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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. During my klast visit this year, I seen more than 50 percent of Motercycle riders without helmets. Women especially do not want their hair mussed up. The amount of toruists without helmets was troubling, and i bet a lot of them did not have out of country medical insurance. I am happy to be back home in cooler tempertures, even the snow on the ground does not bother me. Hot season in Thailand is not for me. I also seen many drunk people riding motercycles, and am not surprised to read this story of a young tourist dying from a crash. RIP to this fellow, and good luck to all of you with this hot season.
  2. is this not attempted murder in most countries? Just curious what the outcome will be in this case?
  3. Well It is March, and is this not considered the Hot Season now? The forecast sounds like that is the case. SURPRISE!
  4. The root of the problem is, Asia and the burning of debris aftrer harvest. Thailand can not do anything if , Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam keep burnign their debris. Posters who think this is only a Thailand problem are sadly just wrong. IMO
  5. So these 2 NZ boxers have rich parents. I guess the nanny or nannies did not teach these 2 spoiled guys much of anything. Jail time and then bann them for a long time is the way to go. IMO
  6. The new Devided States of America, Trump versus Biden. What a state the USA is in right now. 2 dinosaurs who should both be retired forecfully from politics.
  7. If the two dinosaurs of Trump or Biden is the best the USA can get for their presidents, the country is doomed. My Opinion of course.
  8. I found Thailand to be too hot from the last week of February until I left March 13th. My next trip will be in the November to early February period, when some cooler temperature should exist. The food is still great, and prices for most places to stay were not much more expensive than they were just before the COVID hit. Good Luck with the hot season you hearty expats, and tourists.
  9. Hey Tim, Pattaya may be on the nice list, as the beaches especially Jomtien Beach in the south part, are sundset beaches. Just my Opinion anyway. Harvey
  10. All of SE Asia has to quit burning their sugarcane debris to make the air cleaner. Thailand also has to make the old vehicles 20 old and older get off the roads. Oh well I still enjoy a holiday there every few years, so I will pack my N95 masks for my week in Bangkok.
  11. Safety attitude in Thailand seems to be, Oh it is still working a bit, so we will fix it later. Accidents because of brake failure has happened for years and years. It is time for an attitude change, or nothing will change.
  12. Thailand officials did not use their brains, before legalizaing cannabis. People are upset now that they finally thought a bit and changed their minds on an all open policy. The stink of cannabis is better than some raw sewage smells along some back streets and alleys. IMO.
  13. As a Canadian visitor, where we have our own political problems, I cannot comment on Thai politics. I chat with some expat friends and soon we are talking about more serious sports like Football, hockey, and such. Winter has arrived in most of Canada now, so i am looking to escape to hotter places soon. Thailand food is great, people are mostly friendly and the guest houses and hotels are nice as well.
  14. hotchilli, don't forget the loss of face in the situation. I have seen many Thais react badly when they have a loss of face. Lots of stress in the world these days.
  15. Are Thailand government going to wash the streets again to combat the air pollution? TIT. Just wondering.
  16. Darn, those stay awake pills do not last forever, who would have thought.
  17. Once a thief. Well I believe that they do not change when they are on a holiday.
  18. Well, if I was a Russian, I would rather a quick end, falling 8 stories, than a slower death from bullet wounds in Ukraine.
  19. Thieves are very heartless people, nice to know that they will bo goijg to Hell when they die.
  20. I live near the mountains in Canada, so i will not be going to Chiang Mai again soon. I enjoyed the scenery, but got tired of the air pollution. I prefer going near the ocean, because of good sea food, and the relaxing sounds of the ocean waves. Jomtien Beach in south Pattaya and Hua Hin, are 2 of my favorite places. Kata and Pathong beach in Phuket are also 2 more places I may visit this Winter.
  21. Wow, all these big jet airliners will be electric? Oh for sure if you believe science fiction.. Carbon Dioxide is less than 0ne half of one percent of the atmosphere, but some people think it is a lot more. The dream of not needing oil, which makes most plastic products, polyester clothing and suits, exercie gear, and all the linings in car and trucks, the foam in your stuffed chairs, sofas, and bed mattresses. The world that we like to live in will always need oil. We need less of those batteries that catch fire though. I liked the old Lead acid battery, it may not have the output of these new modern batteries, but did not short out and catch fire as easily. The airports can put up lots of solar panels and that may help with some electricity demands, however dreaming of no carbon emmissions is just that a dream.
  22. High end store, low level crook. Some crooks live long lives, but are still crooks. I hope they catch this crook, and many more that are walking around.
  23. Should we assume that this is an expat Brit? Why would a tourist feel the need to buy and have a gun with them on their holidays? Way more to this story than we know for now.
  24. So many houses have those heavy cement tiles on their roofs, which is likely why a lot of them collapsed. I am glad that the country of Japan was prepared to deal with eqrthquakes. It will still take time for roadways to get rebuilt and to help isolated places quickly. Good thing that Japan has lots of helicopters to use.
  25. I agree that there should not be any exemption for criminal responsibility. If a child 10 years old or older kills someone, they should be held responsible and have to spend lots of jail time. The chief did not say anything about executions. Some people need to learn to read the whole article, before commenting. Lawyers should do their jobs in upholding the laws of the country and quit trying to get everyone off the hook, including children who kill.
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