways, who is in the best position to know how the immigration office used by cdemundo applies the rules at any given moment, in particular whether or not an arrival of cdemundo necessitates a new TM.30 submission? When cdemundo requires a service from the immigration office and the official finds that a necessary TM.30 submission has not been made, from whom does the official collect the fine?
  5. @JohnOFphon The TM.30 approval of a notification made online is available for download only within seven days from the date of approval.
  6. Now that the consulate has switched to e-visa, this topic can be closed.
  7. Removed a post referring to another topic without giving a link and the reply to it.
  8. Topic closed because of unreasonable and aggressive behaviour of the member who started the topic.
  9. On Google Maps https://maps.app.goo.gl/vjquQPXCjvKs9YcV8
  10. Removed a post making an allegation without quoting the source.
  11. Removed a post making an allegation without quoting the source.
  12. I see that the web page https://www.immigration.go.th/?page_id=1660 no longer has the information that a new TM.30 is not necessary when returning home to the same address after a trip to another province. Or is that information on another page?
  13. Do you mean the Kamphaeng Phet Immigration Office? https://maps.app.goo.gl/BcyurPLvpEBqXgDU6
  14. Wrong terminology. It is not an application. You are not applying for anything for immigration to approve or to reject, to grant or to refuse. I'm not blaming you; I know it is immigration who started to call it an application. If immigration feels that you have given wrong or incomplete information in your report, they should say so and tell you what corrected or additional information they require, but this is Thailand.
  15. There is talk about the advisability of the herpes zoster vaccination for the elderly, ie 65+ years old. As I plan to see my family doctor for my annual flu shot next week, I wonder if I should consider this for myself since I am in this age group. Talking about flu shots, is it true that there are different strains of the flu virus here in Europe and in Asia. I plan to fly to Thailand at the end of November for a couple of months. I am also due for a refresher of my pneumonia vaccination (important for me because of my history). What is the latest vaccine available now?
  16. Two back-to-back visa-exempt entries plus 30- day extensions to make a six-month stay per year. I can't think of a convenient visa suitable for the OP for this scenario.
  17. Is the immigration office in Koh Chang equipped to accept payment via QR code?
  18. I do not wish to enter into a discussion of a speculative nature. Generally speaking, the following applies: From https://aseannow.com/terms It does not behove a member who reports a post to request a specific action to be taken vis-à-vis the member who made the post being reported. Please leave it to the moderating team; they will know how to deal with it.
  19. Removed an off-topic post about emotions.
  20. Removed an off-topic post about losing sleep.
  21. As some posters in this topic mentioned, not all district offices use the same rules, and even at the same office the rules can change from time to time and at the same office on the same day and from one application to the next depending on the applicants personal situation.
  22. Same fee for dependant. You will be billed a fee in GBP, which will be a little higher than the equivalent of THB 10K at the current exchange rate.
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