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Posts posted by Moonlover

  1. 1 hour ago, PeachCH said:



    Pattaya, visa agents. Ask for info. You will find out that agents can do the Non-O and the retirement visa without 65k or 800,000 Baht needed. Service appreciated by hundreds of foreigners 😁👍

    Service also appreciated by hundreds of corrupt Immigration officers.

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    • Haha 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, MeePeeMai said:


    Notice I said "MOST of them"


    I never said "ALL of them".


    I have personally tried driving in / using my Thai license in Indonesia (not accepted / I was stopped and fined at a Police checkpoint - razia Polisi)

    I also tried using it in the Philippines (same result as above - stopped and fined), told that a Thai license is not valid for driving there.

    I tried to rent a motorbike in Malaysia using my Thai License and was told no can do (without an IDP).

    I was in fact carrying a copy of the agreement spoken of above in this thread (in both English and Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Malay and Tagalog).

    Basically they didn't seem to know anything about the agreement (or didn't care).


    On top of that I have read numerous stories from others who have attempted it in some of the ASEAN countries listed, and had the same result as I did.


    I don't doubt your "reliable and current source" but I have yet to try driving in Laos on my Thai driver's license.  If I get shot down 3 times in a row, I usually just give up trying at that point.


    The short story being that the police in these country's are just as corrupt as the police are here. No surprises there, but thanks for the info. (not that I'm likely to be needing it but the O/P will be)


    But I'm curious about one thing though. How come you didn't 'get the message' the 1st time around?

  3. 22 hours ago, MeePeeMai said:


    555, that was an "agreement" which was reached long ago and seems to have vanished.  Ever tried using your Thai license in one of the 10 ASEAN mcountries listed??  Good luck, they won't accept it in most of them (without a valid IDP along with it).


    I have used my Thai license in Laos as has my Thai wife and some of her relatives. (they do some trading business over there).


    I'm quoting what would seem to be a reliable and current info source. (May 22nd 2024) What's your info source?



  4. On 6/22/2024 at 10:48 PM, richard_smith237 said:

    Great for you - but you appear to be claiming 'attitude' can impact longevity which is flawed in absolute terms - You've been very lucky, perhaps genetically so, nevertheless, very lucky.

    Thank you but I don't believe purely in luck, as in fate. I believe that we 'create our own luck'. I've studied and practiced modalities that enhance health and fitness for many years and at 78 years old my hospital bills remain at zero. 


    On 6/22/2024 at 10:48 PM, richard_smith237 said:

     You did mention 'living sensibly' but does that mean stopping sports so we don't get injured, or not riding a motorcycle any more due to risk of injury vs a car etc ?


    By living sensibly I mean healthy eating and strictly limiting alcohol and caffeine intake. Adequate sleep and daily exercise. But I still ride my motorcycle despite the risks. That's something I still very much enjoy.


    Take good care of yourself, you're worth it.

  5. 2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    At 68 I've decided to avoid all doctors for age related illness, none of the men in my family ever made 70 and I doubt I'll be the first.


    Yep, some of my lot were diagnosed with cancer, the hospitals didn't make them live any longer, but the treatments made it seem longer.


    I'll take the time I'm given and hope the end is quick and painless. I've had long enough and don't need any medical torture at the end.

    Yes, I agree. This why I have absolutely refused to take out medical insurance. I believe in living sensibly with regards to diet, exercise and above all adopt a positive attitude with regards to my health, both physical and mental and so far it's worked.


    I'm 78 years now and I have never had to consult a doctor for any illness nor have I ever had a check up. 

    • Like 2
  6. 3 minutes ago, Upnotover said:

    As is the case with many UK current accounts.  But with 1 minutes effort you could transfer it (or have it paid) into a different UK account (even Wise) and earn ≈4%.  Mind you 4% of a next to nothing UK pension might not be worth the effort.

    '1 minute's effort' is 1 minute more than I currently have to make getting my pension paid directly into Krungsri. As you correctly say, the interest I might make isn't worth the effort.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. 51 minutes ago, CallumWK said:

    I just checked mine, and it says 35psi front, half and maximum load, and rear 35 HL and 41 ML.


    When I put 34psi front and rear, with the new cabin mounts and ball joints, it dances too much to my likening. The 34psi was fine before the renovation of my 14 year old truck, so maybe I'm a bit too sensitive and need to get used to it?


    Still leaves the question, where those 65 - 80psi numbers on those foreign websites come from, and how that could be considered drivable?





    I think you have the answer to your issue right here. Go by feel. If it feels right and the pressures are not radically different from the norm, then that's probably the pressure you need. Don't over think it, just go by feel.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, MarcelV said:

    Don't Thai laws prohibit polygamy?

    This news article confuses me, even though I live in Narathiwat, apparently the marriage hotspot for Malaysians, myself.

    Yes it confuses me as well. Thai law does prohibit polygamy and the 2nd paragraph in the O/P is somewhat vague isn't it.


    22 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Deputy president of the provincial council, Abdul Aziz Mamat, however, had emphasized that arranging a marriage in southern Thailand isn’t a straightforward task. Various requirements, including background checks of the couple, need to be fulfilled. Mr. Aziz refrained from explaining why Narathiwat is such a hotspot for Malaysians who choose polygamy, a marital practice permitted in Islam.


  9. 4 hours ago, mfd101 said:

    Not sure I understand why Malaysian Muslim men  have to come to Thailand to have a polygamous marriage.


    Does this mean that Muslim Malaysia doesn't allow polygamy? If so, a hangover from British colonialism?

    Yes, exactly that. No polygamous marriages are allowed in Malaysia after 1 March 1982, so nothing to do with the colonial era. But it gets confusing because Shariah law does permit polygamy, so I guess these couples come over here in order to circumvent Malaysian federal laws.

  10. 5 hours ago, rovinman said:

    "First Place in South East Asia"  !   Great, but only Third pace in Asia  { ? }, after Taiwan, and Nepal  ?  ?  ?

    Any-one got a Map  ?

    You obviously need a geography lesson.


    Southeast Asia is composed of eleven countries of impressive diversity in religion, culture and history: Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. I don't understand why folks are having trouble finding good tomatoes. My wife buys all our fresh produce on the local markets and the ones she serves up are excellent. 


    In fact good tomatoes are now being produced on small holdings around our village. It's all part of crop diversification away from the 'rice only culture'. And they too are very nice.

  12. 2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Prachinburi refuses to accept online or mailed in 90 reports.


    They also, not coincidentally, demand a 100 baht "administrative fee" for in person reporting. 


    Been doing this for a while now. 

    I'll bet folks who live out in sticks are just a bit peeved about that. That's daylight robbery, pure and simple.

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