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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. I hope the variant of COVID is figured out and the public told what it is that killed these people. I thought that the Omicron and later variants were weaker.
  2. If this woman was replaced by some guy who had a stolen or home made police uniform, well yes good luck . I hope that there was some DNA that survived the blast, but I would doubt, there would be any of that. I feel sorry for the people who have to live with this situation every day, and for the people killed in this attack, especially for the children.
  3. Well I hope the long time accountant to Donald Trump keeps singing like a bird until the Donald gets to see what a jail cell looks like. I guess we will all see just how good or great the US legal system works. I wonder if this will affect the mass of supporters of Trump?
  4. Don't we all love word spell check. It screws up many of my typed letters or posts because the word week does exist and so does weed. This news story gave me a laugh though, just because some people have thought that they could do anything now that weed has been legalized, sort of. Being too high though does not help situations.
  5. If clever, they should have subbed the bag and just put a tiny amount of the right powder in a new bag and seen who picked up the shipment. Of course this is Thailand. Other posters are right, if some body who is powerful picked it up, oops, never mind.
  6. There are misunderstandings, then there is this Chinese guy. I guess the Chinese sign may have given the RTP a clue to check this place out. And thankfully they did.
  7. Those darned unused seatbelts again. RIP fella.
  8. What International flights land there? I know tourists go to the Island, but only on domestic flights or by ferry. Has the runway been lengthened at Koh Samui?
  9. Oh No is there a leak. Plug the hole quickly.
  10. So this guy also had a conviction, and maybe that is the real reason for not wanting to return to China.
  11. Just a note to posters, the age of most of these very young children, is not the same as some other mass killings. Yes these children were very young and did not have a chance to live a good or great life. Harvey M
  12. Nice looking trainer aircraft. It seems that some posters expect pilots to train in something different, of course they are not pilots themselves.
  13. I am just glad I am not in the shoes of those 2 Germans. Hope they are enjoying some jail time, and get to pay for their crimes before leaving Thailand.
  14. Looked more like a badge than an amulet. Amulets do not have cars on them. Harvey
  15. RIP Republican party. This lying piece of trash, wants to run again, so I hope the party get tossed into the garbage. Anyone who would vote for this guy has much morals as he does. Trump can barely tell the truth at anytime. I hope the guy in Florida runs against Trump and beats him soundly. I am also not a Biden fan and hope that someone else runs for his position as well. The Divided States of America, is how I see that country right now. I hope that all the women in America remember the Republicans stance on abortion when they all vote at the next federal election.
  16. When I stayed at Hua Hin, I found a beach area with a small local kitchen. I bought a beer and a meals and got the chair and table for free. I seen a few cheap charlies who thought they could sit down and not pay or buy anything. I guess there are people like that every where in the world.
  17. 700 kms. in an EV with the AC blasting, I seriously doubt that. With the current battery in EVs, it will take another pile of years to get that kind of distance on a hot day in Thailand or any tropical country. Oh did you know the battery in an EV is also very expensive to replace?
  18. NFT means what? No Fake Tourists? Just wondering.
  19. I think that there are at least two cities in India that have worse air quality than Bangkok. I wonder what the range is for this newest electric plane? I wonder how long it takes to recharge the battery as well? If it was not for oil, an EV car or plane could be built, think about that for a while. There is a lot of oil products in each of these EVs, like the battery dashboards, and the linings and coverings inside of them.
  20. Not everyone is a sungod with good health and apparent strong immunities. Many people have health issues, and getting vaccinated may have saved their lives. If you need to get another booster, there are many red necks where I live in Alberta Canada who say they will not get a vaccine or wear a mask for any reason. Hence there should be lots of extra vaccines, Pfizer or Moderna available. I hope that COVID does not make any country lock down again. China is the exception. Has China ever not been on some sort of lock down. Good Luck everyone.
  21. Well this is bad for Thailand, but I also have to wonder what the percentage is in Japan?
  22. Rooster, thanks for the news update, and pictures. Maybe the land of Smiles saying, should add and hot bodies, since Thailand is a tropical country, and it is hot pretty much every day of the year. Just a thought.
  23. I am confused. I thought that climate change could be the planet warming itself up. After all volcanoes do not cool the planet down, and it seems that there have been many volcanoes around the world recently. How about forest fires caused by lightening as well as other causes. Smoke from forest fires cannot be cooling the planet down much either. I still like Global warming as a phrase.
  24. I like the Florida win. That fellow seems to have no love for Donny. At least the elections posters and speeches will be done until the next big election.
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