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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. That is the leading pole on an obviously disused rolling gate barrier. It does not protrude into the road. There is, none the less a bit of a mystery regarding this video. I googled mapped the crossing adjacent to Preng station and it looks nothing like the one depicted here and it does have barriers.
  2. For a young man, (at least from my perspective) Lord Markam seems to have had an extremely varied career, utilizing a wide variety of talents, little of which has anything to do with construction.
  3. No that is not correct. Tilapia, the most commonly farmed fish here are plant grazers. If bird droppings, including chicken droppings enter the pond it will sink down and fertilize the bottom. So yes, the fish will benefit, but not by eating it directly. I eat a lot of tilapia and have no qualms about doing so. I love it.
  4. It's also probable that the mule wouldn't know who the recipient was anyway. He would simply be given a rendezvous at a certain time. Besides that we don't know how many hours elapsed between the intercept and the press release.
  5. Yes, you're quite right about that. I did my extension back in October and my next reporting date was set for 90 days hence from that point. I did not receive a reminder by email but I did it on line anyway and I've just received the approval this morning.
  6. 'When the people are even mildly enlightened, oppression of the mind and body will disappear'. So who do you suppose wrote that? It was none other than Thomas Jefferson. Now we all know who he was, the author of the American Declaration of Independence, but he also wrote, amongst many other things, a book that advocated Self-reliance Regarding Matters of Healthcare, another form of independence. Yes I agree with you. @orang37 doctors here and indeed in many parts of the world have no interest in unconventional methods if treating this or many other ailments that are, in affect lifestyle issues rather than medical conditions. It seems that a urologist's interest lies in getting patients hooked on medication and ultimately into their surgery to do unspeakable things to their private parts. I walked away from that around 4 years ago. My regime is the result of many hours of study, both through books and articles on the internet, but the best personal advice I received was not from a medical professional but for a Qigong teacher. I have gone from having to visit the bathroom every 90 minutes throughout the night down to just one visit and it all comes about through adjustments to my lifestyle. I am now considering reducing, or even eliminating my medication altogether. If only folks would wake up and take note of the information that's freely available around them, we would read far fewer distressing stories such as the one the O/P @jippytum has shared with us. If anyone out there is interested in the Qigong aspect that I mentioned go visit this website but don't delay, it will only be up for another 12 days.
  7. Sorry @JimmyJ I was a bit hasty with my answer this morning. (note to self, wake up properly before answering) Now I recall I did have edema (swollen legs and ankles) and some weight gain in the early days. The two are a known side affects and were no doubt associated. I've overcome both these conditions with my exercise regime and in fact I'm now 15kgs lighter than I was 3 years ago.
  8. Why do 2 trips to the bank when your requirements can be accomplished in one?
  9. 3 years plus and none so far.
  10. No, definitely not! But hopefully it will not be in forever and as soon as it's removed it's time to get to work. I've avoided ever reaching that stage due to my regime, although I have come close a couple of times in the past.
  11. How much do you do to help yourself @jippytum? Exercise is very important. Walking's great as are squats, lots of them. And avoid sitting for long periods, get up and move around. Another important exercise is the Kegel, the more the merrier. I do up to 60 a day in groups of 10 to 12. There's some good advice regarding exercise on this web site. Eliminate or severely restrict alcohol and caffeine. They are irritants as is spicey food. Watch out for those red hot chilis! I've had prostate issues for at least 10 years, but by keeping fit and healthy I've kept medical treatment to a minimum, which amounts to just 4mg of Cazosin (Doxazosin) per day.
  12. You are not alone @Mickeymaus I've done 5 on line applications using this new system and I didn't know about it! Thanks for pointing it out.
  13. I'll tell you what Nativebob how about you lighten up a bit and respect the fact that English is not the first language of the reporting staff and the term 'taken down' might not mean the same thing to them as it does to you. Even so, having said that, if you care to look up the term in the Cambridge Dictionary you find the following: 'to defeat or kill someone, or to stop someone from causing harm'. So perhaps their understanding of the nuances of the English language is actually better than yours.
  14. Well, my first comment is that you don't need a reminder. Ok, that's a bit tongue in cheek but no, you won't get an email reminder when you're last one was done at the office. Just do it on line as normal.
  15. Sigh! - Why don't you bimble off and read the full article?
  16. From the full account: ''Other than his nationality, the man did not give any information about his identity to law enforcement''. He could have been lying of course, but he did speak Russian.
  17. I don't watch TV very much, but I have noticed when my wife has it on that at least one news channel discarded the masks many months ago. Besides, this is history. It's all over bar the shouting, hadn't you heard?
  18. I have seen Dr. Yong's postings over the last 3 years and he has always demonstrated 'common sense', a lot more than can be said of the drivel I often see on this forum in connection with Covid 19.
  19. At least he has something sensible to say, which is more than can be said for most people on this forum.
  20. Which doesn't answer my question at all, so I'll assume the obvious inference. In fact Dr. Yong is probably far more qualified to comment in this topic than anyone on this forum is or ever has been.
  21. Yong Poovorawan is a professor of pediatrics at the Faculty of Medicine of Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand. He is known for research in the fields of pediatric hepatology, viral hepatitis and virology, and avian influenza. What are your qualifications Proton?
  22. Because where they carry out their duty is probably the most hazardous place that one can be in, other than possibly a war zone. Please don't try and convince me that a hospital is a pathogen free environment.
  23. What ever happened to the 'sad' emoji? Never mind, I can always apply my own. ???????????? the poster that is, not Dr. Yong.
  24. 5 passengers, survived this accident. They were, apparently all from Israel where seatbelt wearing is compulsory, so it's likely they continued the habit here as well especially given Thailand's reputation.
  25. Thanks Dr. Yong. It's high time someone spoke up with a bit of common sense on this issue.
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