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Everything posted by sipi

  1. "I wanna do you slowly". I think that was another Keating quote.
  2. My experiences with taxi drivers over the years have normally been quite pleasant, even fun at times. Even the motorci taxis have been ok. Tuk Tuk drivers, at times not so pleasant.
  3. I threw in the beard for good measure. Faceapp. I'm clean shaven, but other than that.
  4. I can't be firm enough on this one. Do not use them. Or give them to someone you hate. They will kill you. And it won't even show in an autopsy.
  5. Chuck them in the rubbish bin, or leave them around someone you hate and let them meet the good lord.
  6. Don't do it. I've got a good friend who got Cialis from a reputable pharmacy in Udon, and he is in the ground. We can't prove anything, but the packs seem to be counterfeits from Russia. Massive heart attack straight after eating 2.
  7. My work colleague leaves his phone unattended. When he's not around I speak into it... "penis enlarger, artificial vagina, thrush cream...." It pops up in his feed, and he can't understand why.
  8. Lol. Who wants to give this old man grief.... Edit... The background was supposed to show the Asean Now homepage. Didn't quite work out.
  9. I think it helps to remove the anonymity in some corner of the forum also. The ones if us who have been here for a while don't care what others think, and it would be great to catch up in real life once in a while. There are the ones that we all know from photos, either on the forum or thorough messages. I, like many others, have posted photos of myself. But there are the ones that just seem to hide. That's their choice of course.
  10. Geronimo hasn't logged on for a year and a half. I hope he's ok. Looks like you're the compere Sirineou. Godspeed and all that....
  11. Are you a boiler maker?
  12. I'm thinking you'll not only make a great candidate, but also a great compere. Considering this could be the final POTY, you'll go down in antiquity either way.
  13. I've still got your Christmas card from 3 or 4 years ago. Well that got you thinking lol.... P.S. Haven't heard from the Canadian for a while. I'll have to look him up.
  14. I'm happy just to go along for the ride, bit of fun. You'll also notice I rarely post, more a casual observer.
  15. So what's happening? Are we just collecting nominees here then taking it to the lounge for a cut off point?
  16. I'm uninsultable. I'm not responsible for what others say or think. So I guess it works both ways.
  17. I would have preferred it if my mother went first, just so I could have some time alone with my dad. My dad was a gentleman, my mother a nasty bitch. As they were loading my dad into the ambulance after his heart attack, and literally a minute before he died, she was leaning over the stretcher "yeah go on and die you selfish sod. You know I can't survive on my own". They were the last words he heard before he left this planet. Nasty right to the end.
  18. I've started a few threads on sleep apnea, indoor skydiving, free masonry, flight sims... But they haven't really taken off which doesn't bother me. I just chuck it into the mix and see what happens, which is usually nothing. Edit,.. Seems threads about getting pissed every day are more mainstream. That also suits me.
  19. What about ASEAN Now and Nepalese, or ASEAN Now and Shri Lankans?
  20. It's all a bit drab already.
  21. I'd keep going, but the cat needs feeding...
  22. Pokhara 9. Shringar 7. Ulaan Baatar 8. .......
  23. What happened next Bob?
  24. 2 days on a row he got on the drink and hit the forum. That's an adventurous life. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.
  25. Hey Robert, By this post I'm assuming you were trying you say... "I'm still drinking brothers and sisters. I just need some breakfast and a cup of coffee. I'm not going to bed just yet"
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