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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. If these two dinosaurs is the best that the USA has for president, the country is in trouble. In my opinion.
  2. I hope Mr mario is reminded that he is a foreignor and then gets deported from Thailand, no matter how rich he is.
  3. TIT, This Is Thailand, need I say more. 5555
  4. I have been to Thailand many times as well as hawaii, and Yes the red flag means danger all over the world, so if stupid people ignore it and go drown in the ocean, I have little sympathy for them. I do feel sorry that their friends and families have to suffer because of their ignorance costing them their lives.
  5. One thing this pedophile needs is to lose his nuts, as well as a long jail sentence. if the UK cannot keep him in jail the rest of his life, they should send him back to Thailand to finish his life in jail in Thailand. IMO. The guy certainly does not need any supporters.
  6. A tax will do nothing for the climate. It will make people poorer though. Ask Australia how its carbon tax helped anything.
  7. They should get maximum jail time for damaging a historical landmark. They are vandals.
  8. Yes, there are males, females, and then there is the confused alphabet people who cannot decide who or what they are. The world has become woke and worse.
  9. I think Hulk Hogan would be far better than the two old dinosaurs that are currently running for president. Are some people afraid of common sense?
  10. So does this mean that she will face deportation? I wonder for how long? Maybe she was just trying to avoid those nasty tropical storms.
  11. 1. It is school time in most of the northern half of the world. 2. it is almost Summer time in the northern half of the world. 3. i do not travel to any hot place of the world when it is hot enough where I live. Thailand, it is low tourist season, or have you tried to change things?
  12. I will wear my KN95 mask for both Bangkok bad air days, and if I have the sniffles I wear my mask so others do not get my cold or flu. I do not care what the Thailand or other parts of the World, anti maskers say. Harvey M
  13. So Area 51 in the USA holds a lot of secrets?
  14. In my belief, transgender people do not need a month to celebrate their status in life. In Canada a whole month is dedicated for these alphabet people and I think it is desgusting. IMO
  15. Murdering someone for being dishonest. I say first degree and this guy deserved the death penalty, and death.
  16. Death sentence with death happening as quickly as it is possible. People like this guy do not need to cost Thailand any more money.
  17. Just like I do not ever feed a soi dog, I also do not cfontribute to a begger. If they are actually Thais down on their luck i may buy them a sandwich, but not money ever goes from my pocket to theirs.
  18. I like using the wai since I do not have to physically touch someone who could be contagious with a cold or something worse. Just call me cautious. I also wear a mask to keep the air pollution out of my lungs on a bad air day in Bangkok.
  19. The people involved with this destruction, if they are identified should all be deported to their home countires. If they have property in the UK, it should all be autioned off to pay for the damage. IMO
  20. Well fellow posters, when the autopsy comes out, if one of you get the results, can you let the rest of us know? Thanks in advance for your great knowledge so far. If this guy was ODed on some drug, oh well, his choice. Thats all i have to say.
  21. If people ignore the red flags, then they are responsible to whatever happens to themselves, like drowning etc. Rip tides are not fatal if you stay calm and swim with the current. You will make it back to shore eventually. Panic and die is the other choice.
  22. Any dog that has attacked ant bittern some child needs to be put down. As other posters have said, it will attack again in the future if given the opportunity.
  23. I hope this guy is sent back to Vietnam, where I am sure he will have lots of jail time. Or maybe short jail time and boom.
  24. Glad to hear that Steve is getting jail time. It is about time.
  25. Increasing airfare prices are not a big help. Rising costs of fuel, meals etc, are also not much help. There will always be some travellers that can afford higher prices, but if th3e world economy is stagnant so the tourism industry will also be mostly stagnant. Thailand Tourism department will have to use their fantacy numbersw for a while yet. IMO
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