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Posts posted by maxcorrigan

  1. 8 hours ago, yellowboat said:

    Good kids.  They should challenge cha cha to a debate.   That is something he dreads.  That will rid him once and for all from Thai politics.  He is a entitle coward.   He will not debate, but will wear pretty clothes instead. 


    Somebody on this forum should make a picture book of all his glamorous outfits.  The question is who could pull such an audacious project?   

    Don't worry i would imagine the bloke you're alluding too S......100 has already got an overflowing scrap book not counting the pictures on his bedroom wall, that can be swung into use at the drop of a hat when he writes the memoirs of Khun Prayut Chan o Cha and how he amassed and deservedly gained his 2 billion bht fortune (according to S...100 that is), order now or now or be forever dissapointed!

    • Like 1
  2. On 8/29/2020 at 9:31 PM, surat04 said:

    I thought it was getting better. Just received another package, 10 days door to door. Not bad.


    Just got a letter from Nationwide dated the 26th Aug received on 1st Sept ordinary mail so if anything to go by and not a one off back to normal, or as my Thai wife would say "back to norman"

  3. I have been transferring from Halifax Account £9.50 per transfer delivery times vary 1 or 3 days, will forget now transferring from my other bank Nationwide which i'm in dispute with at the moment as it's been a total shambles all along i can't even access my online account 6 weeks so far and have got nowhere, will give tranferwise a go next time i transfer usually £3000 a time cost varies i suppose?

  4. 8 hours ago, elgenon said:


    Hated it so much he came back in '98, for 5 days! i would'nt even get over the jet lag in that time!

    "Not everybody likes an open air brothel, went back in 98 to stay for 5 days, stuck it for one and l

    • Like 1
  5. Just proves the old saying "Words are Cheap" certainly in this case everyone knows the the red bull runt will not be charged with anything, the worst that will happen is he'll stay out of Thailand for a little longer, all a complete waste of time, just to pretend the RTP are doing something, there are far too many big snouts in the trough to let justice take it's toll in this saga!

  6. 52 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    There is a better chance that the army will admit their incompetence, and step down tomorrow, than the fact that these guys are actually guilty, and not the fall guys for the son of the headman of Sairee Beach. 


    So, while the clemency was merciful, they still will remain imprisoned for life, so the son of a very rich and influential guy can roam freely. 

    Yes, the CCTV footage of the head man's son (who had a very distinctive walk) was seen in the footage hurrying away from the beach at the time of the murder, the said CCTV footage immediately vanished and the CCTV camera was then reported as not been working at the time of the murder!

    • Like 1
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  7. 55 minutes ago, Hi Tea said:

    Perhaps they had more respect for themselves and their daughter than to take The Sun's money?

    Plus the sister of the murdered girl died of cancer not so long ago, so they have lost both daughter one being murdered one of cancer, terribly unfortunate i believe the two girls were their only offspring, after going through that i don't think i would want to talk to anybody either!

    Correction the family have a son as well!


  8. 5 hours ago, paul1804 said:

    This is another very controversial case, why does Thailand allow this to go on knowing full well that there is something seriously amiss here. Come on Thailand move into a world of transparency, stamp out corruption as these face saving scenarios are seriously detrimental to your integrity and the people of Thailand. Long term you will benefit & prosper. 

    Prayut said a the time a Thai would never do this, and later said he was quite happy justice had been done after the court case!

  9. 6 hours ago, herwin1234 said:

    Except the parents of the murdered victims who have seen more evidence than you.


    "Miller’s family also expressed confidence in the Thai judicial process, saying the evidence against the defendants seemed “powerful and convincing”."


    It seems everybody is deeply convinced it all was a big set up, two poor immigrants wrongly setup by corrupt Thai police (of course, whats new...) and wrongly convicted.


    I didnt see the evidence nor did i follow  the case, but the parents believe these are the murderers, they seen evidence and also spoken with investigators from the uk.


    So, why exactly whats the evidence that these two young men are innocent?

    The girls parents did not believe the Burmese were the killers Hanna's (sp.) sister came out to Thailand and to Kho Tao to try and find out more she was first offered money to forget it which she refused then warned to keep her mouth shut and leave Thailand with the kind words to tell her parents to make another daughter!

    • Like 1
  10. 9 hours ago, Youlike said:

    The report is missing an important part...within 5 minutes there was another driver of the ferrari who claimed he was the one who drove the car....


    What happened to him?

    Read post no 21 by Bundooman he brings the other  other supposedly driver up there!

  11. 4 hours ago, The Barmbeker said:

    There was one incident, that got my attention at the time!

    I was once a witness to a police re-- enactment of a crime and the bystanding public was up in arms, screaming and shouting at the allledged criminal (it was an alleged rape case) nad some even tried to throw rocks at the gguy!


    When I saw the reenactment at Koh Tao, I was reminded of that case!

    Remember: the guys were given helmets and bulletproof vests...and then the whole reenactment went over in absolute silence!

    Noone uttered a word!

    No shouts!

    No screams!

    No rocks!


    Ad this to the fact, that 2 Burmese had to be shown, what they had to do and where to do it, was just another drop in the bucket!


    Now: transferring this death- sentence into a life sentence is the lowest hanging fruit I have ever seen!

    Many Thais I talked to, were 100% convinced, that the Burmese did not do it!

    But there is something else, that I find weird, and it is connected to the ongoing student- protests and what they are alledgedly about...and against!


    Yes it seemed like they were told they were pointing the wrong way by the police!

    • Like 2
  12. 4 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

    One other thing I found interesting about this case .

    David Miller was murdered on the island in September 2014 .

    Luke Miller  died in suspicious circumstances on the island  in January 2016 .

    They both share the same surname .

    Could some people on the island noticed they both shared the same surname and thought Luke may have been Davids family going to the island to seek revenge ?

    I think mainly coincidence, David Miller's brother was satisfied the police had done a good job, unlike the girl's sister who came to Thailand to find out out more and at was at first offered money to shut up then threatened and suggested she leave Thailand with the lovely suggestion to tell her parents to make another daughter, the sister has since died from cancer unfortunately!

    • Sad 1
  13. 1 hour ago, sandyf said:

    What you need to enter on the form is the gross amount and the tax paid, a P60 is certainly the easiest way to get the info.

    You should know what the gross annual amount is, it will either be fixed or variable, if variable then the pension provider should notify you of the new amount prior to the start of each year.

    You will know from your account what you receive in the year, so add up the payments and deduct from the gross amount to get the tax paid.

    If you don't have the notifications from the pension company the best solution is to request a P60 for the years concerned.

    Yes a P60 would tell how much gross amount and tax paid. when i asked LPFA for a P60 they answered for security reason they can't send online, normally every year they send by mail, but this year and with the CV19 panic i've received nothing, will keep trying to get a P60 the combinrd amount i've received the year up to 2019 is £14,60884 that of course includes the dependency allowance of which i think was £64 or there about, £70 being tax free. hope this makes sense!


  14. 28 minutes ago, maxcorrigan said:

    Thanks for your help Sandy you have explained that very clearly, i will check when i'm on my desktop PC on haw much LPFA pay a month then over a year,

    i need as far as can see a P60 to see how much tax i have actually paid and if i have overpaid, as you've probably realised i'm not the sharpest tool in the box when it comes to figures like this!

    Sandy just re-read your earlier post about not needing a P60 so i'll add up my yearly income and send it to them as you suggested!

  15. On 8/11/2020 at 4:45 PM, sandyf said:

    I think you have misunderstood something, neither LPFA or DWP would have any say in the amount of tax or the code number being used. That would come from HMRC.

    DWP pay you a pension which is taxable but free from tax, no code involved. LPFA pay you a pension and deduct tax according to the code from HMRC. 

    If you code is 7L, then for arguments sake if your pension from LPFA was £5070/year, then you would pay tax on £5000, as you would be allowed £70 tax free. Your total tax for the year would be around £1000.

    Thanks for your help Sandy you have explained that very clearly, i will check when i'm on my desktop PC on haw much LPFA pay a month then over a year,

    i need as far as can see a P60 to see how much tax i have actually paid and if i have overpaid, as you've probably realised i'm not the sharpest tool in the box when it comes to figures like this!

  16. 4 hours ago, sandyf said:

    State pension is always net, frozen or not, DWP do not collect tax. If state pension was your only income and above the personal limit you would have to pay them manually.

    Normally the state pension is taken into consideration with other income and any tax due applied to the other income.

    In my case the inland revenue always do a code number on the basis my pension is not frozen, hence there is always an overpayment in tax. So much for them working hand in hand.

    No problem.

    Thanks Sandy yes i have another pension with LPFA or London Pension Authority who take the tax required as supplied and code number by the DWP, when i asked them about tax and frozen pensions,they said there was nothing they could do and to take it up with DWP so round in circles it goes!

  17. On 8/9/2020 at 8:59 AM, sandyf said:

    I shouldn't worry about a P60, just tell them how much you have received. You have to state your state pension separately which is always net. You then state the gross amount of all other pensions and how much tax has been paid.


    I should have said that you would need to register with the gateway using a UK address, which if you are already registered would be the case. You would also need a UK bank account for the refund or they would send a cheque to the registered address.

     "You can only be taxed on the amount you receive (the frozen rate)" Sandy This was part of the answer i received from the DWP office couple of weeks back Thanks sandyf for your input and interest.

  18. 8 hours ago, torturedsole said:

    Your wife might be content with ILR and a lot of Thais are, but it's a precarious state with many restrictions.  All restrictions are lifted on becoming a British citizen.  


    Yes, once your wife has achieved ILR then the path to citizenship is nothing more than form filling and stumping up the cash.  


    Have a plan for once your wife gets here and set the bar high then go for it.  I understand your wife isn't confident with exams but I've seen many Thai ladies equally as nervous and pass all the tests, sometimes eventually.  



    Yes ILR is precarious my wife has just lost her ILR on the 6th July after holding it for more than 7 years and spending more than two years away from UK, we were planning to return to the UK back in the springtime for 3 or 4 months to sort things out before returning to the UK permanently at Christmas, all plans now wrecked by CV-19 could not return now with UKs ridiculous financial requirement that an average pension could not meet!

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