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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. ...and the crew line.
  2. Please continue the discussion here: https://aseannow.com/topic/1316296-suvarnabhumi-automated-passport-gates-not-available-for-visa-holders-with-re-entry-permits/
  3. At the moment, no such requirement is listed on the relevant page on the website of the Thai embassy in Vientiane, but let's hear from people who recently got this type of visa there.
  4. Is your Thai partner your lawful wedded wife or a partner of some other kind? In some district offices, this apparently makes a difference when applying for the yellow house registration book and the pink ID Card.
  5. Since different district offices are known to have different requirements, all reports of personal experience are of little or no use to the OP, who failed to indicate on in what district in what province he lives. @Enquiry123 Would you like to add that missing piece of information, in case someone reading it has had experience with the same district office?
  6. There are websites where you can combine PDF files, for example https://www.ilovepdf.com/merge_pdf
  7. The overstay stamp will not copied to your new passport.
  8. Immigration wants to see only your new passport.
  9. Thank you for posting this. I remember clearly that this was reported by members in the forum some years ago. Whether or not this internal procedure of an automatic alert on the immigration official's screen is still in place, in continues to be part of the official's duty to consider whether a foreigner with unusually long time spent in Thailand for the purported reason of tourism may in fact be working illegally in the country. It is always good for a frequent and/or long-term tourist to have a credible explanation available on the off-chance that he gets questioned.
  10. It isn't really an electronic visa we are getting. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is using the term e-Visa to mean "Thailand e-Visa application". The visa application is done electronically and the information that my application has been approved is transmitted to me electronically with a PDF document attached to an email from the embassy. That's where the electronic process ends. English-Manual.pdf
  11. According to section 84 of the Immigration Act, the fine is as per the "criteria for settlement or any conditions as deemed fit" prescribed by the Settlement Committee. Based on personal experiences reported by members of this forum, the fine is currently 800 Baht.
  12. According to section 38 of the Immigration Act, it is the duty of the householder, the owner or the possessor of the place the OP is renting to submit the TM.30 According to section 4 of the same law, the OP is the householder, ie the chief possessor of the place he is renting in the capacity of tenant.
  13. How are these director duties and the compensation for them defined?
  14. The OP did not post a photo of a sign and for this reason that post is not helpful at all. The second reply on this topic includes a photo of a sign and this sign says nothing about cancellation of a re-entry permit if the automatic gate is used for departure. This post is helpful.
  15. Yes, this is allowed and Thailand will welcome you back with open arms.
  16. The machine-readable code is standardised by the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization). Information about the currently standardised biometrics is here. Some countries may be including additional information but make some or all of this inaccessible to third parties.
  17. 1. The information in the two lines of machine-readable code at the bottom of the ID page of your passport. 2. The digital copy of your passport photo on the chip in your passport and the comparison of it with the photo taken at the immigration desk. 3. If the chip in your passport has an image of your fingerprints and if the passport issuer allows access to them by authorised agencies with the apposite equipment, the comparison of them with your fingerprints taken at the immigration desk.
  18. You're right; I missed that point working on the phone and not scrolling back to the OP. Not being on one-year extensions, I miss out on a lot of excitement
  19. Thank you for this useful clarification. Now, let's hear from foreigners who have actually used the automatic passport control channel on departure at BKK since the beginning of this month after having stayed in Thailand based on an entry with a visa of any category or based on an extension of stay. Myself, I shan't be able to start testing this until 16 March when, after having entered the country on 21 December with a single-entry non-O visa, I will fly back to Europe. The second part of the test will come when I next fly to Thailand, probably towards the end of this year, and show my passport with the latest Thai stamp being the arrival stamp of 21 DEC 2023 and and no subsequent departure stamp. (I expect encounter no problem)
  20. An illegal practice that used to work at an unspecified time in the past is highly unlikely to work today. I suggest that anybody who is desperate to get a criminal record in Thailand should try other ways, not anything to do with interactions with immigration offices.
  21. With your comment "...Nothing changed...", are you saying that you tried using the automatic channel on departure from BKK and the system refused to process it and you had to join the queue for the manual passport control?
  22. Application for the non-O visa and for subsequent one-year extensions of stay must be made at the immigration office in the province where you will be living with your wife.
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