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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. Yup the whole thing was the bijes fault, another innocent expat Brit. Amazing Thailand as always.
  2. Maybe California has too many earth quakes, as well as people with multiple guns. My ex father in law nad 6 rifles, and about 6 revolvers, as his wife had a small one as well. He was a deputy sherrif at times, but a typical American.
  3. jail time, a big fine, and then deportations with at ltast 10 years ban on returning. If an expat cannot afford to stay in Thailand honestly, they need to go home.
  4. Let this guy enjoy some ThaI prison time first. The he will be so happy to go back to a UK prison.
  5. I wonder why the space suits are different as well, would it not be a benifit to have all the suits compatable? Just an Idea..
  6. It will be a great day when the word Trump fades into history, like the word Trudeau. Orange is hopefully the new black.
  7. Tragic accident that was avoidable. RIP. I feel sorry for the truck driver, those loaded trucks take a long way to stop. I have seen many close calls by young drivers who think they can do this sort of maneuver.
  8. Maybe the Republican dinosaur could retire like Biden did, that would be a better solution to the American problem. No more dinosaurs allowed to be president. Too bad there was not a 34d choice in political parties in the USA. Too complicated perhaps.
  9. Well I heard that Iran was a nice country years ago. The past will not change with the currant governing body in place. Sadly.
  10. There are indeed cases where the murderer deserves the death penalty. I wished that we had it in Canada for first degree murder.
  11. TIT, and if you are a rich family with connections with the richer and more powerful families, life is different. Thailand is not at all like other countries, especially the UK. I am not an expat but am married to a Thai woman and her family. The knowledge I have gain about Thailand and all its difference is amazing indeed. Glad to see a police chief being affedted.
  12. If you see the great highways and bridges etc, remember that those things are in China, and they want their highways and bridges to last. Stuff that is built outside the country is a total different matter, and I think it is the same for most countries. I would trust japan and other countires more as they want to have a good reputation. I also think that China is not as concerned about their reputation. Just my opinion of course.
  13. The rich and powerful will be swhare holders of these official, Legal Casinos no doubt. They like good profit making investments, just like the rest of the world. IMO.
  14. This is a true Muslim country with harsh rule. If the Taliban cannot govern the country and make it economical for the population, that is their problem and fault. Next story, please.
  15. He should be put one half to deaqth, ie, beaten half to death, maybe just to show him how pain feels. For sure he shoulod get a long prison sentence, since he is already a criminal.
  16. How did Sri Lanka do with its Digital currency? Not well, I think.
  17. A few years ago I had 3 stray dogs threaten me, so I fed them Dog burgers and they did not threaten me again. Simple solution, and I doubt that anyone missed those strays as there are still hundreds of soi dogs aroung the country.
  18. Theswe ponds should have at least some poles in the ground at and near the edge so if some child falls in they have some way to get back out of the pond. i would hope that even a Thai person would know the dangers of people drowning. For sure all you expats that have an acerage that has a pond would do this.
  19. Summer time rains, must be needed for crops, right? I just hope the right spots get the moisture. Good Luck to all affected by the extra moisture.
  20. If this guy only paid a small amount toward a car, he was buying a car. if he only paid a small amount toward a house, he did not really buy a house or a car. If he did not safe guard his accounts, that is also his fault for being too trusting. It would be best for him to call relatives in Russia to help him to go home. IMO A tear jerker story for sure.
  21. Yahoo! Now Thailand has a young , good looking, or should I say attractive PM. Much better than the old Dinosaur running in the USA, or most of the old dinosaurs in politics in Thailand and most parts of the world. 75 should be the cut off age to even be in politics. IMO of course
  22. My question is, why is Hamas the power in Gaza City and West Bank. Hamas is a terrorist organization and should not be in any kind of political power at all. IMO. I do not believe that it was only Hamas that built all of the tunnels as well, i am sure that many men of Gaza and other parts of West bank were involved in these tunnel systems. Isreal is not innocent as well, and they should not be allowing their settlers to encroach into the West Bank area.
  23. I thought India was sort of a tropical country, where there are monsoons, and big storms at times. Now everything is Climate change, or Global warming. I remember the old days of La Nina and El Nino and weather patterns. Crazy times now, in my opinion.
  24. In Canada we would say, the person was shocked, not electrocuted, but TIT and English is not their language.
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