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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. 22 hours ago, Trillian said:

    Agreed, many Western expats imagine themselves as being totally responsible for keeping the Thai economy afloat, it would crash if they all pulled their funds from Thai banks and unless Westerners visit the country quality tourism will collapse.....it's time many re-evaluated their true worth to the country, things have moved on from the 1970's.

    Indeed they have moved on, to what ? The biggest mess unravelling at the moment since WW2  I think just about everyone in the country including the goons at the top would like to go back to 1970...... 

  2. On 5/24/2020 at 5:00 AM, dingdongrb said:

    It's our tools for kicking the chit out of the Brits and running them out of our country. If that wadn't done then we would be speaking some form of utter nonsense English

    Ex: A biscuit is a <deleted> cookie

    ...  ????

    Hey, it wasn't you, it was the French while we fighting five countries at once, ....... You just claimed the credit like everything else..... Strange how you didn't claim Vietnam as a victory though...... Yanks ? 

  3. 14 hours ago, koratkarlos said:

    Just test people on re-entry.  Put a cell phone app which traces people.  Make people get a medical check in a few days and use technology.  I think Australia is proposing something like this.  People should pay for the testing.

    Oh yeah, can you imagine the look on the Health Ministers face when he can charge the B-Jesus out of farangs coming into the country ?   Don't give these lot ideas..... 

  4. Well that's it then, extend the lock down and stop all sales of alcohol, reduce the possibility of buying food and then we can starve them in their homes so that the "Quality tourists" coming next month won't have to cope with the locals...... Job done.......   What are going to do about those pesky farangs though ? .......... Anutin !

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  5. 41 minutes ago, SupermarineS6B said:

    The British essentially made the modern world. British institutions of representative democracy inspired French Enlightenment philosophers such as Montesquieu to devise theories of modern government that influenced other modern European states. The main characteristics of the United States— a commitment to liberalism, the rule of law, civil rights, and trade— were inherited from the British and spread throughout the world. Most of these characteristics evolved organically throughout the long history of England, rather than being the result of some master plan.

    These characteristics were also instrumental in helping the British Empire grow, thrive and hold whatever territory it controlled. Moreover, its example was widely emulated, whether for its financial prowess or its naval strength. At its peak in the early 20th century, the British Empire stretched across almost a quarter of the world— the largest of any empire in history. This feat was made possible more because of England’s organizational feats and financial prowess rather than through a huge army. For example, the British conquest of India was mostly undertaken by Indian troops in British pay who choose to serve the British because of the regular salaries and benefits offered by them. London also demonstrated a remarkable ability to handle multiple wars at once. And while they sometimes lost battles the British rarely lost wars.  


    The largest Empire in History, granted........  Or did i mean the most usefully beneficial one ?   

    Interesting reading........https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Empire

    • Thanks 1
  6. 22 hours ago, Derek B said:

    I guess I'm a fool then.   The only thing I can think of worst case is permanently closed borders except for members of the CCP meaning the Domino effect has still to be completed.

    If you live here and are seeing what's going on with the likes of Anutin and his mates and the Governments sucking up of China, how long do you think before you and i will be asked (Forced to leave) ?  Nationalism of this flavour is very dangerous stuff and the last time this happened was during WW2..........  It didn't end well for Thailand that time either.   I've lived in Thailand longer than i lived in my home country and it's sad that the powers that be are making it hard for "Foreigners" to stay here....... I just wonder when western governments do the same to Thais what will be the backlash on the Thai government and will it be a blessing straw that breaks the (Buffalos back)  ?  

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, 3NUMBAS said:

    the UK jobs outlook is being compared with the 80s so everywhere else will be the same ,dire propsects .so nobody will be buying many smart phones in the coming years .make and mend is the future for everyone.learn how to darn your socks and repair your shoes again until theyre so old

    I remember the eighties very well, my career interview consisted of, "Army, Navy, Air Force or the dole"..... ?  Mind you it did send me abroad....... Which in hindsight was a blessing.......   

  8. On 5/24/2020 at 2:25 AM, KarenBravo said:

    Longest enduring? I don't think so.

    The Roman empire endured for far, far longer. As did the Ottoman empire.

    The British essentially made the modern world. British institutions of representative democracy inspired French Enlightenment philosophers such as Montesquieu to devise theories of modern government that influenced other modern European states. The main characteristics of the United States— a commitment to liberalism, the rule of law, civil rights, and trade— were inherited from the British and spread throughout the world. Most of these characteristics evolved organically throughout the long history of England, rather than being the result of some master plan.

    These characteristics were also instrumental in helping the British Empire grow, thrive and hold whatever territory it controlled. Moreover, its example was widely emulated, whether for its financial prowess or its naval strength. At its peak in the early 20th century, the British Empire stretched across almost a quarter of the world— the largest of any empire in history. This feat was made possible more because of England’s organizational feats and financial prowess rather than through a huge army. For example, the British conquest of India was mostly undertaken by Indian troops in British pay who choose to serve the British because of the regular salaries and benefits offered by them. London also demonstrated a remarkable ability to handle multiple wars at once. And while they sometimes lost battles the British rarely lost wars.  


    The largest Empire in History........  Or did i mean the most useful one ?   

  9. 6 minutes ago, ChaiyaTH said:

    Yes that is not how law works, thank god. You also shoot without mandate because a person is bad? No.

    Law ? What are you talking about ?  The man's a trained soldier with a problem that should be addressed by people with more understanding than Thailand could possibly offer him..... Thai Police, US Embassy, then back home...... Might not be the best solution in his mind but unfortunately the problem has to go back to where it was created.....  Then fixed if possible.....

    • Like 1
  10.   Anyone that doesn't understand the beneficial influence that Britain had on the world really doesn't know history........ Luckily they were instrumental in stopping Thailand being colonized....... and thankfully stopping us all from barking at each other in German or kissing blokes like the French...... The largest and longest enduring Empire the world had ever seen, run by less people than the staff of Big C........  

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  11. 47 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

    Obviously you have never had a discussion whith these ''poor young women''

    let me inform you that you have no any clue about what you are talking about here

    100% no clue whatsoever....... Those little angels have got more savvy than all the Tin pot Generals put together and could run this place on half charge......  Historically there's been brasses working here and running the place since Marco Polo turned up and said right lads that's enough, back on the boat....... 

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