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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. How could you possibly know that? Diving is, by and large, a very relaxing activity. Someone could be diving for years with an undiagnosed heart problem. If Robby's death was related to diving, the problem would manifest during or shortly after the dive, (I've known of one such case in Cyprus) not hours afterwards. (Ex PADI Dive Master with about 4,000 dives under my weight belt)
  2. Complete nonsense! The human body can become hypothermic in temperatures as high as 100C. Add alcohol into the mix and that threshold becomes even higher. As I understand it most of the country has been seeing night time temperatures in single figures. Death by hypothermia is perfectly feasible at the moment. And why only Thais, have you got something against them?
  3. If the motorcyclist had been riding on the main road (as you call it) where he should have been, there would not have been an accident, despite the car driver's stupid behaviour.
  4. I presume you are not a motorcyclist. First up the 'hard shoulder is NOT where we are supposed to be riding and it's a very dangerous place to be doing so. One has no 'wiggle room' at all when things get dodgy as they often do. The safest way to ride on a road such as this is in the middle of the left hand lane and travelling at the same speed as the traffic around you. That way you have a chance of either braking or manoeuvring out trouble. I've been riding here for 10 years now and I have never been 'forced off' the road as you suggest happens. Whilst I agree that the fault was primarily car driver in this accident, the motorcyclist put himself in harms way by his foolish and unfortunately all too common riding habit.
  5. This ruling came in at around the same time as we saw the enhanced anti money laundering laws being implemented. It is probably to prevent a Truemoney account, which is relatively easy to open, being used as a mule account.
  6. And here's a nice simple plan. Open an account with Wise and start sending money to your Thai bank account. How simple is that? Confucius said: 'Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated'. He sure was right there.
  7. We will just have to wait and see won't we.
  8. That's because I have never used Revolt nor do I know what they charge. So I can't comment can I.
  9. 8 deg C this morning, just before sun rise in Sakon Nakhon. (which claims to be statically the coldest province in Thailand) I had to visit the bathroom at 5am and it was b-b-bloody cold in there! But it's great now having just returned from a hour's walk out in the cool fresh air blowing in from the South China Sea. And it seems that there's more to come yet.
  10. I actually think that Trump might just have a chance. Not because of his diplomatic skills, which IMO are next to zero, but because he could just find that he'll be pushing against an open door. Russia has big problems. The economy is a mess, the military are getting war weary and ever closer to revolt with many desertion's. Influential business people are complaining and beginning to openly criticise the war and even Putin himself. Putin badly needs a face saving way of getting out of the mess he's led his country into and Trump, despite his bombastic approach to just about everything, might just provide the way that he needs. Fortune often favours the bold.
  11. Ok, good. Now that we all understand that! (err do we?) In its prime role, the one in which it was conceived and intended, Wise is absolutely perfect. I started using them following the demise of the embassy income letters some 4 years ago. I've been doing 2 or 3 transfers from my UK bank account via Wise ever since and they have never let me down. And it's even more convenient now that they have developed standing orders for transfers. I can just sit back and watch the money roll in. What is they to complain about? Nothing as far as I'm concerned.
  12. Is your registered address here in Thailand or in the UK? They only send them out to pensioners living overseas.
  13. It is certainly possible. My private pension from BAE SYSTEMS has already done so as have a number of local council pensions I believe. I just have to send a short video of me winking blinking at my phone camera and I'm good to go again for another year.
  14. So would I. That's why I was querying that comment by Andycoops.
  15. Well we'll just have to wait and see whether Laura Trott, who was at the time Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Pensions knew what she was talking about. Because that's who the article was referring to. 'UK pensions minister Laura Trott referred to the digital plan, which would replace the current process of the Department for Work and Pensions sending letters abroad, in a letter to Conservative MP Roger Gale that he shared with The Connexion'. What exactly did you mean by your first paragraph? 'they can send you proof of life certificate documents by email'. Have you actually received a request for a life certificate by email?
  16. I don't know what the politics and protocols are regarding AAIB's recommendations especially when it comes to a foreign manufacturer, But one thing I do know is that: ''there should be no implication of ‘blame and liability’ toward those to whom Safety Recommendations are addressed''. So I guess they have to play a bit of a political balancing act. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/what-is-a-safety-recommendation/what-is-a-safety-recommendation
  17. There are 3 bullets points in that article that are aimed directly at Leonardo so they cannot be regarded as not culpable IMO. Regarding your point above, components such the coupling that failed can rarely be checked by eyeball inspection only. They would have to be removed and given an 'in depth' inspection. Operators follow maintenance guides lines as laid down by the manufactures. If there was no call for such an inspection, then failure or potential failure would go undetected. Once again, fingers point at Leonardo.
  18. I received an interesting article from a contact of mine in France saying that DWP are contemplating going on line for 'proof of life' certification. https://www.connexionfrance.com/news/proof-of-life-certificates-may-go-online-for-uk-pensioners-in-france/104888
  19. That's one reason to follow @DrJack54's advice and wait until the next renewal. Use the old passport No. until then. Immigration are not aware that you have a new passport until you tell them. Visas and extensions are still valid even though they are in the old passport.
  20. You said that your reporting date was the 12th. Is that correct? Then why are you worrying about it? You've done your report correctly within the timeframe, so it's up to Immigration now. Sit back and enjoy Sunday.
  21. Well, I've read that 'theory' before on this forum. However if you read @transam's post from yesterday, it seems that the DWP do not get informed of a death in Thailand. At least not by the FCO. And it's not the first time I've heard of this happening either. Which is why I @3NUMBAS asked the question. I thought that maybe he knew something that we don't.
  22. And how do they get to know?
  23. It seems the AAIB have already blamed the manufacturer's of the helicopter for the crash. https://www.stewartslaw.com/news/helicopter-manufacturer-leonardo-could-have-averted-leicester-city-football-club-helicopter-disaster-says-concerning-air-safety-report/
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