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Posts posted by maxcorrigan

  1. On 7/16/2020 at 9:31 AM, stupidfarang said:

    Keep quite, that way you get the yearly increase. Do not tell anyone! Many expats do this.

    May as well get my two pennorth in for what it's worth in this discussion, i did not tell the DWP i had moved to Thailand and got the usual increase in April, i used to check my UK bank every month to make sure pension had been paid in, about 9 months later i found my pension had been stopped they had found out i had moved to Thailand i don't know how only presumed people in my old address in UK had returned mail, they were very nice (if that's possible) asking for my new address telling me my pension would be frozen and dropped my pension back to what it was before the above mention increase, they did not take back any of the over payments at all, needless to say i check the bank every week now!

    • Like 2
  2. 14 hours ago, PJPom said:

    The length of time between conviction and execution in the USA is astonishing. To delay the execution for years seems to be standard and I often wonder why this should happen. 
    This latest plea is at the least facetious and how a Lawyer could propose it is laughable, but I suppose that is his job, next they will be claiming he is afraid of needles so it is cruel and unjust punishment.

    Seems Thailand is similar in the case of the Burmese two on death row now for 6 years, and counting!

  3. 20 hours ago, sapson said:

    Have to keep the bosses happy and the envelopes coming..... if any problems with sickness just dont test for covid and in a worse case scenario they can blame any infection on Burmese workers........let the tills open and the gravy chain start flowing.


    I wonder how the guilty as required two lads are doing after the appeal failed.......best swept under Thailands magic carpet of denial!

    True, only those poor sods are in lock down for life as it seems!

  4. 34 minutes ago, chilly07 said:

    Seems to be a standard question to ask how much money you get per month especially as the 800k is meant to stay in the bank. Why don't you ask for a marriage extension? Never had a visit from Jomtien for 7 years but then I haven't ever changed my address.

    My last two extensions from Jomtien both required home visits i have not changed address for nine years, my guess is it might have something to do with how far you live from the IO Sattahip is next door to Jomtien (purely a guess)

  5. 2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Yes you can. I registered and my address is in Thailand.


    It's a very good site. Easy to amend information which they usually react to very quickly. You can get emails sent to you notifying any changes or messages and then enter the site to check them.



    I just went to register and apparently it was shut down in March 2019 is that true?

  6. 20 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    When you're 75, let us know how you're doing with getting health insurance. Thanks.

    Yes they all trot out the same <deleted>, every single time these topics come up, of course we know it's sensible to have insurance any dope knows that, i was with BUPA for many years the premiums increasing by huge amounts every year, it got as far as £83 (if i remember) a month when i thought to hell with it, i stopped the standing order they did not even bother to get in touch and ask why, i had been with them for a number of years 10 at least (if i recall) at that time i had no health problems at all and did'nt made one single claim, but they were quite content to take your money though! 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 4 hours ago, dcsw53 said:

    The hospital should pursue him for the money. What about seizing the vehicle he was driving ?
    Too many people over here chancing their arm by not having insurance. Make insurance mandatory, and provide cover at reasonable cost. Premiums would depend on the hospital you want to go to, high for the fancy internationals, lower for the basic municipal.

    Yes so glibly told, just try getting insurance over 80 with a bit of medical history, easier said than done, if you can find cover at all, and then all the written clauses in the small print, ie. hardly any cover at all!

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