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Everything posted by Skeptic7

  1. IBM sold to Lenovo 15+ years ago. They went full Lenovo at least 10 years back, but not certain of exact year.
  2. Agreed, but Lenovo Thinkpads are not IMO up to IBM Thinkpad quality. Lenovo was held by IBM to IBM standards for 5 years or so, but after that..."Chinese" quality took over. Not that it's all bad, it's just not near the same. And after 2 consecutive disappointing Lenovo products, has made me look elsewhere. Don't see myself buying Lenovo again. Switching gears...LOVE your Atheist avatar❗ Mine is saying exactly the same. ????
  3. When maintained properly, they are perfectly safe. ALL airlines have multiple on board. They are not CO2 any longer, but we're in past years. For a couple decades now they use Halon extinguishers, also H2O for Class A fires. Airplanes are subject to extreme heat when parked during downtime in hot locations...and pressure changes all the time when in use. These extinguishers never explode. This unnecessary death and other injuries was the result of negligence. Improperly maintained equipment.
  4. Had some Thai friends down from Udon recently who've never been to Walking Street, so we took them. I hadn't been in years and tho it's not quite the same...still plenty of "hooks & crooks"❗We walked a good portion and spent an hour in each of 2 live band bars and it was a good enough time. Overrun with Chinese, Indians and Mid-Easts for me, but they weren't interested in live music. ????
  5. CONVENIENCE and technology that's what❗Home delivery...Amazon, Lazada, Shopee, Villa, Makro, Grab, Home Pro, Big C, Lotus...and on and on and on. However in-store is still there, if that's yo thing. Go ahead and shop brick & mortar to your heart's content. I loathe being out around humans, if unnecessary. Much more convenient to have items delivered to my door for a minimal fee. It's great. Should give it a go. Crawl on into the 21st Century❗
  6. YES. Absolutely. Dead is dead. Nothing to be done now. Not like it's unknown what happened to them. Consider it an honorable burial at sea. The Final Frontier on Earth...or whatever floats your boat.
  7. Lenovo are great value. However, the former IBM brand quality has diminished noticably since being sold to Lenovo nearly 2 decades ago. My last Lenovo gaming laptop has always been a bit disappointing and am now looking at other brands. Also bought a high end Lenovo tablet last year, but it always had touch screen issues, so gave it away and bought another brand. Lenovo gives so much for the price and possibly l just got 2 "lemons", but just cannot recommend them any longer.
  8. Absolutely inexcusable. Found CW service and and officers loathsome in every way when I lived in BKK. So glad to not be dealing with that place any longer. They're inept and screwed you. Now you either just wait and hope they ultimately get to it and send approval...or do in person soon.
  9. Are "tablets" zero-rated too...or only specifically laptops?
  10. The guy spews so much BS and constantly lies, makes ???? up and just blabs whatever is floating thru that airhead...there is no possible way he can keep track. Nobody can. He contradicts himself constantly. Sometimes in the very next sentence...or what is his failed attempts forming a meaningful sentence. Complete and utter lying imbecile. ????
  11. Both went well initially. USA just never knows when to "pull out"/GTFO. Always on years long overstays❗????
  12. Ha❗And Jack Smith would be up yo ass too with charges under The Espionage Act. ????
  13. A circle of hanging jerks. Epstein x3. Now that would certainly MAGA❗????
  14. His BIG flapping ugly lips are his own worst enemy. He confesses his breaking the law along with his supreme ignorance and idiocy at every word in every interview. ALL this will be used against him. His attorneys certainly won't let him testify for fear of incriminating himself, but the orange idiot already has. Tells anyone & everyone with the stomach to watch and listen ???? that he did everything which he's accused...and then incorrectly says he's above the law or it doesn't apply to him. Oh it's gonna be some fun watching him this deranged, corrupt, criminal con-man go DOWN❗???? ????
  15. Codiphen works very well for me, but only use it on the rare occasion. OTC at any pharmacy. B100 for 10 pills.
  16. Wow. Tried some high-quality, very expensive CBD Oil last year and didn't sleep a wink. Where do you get it and what dosage?
  17. Yes...don't come anywhere even close to Aussies and Brits. Ever been anywhere near them? ????
  18. If true, not surprising Thailand siding with BRICS...led by DICkS. Russia & China, 'nuff said.
  19. Oops❗Jumpers...fallers...got a little push-ers...seem to be having a resurgence of late. ???? happens

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