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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. It is the responsibility of "the householder, the owner or the possessior" Source: Section 38 of the Immigration Act
  2. Are you and sandyf using the same immigration office? I'm asking because not all immigration offices use the same procedures in all details.
  3. You cannot. Who said that you have to put a TM.30 in your passport?
  4. You subsequently opened this closed topic and got all the information there: https://aseannow.com/topic/1315490-tm30-online-only-owners-can-not-if-you-are-a-tenant-renting/?do=findComment&comment=18577566
  5. Everything that needed to be said about some procedures applied by the Pattaya immigration office not being in line with the official procedures published on the website of the Immigration Bureau has been said.
  6. Giving the name of the immigration office is always relevant, because we are seeing very often that different offices handle things differently.
  7. The equivalent of THB 400,000 in a UK bank is acceptable. When I applied in October, in Switzerland where I live, for a single-entry non-visa to visit my Thai wife I wrote 90 days as my duration of stay. It is is in fact 90 days that you will stay on the basis of the permission to stay you are given when you enter Thailand. Your subsequent one year stay will be on the basis of the extension of permission to stay.
  8. Thank you for sharing your experience. I am sure other readers also appreciated your post but felt no need or cause to comment on it.
  9. When you see a post with information you know to be incorrect, please feel free to reply to that post and give the correct information, preferably with a link to the source.
  10. Are you quite sure that the OP said you don't need an onward ticket. The way I read it, the OP said he didn't need an onward ticket (flying with unamed airlines during non-specified periods) Based on the many posts on this subject, the simple facts are that 1. any airline may not have required it yesterday, but may require it today; 2. some airlines may require it today, but other airlines may not require it at exactly the same time today; 3. any airline may require it for some passengers on a particular day at a particular time for a particular flight, but not for other passengers. In oher words, one person's experience posted here is no guarantee that I will have the same experience.
  11. That's a very long stretch of the imagination.
  12. As there have been a lot of off-topic and abusive posts, there is no point in continuing this discussion.
  13. "a waste of money" is subjective. Not everybody likes to do things electronically as much as I like it (and no doubt many others, too) Aside from that, I have seen several posts on this forum from people fretting whether the immigration office's approval, ie confirmation that they accepted the notification as being correct, would arrive in time, and one or two posts where the foreigner was fined THB 2000 when making the notification in person one day late when the confirmation for the online notification did not arrive in time.
  14. Extremely rarely, as far as I have seen. No cause to get upset. On my part, I took the reply of Dan O to be correct if you had in fact "renewed your visa" before the second report, which was the reason why I sought help in finding this information, if not in this topic, then perhaps in another topic where it might have been posted.
  15. Correct. In the case of the OP, the visa agency set the "time period" of the promotion to expire on the date of the "next visa renewal". Unless the OP renewed his visa before the second 90 day report, the promotion offered to him and other clients of this agency had not yet expired when he asked the agency to make the second report on his behalf.
  16. Thank you for mentioning this alternative mode of doing the "90 day report", in case the OP might not yet be aware of it. Back to the original post, have you got any thoughts on the question raised in that post?
  17. Please help me find where the OP, trax33, wrote that he renewed his visa between the first and the second 90 day report.
  18. It is for denial on arrival. Section 22 of the Immigration Act. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IIR4rIcSf8i8hr01Zr5YwXbsN-ojnIjF/view?usp=drivesdk
  19. Thank you. Please don't use it anymore when you mean to say "the immigration office"
  20. Reinstated. The comment about "troll reply" had sidelined it (don't feed the trolls; report them instead)
  21. @Thorgal I would like to express my thanks to you for sharing your valuable knowledge with the OP.
  22. Unfortunately, that is not the way the eVisa process has been designed. The e (electronic) part is limited to the visa application and the transmission of the visa from the Thai embassy or consulate to the applicant in the form of a PDF document. That's where it ends and the manual part takes over: print the PDF document and present it together with your passport to the immigration official at the point of entry into Thailand.
  23. As the OP makes no sense and just made an abusive post, this topic is now closed. I suggest that the OP should visit his local immigration office to seek advice for his apparent problems.
  24. Indeed, it seems that nobody reading this topic has had the same experience as you are going through or knows what else to do in this situation in addition to what you are already doing.
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