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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. Probably of more relevance than the water is that all three of them were alleged drug abusers. 'According to Sanook, Lek had just been released from prison for a drug-related offence three months ago. Moreover, both Naruemon and Kanokpong were alleged drug users'.
  2. Yes I agree with that. As a motorcyclist myself I always prefer a pedestrian simply to stop. If space permits I will steer round behind them. I recall from my early days being taught never to run across the road. 'Walk, don't run' was the mantra if I recall correctly. If the road is so busy that you feel compelled to run, then it's not safe to do so. That's always stuck in my mind.
  3. I'd say very much an amateur. One who didn't realize that bullets fired from a hand gun through a toughened windscreen will flatten and be considerably slowed down. That's probably why the victim survived.
  4. Sure looks like a Yamaha R15 150cc to me. My wife's nephew has one and I've had a couple of rides on it myself. Granted an unusual bike for the women to be riding, but why shouldn't a Burmese lady be a biking enthusiast?
  5. Of course you do, there's nothing supernatural about that.
  6. The difference being that the 3rd Law of Motion has many practical uses.
  7. There is zero evidence of that: 'A U.S. military spokesman in Iraq had no immediate comment. At the time of his capture, U.S. commanders said a source close to the fugitive had given him up under interrogation'. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-iraq-saddam-geller-idUSL0669865120061107
  8. What's wrong with your Lumbosacral Joint?
  9. First we have Dr. Duncan Macdougall, the 21 gram soul weigher, now we have Uri Geller! “Geller is a clever charlatan,” said Milbourne Christopher, chairman of the Occult Investigations Committee of the Society of American Magicians. “A careful study of his career and observations of his act by magicians have turned up numerous instances of cheating.” New York Times You sure know how to pick 'em.
  10. Hmm, that tells me all I need to know thank you. You might like have a read of this website. To the best of my knowledge, such an experiment has never been repeated.
  11. How was that established? You're not going to cite Duncan MacDougall's very flawed experiments I hope.
  12. The idea that DMT is released when a person dies is based on anecdotal reports and speculation, rather than empirical evidence. (at least that's what ChatGPT says)
  13. Actually I haven't found a way to get off it. Not even whilst I'm still living.
  14. I don't actually how many people laugh at the idea of there being a creator, but what I'm quite sure of is that there isn't and never has been any proof of it. Whereas the development of life through evolution has been scientifically proven beyond any reasonable doubt. It's not an alternative theory, it's a scientific fact.
  15. Keep your truck out of his way.
  16. I've no idea. You'd better ask @sirineou about that.
  17. No of course they don't, but the fact that we do (or at least are capable of it) does not provide any evidence that we survive beyond our mortal death.
  18. It's amazing what a vivid imagination can do. Thanks, but I'll save my $12.99 for something a little more practical (that I can't take with me when I go ????)
  19. The cows will always have an owner somewhere. There were 5 cows wandering down the middle of the 223 east of Sakon Nakhon yesterday morning, the owner was nowhere in sight. Fortunately it was daytime no one came to grief.
  20. My own belief is that I am vey similar to the computer that I'm typing on right now. My brain is the CPU and my mind consists of all the 'stuff' that's in the memory and gives the CPU something to do. And just like the computer, once the power has been removed and it ceases to operate, that will be the end of 'me'. (that was also Stephen Hawking's notion as well) Animals do not fear death, they have no concept of it. The fact that they flee from danger is purely instinctual. The selfish genes protecting their future. And we homo sapiens were probably just the same until we learned how to talk and were able to kindle our imagination. “I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” Mark Twain.
  21. I really not that fussed about it. The chances of me shifting 50k or more around are pretty remote anyway. At least I'm no longer getting that reminder on my phone every time I open the banking app.
  22. Agreed what? Didn't you read the original article, or even the headline? Let me remind you: 'Thai Banks are Starting to Require Facial Recognition for High-Value Transactions'. That is completely at odds with your earlier post. This doesn't sound like: The face scan update is for the bank records only. You will not be required to take face scans on your phone or at ATM's. to me..
  23. I wonder how Krungsri managed to take my photo then.
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