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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. Go to this web site and follow the instructions. It's all clearly explained. There is the option of using an agent if you so wish, but the above guide still applies with the exception of the personal visits to VFS in Bangkok.
  2. Totally agree with you, I've done it! Slowing down in a bend will also induce the wrong counter steer and many inexperienced riders have done that to their cost. Even worse they might even brake when they realize they're going too fast and that is the worst thing of all to do. I'm not arguing against 'counter steering', I was simply challenging an earlier comment that the rider didn't know how to do it. All riders know how to counter steer, whether they've heard the term or not.
  3. True but you'll find that the smaller dealers will only cover routine servicing. The main dealers will have more comprehensive maintenance facilities. Have said that these modern bikes seem to be bomb prove, so you're not likely to need more than the usual oil and air filters changes and a bit of oil on the chain.
  4. Far too high for that purpose. The light on the traps I see around the village are only a meter or so above the catchment pond.
  5. My neighbour installed one a while back, but he wasn't confident that the metal pole was sturdy enough to hold the light up so he shored it up with a bamboo pole. That's villagers for ya.
  6. I've read several times on this forum that us old folk shouldn't be riding motorcycles at our age because our reflexes are too slow! I think that is nonsense. On the contrary I believe that riding a motorcycle regularly actually helps to keep one reflexes sharp. It's the well known principle of 'use them or loose them'. I'm 77 and still ride my Aerox regularly and my sharp reflexes have bailed me a few times on these sometimes crazy roads. That includes, by the way @Harsh Jones, using counter steering to get myself out of trouble.
  7. It's an interesting video but it is not about steering through a bend, it's about hazard avoidance. Something that every motorcyclist needs to know of course. I stand by what I said, a motorcyclist would not steer the wrong way when going into a bend. He wouldn't have got round the very first bend he encountered if he did not intuitively know how to counter steer. In fact the commentor says that in so many words. Quote: If you ride a motorcycle, you already know this'.
  8. I think you're completely wrong regarding 'counter steering'. I first learned how to 'counter steer' on my bicycle when I was very young. I later transferred that same skill to riding a motorcycle. And you know what? I'd never even heard of counter steering until quite recently. Counter steering is intuitive. It isn't learned in the classroom, it's learned out there on the street and as the old saying goes, 'once you've learned how to ride a bicycle, you never forget'. I think it's nonsense to think that a rider would steer the wrong way in a curve because he didn't know how to 'counter steer'.
  9. High speed was quoted by a witness to the accident so unlike you, I'm not speculating. And as much as I like the PCX (I ride a scooter myself) speed wise it is no match for a Honda CB650R.
  10. 3 years ago contractors came along, without warning and installed a 100 meter long drainage ditch through the village. We didn't have a big problem with drainage, rainwater quickly ran off down to the river anyway. The ditch doesn't work. Instead of channeling water off the street, it fills up with water and so we're now left with a 100 meter long mosquito breeding trough. The next rainy season that came along the village had its first Dengue outbreak in 6 years, including me and nothing has been done about it since. The public education system hasn't worked here!
  11. I've been riding, on and off, since I was 17. I'm now 77 and enjoy my riding at least as much, possibly more so than I did when I was young and I certainly do not have a 'death wish'. Ok, so I may come to grief one day despite my experience and the attention that I apply when riding, but so what. As said I'm 77 and I'm going to die of something before too long anyway, so I might just as well get out there on my bike and enjoy myself whilst I can.
  12. 'Immediately realizing the situation, Ms. Jarin quickly ran to unplug the charger and notified the authorities for assistance'. Well done Ms Jarin for your quick and correct response.
  13. A completely pointless survey, if one can call it that.
  14. If one can meet the financial requirements, getting a retirement extension is a doddle. No need for agents at all. If one can't meet the financial requirements then they should go look elsewhere to retire,
  15. I agree. I think I may have had Covid, but never tested to see if the very mild symptoms where, in fact C19. But I know I've had Dengue, it was bloody awful!
  16. Early hours of the morning, powerful motorcycle, high speed. It all adds up doesn't it. 'And another one bites the dust'. It used to be a regular occurrence on London's North Circular Road as well. I don't know whether it still happens there.
  17. I never keep my passbook up to date, which is why I always present the IO with bank statements. And I didn't need an agent to work that out for me either.
  18. I made reference to that problem earlier. See this article on the BBC.
  19. Well, don't all rush at once, but if you want some clean air come to the north east. I've lived up here, just east of Sakon Nakhon for 5 years now and I've noticed that there has been far less burning and a noticeable increase in the use of mechanized farming methods. Our air quality isn't always this good, but neither does become too bad. It is quite rare to see it rise beyond 'satisfactory'. I've also seen an increase in the use of solar panels to drive field irrigation pumps, replacing the old 'iron buffalo' method. So change does happen, albeit very slowly, but it's interesting to note these improvements are taking place in the poorer rural areas and I should note that we do not have any sugar cane farming in this area, thank goodness. Advocates of the use solar panels, commendable though it may be, might want to read this article on the BBC web site. It ain't all good news.
  20. You have to be the first person that I've come across who considers atheism to be 'blind faith'. In just about every encounter that I've had on this topic. Atheism its the very antithesis of blind faith. Religion is the obvious candidate for bearing that label. Atheists will generally have considered the religious option and rejected it. Being an atheist does not necessarily mean that that one has no interest in spirituality. I am an atheist, who meditates twice a day. What does that make me do you suppose? There are many paths up the mountain.
  21. There are on line pharmacies in Thailand. Have you explored that possibility?
  22. That's not 'seeing proof' of reincarnation, you have simply seen a person who believes in reincarnation. (and there are plenty of those around) The current Dalai Lama was selected from a short list of candidates, all born around the same time, at the age of 2 after he correctly identified objects, formally belonging to his predecessor. Surely that's nothing more than a game of chance, given that a boy of 2 would hardly be able to understand what the 'game' was all about. Purely by chance, Tenzin Gyatso simply chose more correct objects than his rivals.
  23. How does one 'see proof' of reincarnation?
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