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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. Indeed, it seems that nobody reading this topic has had the same experience as you are going through or knows what else to do in this situation in addition to what you are already doing.
  2. There are no entries in English in the house registration book, be this book blue or yellow. Therefore you are listed in your yellow house registration book neither as owner nor as house-owner. Also the person of whom the OP, Aforek, wrote that he is listed as owner is not, in fact, listed as owner but as something written there in Thai. As no correct information of the status has been given by the OP nor by you, this topic is now closed. Anybody interested in discussing the possible English translations of the Thai indication of his status in his house registration book should please start a topic about it in the forum Thai Language. Anybody interested in the subject of Permanent Residence should go the topic Camerata's Guide To The Permanent Residence Process.
  3. There are no entries in English in the house registration book. In the yellow book for the condo unit I own, เจ้าบ้าน is written next to my name. This can be translated as homeowner, head of household, householder, or host.
  4. Do you mean the Chong Chom border crossing?
  5. What application made where has been rejected?
  6. I have been flying into BKK (Bangkok International Airport, then Suvarnabhumi Airport) at least once a year for the past 40 years and have never been asked to show my boarding pass for the flight on which I arrived. For the last 10 years or so I have checked in online and got a QR code, which is held on a scanner for boarding at the airport in Zurich, Switzerland. That wasn't asked for either at Thai immigration.
  7. What you said was not pleasant. You may have said in a pleasant voice, or what you believe to be a pleasant voice, but by using only the first of the two words of would have been a standard greeting, what you said was not pleasant.
  8. @simon43 You haven't got the full story of the journey of the sperms from the man's testicles to the ovum in one of the woman's fallopian tubes. It's a long story and I suggest you read up on it. Pay particular attention to the following: — the location of the seminal fluid with the sperms just before the ejaculation — the importance of the intermittent pressure applied by the prostate gland on the urethra by means of the orgasmic contractions to provide acceleration and speed to the ejaculatory flow
  9. Some DTAs probably have a clause about data sharing, but perhaps not as automatic as the CRS.
  10. Topic closed because it is not clear what extension, if any, the OP is talking about.
  11. You cannot use your re-entry permit expiring on 15 December to enter Thailand after 15 December. You mention that you need to travel overseas on 22 December. Please note that no re-entry permit is needed to leave Thailand. You mention that you recently applied for a new extension of stay and got a stamp in your passport saying that your application is under consideration and that you must report to the immigration office again on 28 December. You should contact your immigration office to find out if they can give you a re-entry permit valid at least until your intended return date to Thailand.
  12. 1. When and at what airport did this happen to you? 2. Did you pass through immigration before midnight to leave on a flight with a sheduled departure date after midnight?
  13. There are various modes of transport available. "Best" is relative. Personally, travelling from Europe I always chose to fly. "Several months" is very imprecise. You mentioned that last time you stayed 75 days, which at that time was the maximum uniterrupted stay possible without a visa. For the same period you would now need a tourist visa, on the basis of which immigration will give you permission to stay for 60 days and if desired you can apply at your local immigration office for a 30-day extension of stay.
  14. The forum "Thai Visas, Residency, and Work Permits" is the wrong place for this topic. As there is no separate forum for Personal Income Tax, I am moving it to > Thailand General Chat > General Topics
  15. CRS would seem to have been the reason why, many years ago, my local tax office in Switzerland called me out of the blue to tell me that I appeared to have omitted to declare the interest paid on my bank account with a US broker and perhaps also the dividends I got paid. After reading on this forum that Thailand recently decided to join this reporting system I am now contemplating whether I should proactively start to declare my Thai bank accounts and the interest payments received in my tax return next year for the year 2023 or wait instead for a phone call from the Swiss tax office similar to the one I got about my US account. I hate to have to make these decisions.
  16. Most likely, the OP used CRS with the meaning of "Common Reporting Standard (taxation; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Source: https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/common-reporting-standard/#:~:text=The Common Reporting Standard (CRS,jurisdictions on an annual basis.
  17. CRS = CRS - Definition by AcronymFinder.pdf
  18. Thank you, Pattaya 57, for pointing this out; it had escaped my attention. As we are now on page four of this interesting topic I'd like to mention that I have never seen any published information about how immigration officials at the departure desks are instructed to handle this and I don't think any such publication exists. Sipping my hot toddy before going to bed (10.25pm in my time zone) I am trying to put myself into the position of an immigration official at a departure desk with two date stamps in front of me, one set to today's date and the other to tomorrow's date, using one or the other to stamp departing passengers' passports depending on the scheduled departure date of their flights. No, I don't think I would like this. The risk of accidentally using the wrong stamp for someone's passport would be too high.
  19. The immigration guidelines are here: https://www.immigration.go.th/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/9.FOR-RETIREMENT-PURPOSES-50-YEARS-OLD-NON-O.pdf
  20. Perhaps he means this page on the immigration website: https://www.immigration.go.th/en?p=14721
  21. Thank you for the link to that page on the immigration website with the guidelines for the notification with TM.47. The part about "...will be fined 5,000.- THB..." does not reflect correctly the text of section 76 of the Immigration Act, but regardless, the word "arrested" is the operative word and indicates that if the foreigner is arrested and taken to court, it will be the court, not an immigration official, to decide on the fine under section 76. That is why I made the point that the authority of immigration officials to issue a fine for the late submission of the notification is limited to the authority granted to them under section 84, respectively the "criteria for settlement or any conditions as deemed fit" prescribed by the Settlement Committee under the authority of that law.
  22. Removed some off-topic posts and the replies to them.
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