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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. It seems that the Pattaya police came to a similar conclusion as did @Muzzique 'Pattaya Police stated they would also work on identifying the man who was stabbed as they found it “odd” that he would flee the scene before law enforcement could arrive even though he was the victim'.
  2. Responders are taught NOT to pull knives out, that's a job for a qualified surgeon and quote: 'The foreign man reportedly refused medical assistance'.
  3. Of course the US ship was under way. Naval vessels 'on patrol' don't just sit there in the water twiddling their collective thumbs. Regardless of the political circumstances, all vessels both military and civil are required to abide by the internationally agreed collision avoidance rules and the Chinese vessel very clearly disregarded those.
  4. I lived in China for a year and yes indeed western food is available. Obviously the well known fast food outlets are ubiquitous there. (with growing waistlines to match) but there are plenty of others too which are popular amongst the more discerning Chinese. And western expats too, of which there are more than you might think. My favourite was the Habsburg Grill in Zhuhai and my Chinese girlfriend loved going there too.
  5. Absolutely correct. '15 Crossing situation (Rule 15). (a) When two power-driven vessels are crossing so as to involve risk of collision, the vessel which has the other on her starboard side shall keep out of the way and shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid crossing ahead of the other vessel'.
  6. I spend about 2 hours per year in our local immigration office. I don't feel as if I'm loosing out on a lot.
  7. Probably none! I've been here 10 years and speak no Thai at all. And it's not because I'm lazy, I've always been linguistically challenged in every country I've lived in. But for me It's never been an issue when it comes to dealing with immigration as I've never encountered an IO who does not speak, at least passable English and some, mainly the younger ones, very good English. But no matter, just like you, I have never used an agent and do foresee that I shall ever have any need to do so.
  8. It's already happening according ChatGPT. Go ask for yourself.
  9. I have not suggested that using an agent per se is illegal, expect when using 'Agent Assisted Finances' of course (good term that) The irony of this new 800k in the bank rule is that those who were quite happy to park their cash in the bank for 3 months and then were able to draw down on it to live on for the rest of the year, now have to virtually forfeit their capital AND find an income to live on. And I do have sympathy for those folks, which is why I used the term 'harsh punishment'. Like you said many folks could well have been forced into using 'Agent Assisted Finances' illegally or leave country. On the embassy letter front, I was quite comfortably in the black financially and was able to get a myself a retirement extension. Then came the double whammy of the loss of the UK embassy letter (which showed gross income) and the Brexit referendum which saw the Pound nose dive. I went from around 72k per month (on paper) down to 52k per month. Fortunately I'm married and was able to switch horses, but had I been single, I too would have been 'up the creek without a paddle'. Yes, it has all caused a lot of bitterness which still seems to rankle many people.
  10. Yes I believe it does include annual fee, plus the rake off that goes into the corrupt officer's back pocket.
  11. 'On a daily basis, water and a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables is sufficient to keep your electrolyte levels balanced'. That's also science.
  12. Please don't presume to tell me what I need. I know my body and my mind very well thank you.
  13. A very sad tale. I'd not heard the term 'Wet Brain' before, but now I've read up on it this is certainly not a ending I would relish. I only take one whisky per day now, just before I begin my 12 hour intermittent fast at around 6pm.
  14. I'm 77 and despite exercising daily the only time I get sore muscles is if I overlook my fluid intake. A glass or two of water will quickly rectify the problem.
  15. I have a nice home and a good wife whose happy to take care of me. I have absolutely no intention of ever going into a care home. But thanks for you kind thoughts.
  16. Moonlover

    an awful day

    The reference that you supplied was referring to a Wild Asian buffalo. I doubt that the O/P encountered one of those.. How did you get it so terribly, terribly wrong? 'Wild water buffalo are larger and heavier than domestic buffalo, and weigh from 700 to 1,200 kg'. Care to try again?
  17. How long have you had the account with Wise open? They could simply be doing their usual KYC routine before you can operate it. Give a while.
  18. I agree with posters above here Lay off the heavy stuff and get into a more gentle exercise mode. Yoga, Tai Chi, Qigong, walking and swimming are all good stuff. And make sure that you drink enough water or other (non alcoholic) drinks. Dehydration can bring on muscle aches. Personally, I do an hour's walk every day and I practice Qigong for an hour per day (2 half hour sessions). And I'd suggest a weekly Traditional Thai Massage as well. It's great for giving a myofascial release. (If you don't know what that is, look it up) And never, never say you're getting old! I'm 77 years young. No aches or pains and no illness's. In your 50s you're still young.
  19. Yes and it was actually made quite easy for him. Take a look at the 2nd photo in the full article. There's a ledge running round the outside of the balcony and he's standing on it! This guy was in no real danger at all. What a load of fuss about nothing! 534814754_202304071516_2.pdf
  20. Early last year, the handrail on a small bridge I was crossing gave way. I only fell 1.5 to 2 meters onto the river bank. I landed heavily on my right shoulder, but I was within a hair's breadth of landing on my head, which would very likely resulted in a broken neck. My neck still grinds somewhat when I turn it. That was a very lucky landing on to fairly soft ground. I would never regard a fall from the 3rd story as having low odds of dying. The height doesn't mean a lot. It's what you land on and what angle you impact the surface that counts.
  21. It will be, most certainly for commercial reasons. ATMs don't run for free as I'm sure you realize. Although you perceive that it got plenty of use, in a village setting it would probably be lots of customers drawing small amounts. The cost per withdrawal would be quite high from the bank's perspective. Our nearest ATM is 7.5klm away, but I still pay Madam Moon by transfer. She likes to have money 'walking through her account' as she puts it.
  22. Don't be so naïve. People have died falling over in the shower.
  23. Yes I agree with that @proton. It's a harsh 'punishment' on those who do their extensions quite legally. This was a Big Joke idea during his brief tenure as head of Immigration, in a failed attempt to weed out the rampant corruption that prevails in the department. The only way they'll ever sort it is to ban the use of the agents completely. And then watch the sparks fly!
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