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Everything posted by Digitalbanana

  1. If you are traveling to the UK and you watch live streams on YouTube (or any other platform) using your laptop or mobile phone, you would technically need a TV license. The UK law requires a TV license for watching any live broadcast on any device, whether it's a TV, computer, mobile phone, tablet, or game console. This applies to both residents and visitors in the UK. The law is an ass comes to mind.
  2. Was wondering how long it would take for this to turn up again, first page of the thread but several replies down is a bit slow, aren't ya? Spending too long in the right wing echo chamber again.
  3. The framing of the question as a choice between Ukraine "winning" or Russia "winning" can be misleading, as it implies that both sides have equal stakes in the conflict and that there is a clear winner and loser. In reality, Ukraine is not seeking to "win" anything that it did not already possess before the war. Rather, Ukraine is defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity against an aggressor that has violated international law and caused enormous damage to the country and its people. A more accurate way to frame the question might be to ask whether people support Ukraine's right to defend itself against Russian aggression, or whether they believe that Russia's actions are justified. This framing would better reflect the asymmetry of the conflict and the moral imperative to support Ukraine in its fight for self-determination and justice.
  4. It's also important to avoid simplistic explanations or knee-jerk reactions when it comes to complex issues like political violence.
  5. Anyone who talks about eating pets, killing babies and failing to grasp the concept of losing the previous election is a wild card who will do anything.
  6. The images you've posted are all e-bikes so they will cost more.
  7. This assumes that undecided voters are primarily interested in policy details. In fact, many voters are also swayed by factors like personality, likability, and perceived trustworthiness. This would have been a shot across the bows by the Dems on the Republicans, but now Trump is running scared so does not want more debates or details shared. But you cannot believe everything he says.
  8. They wouldn't know if it grabbed them by the b.
  9. As others mentioned a Non O with retirement extensions is far easier. Took me 20 minutes with online booking at CW and thats all it takes each year. Cost 1900THB. Wife doesn't need to waste time coming with you to immigration either. Only drawback I know of if you were offered work in Thailand you need to then change to another visa.
  10. The clue is in who is speaking. When his lips move they are often lies. I'll wager he's planning another debate. He'll lose that one also.
  11. The ABC moderators were normal people. They were simply reacting as any rational human being reacts after hearing some of the craziest nonsense they have ever heard. Its why one candidate got more push back from the moderators than the other. Anyone struggling to understand that obviously has issues of their own.
  12. If you are going to use Sky News Australia, the most obscenely biased news station on the planet, to get your POV across you've already lost the argument.
  13. With my KBank secured credit card, you can spend any amount on the card up to the amount in the secured deposit account and pay it back when you want with interest. They start at 50k deposits I believe. Its a good source of interest income for the card issuer and a means of convenience at a small price at times for the card holder.
  14. When I watched Match Of The Day which is on the BBC the subject of Israel was not even mentioned.
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