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Posts posted by maxcorrigan

  1. Slight deviation from the opener so hope it's OK to hi-jack his thread, my Thai wife has ILR in the uk and must get stamped in at least every two years she is planning to fly to the UK in May this year to keep her ILR alive, more than a two year gap she will lose it, if UK comes up with a block on Thailand visitors i wonder if the UK will make allowances for such a scenario, she would hate to lose it for something completely out of her control, again apologise to the opener!

  2. 21 hours ago, baansgr said:

    TAT figures are available....Westerners still make a large percentage of tourists...what's the point of the post, I went to Jomtien immigration yesterday, was full of foreigners, not a Korean or Chinese to be seen....maybe the Chinese over estimate their importance...much ado about nothing really

    That is true i went to Jomtiem IO last Monday 24th don't recall seeing any Chinese types there at all mostly it seemed to me to be Eastern Europeans this was at their marriage extension counter and being Monday morning it was banged out, but saying that we were in an out in 45 minutes, home visit today 27th took about 10 minutes!

  3. 3 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    The reality is even worst than most people imagine. Zuckerberg is one of a new breed of billionaire "surveillance capitalists" with unprecedented influence over every aspect of our lives.


    The ability of these social media giants to monitor and ultimately control the behavior of entire populations makes them potentially more powerful than any government. And time to curb their imperialistic ambitions is rapidly running out.







    Exactly as Malcom X said a couple of years back!

    Malcom X_edited.jpg++.jpg

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Binger said:

    Hi ya i live in si sa ket providence and had to have 2 witnesses as well but my son’s wife was able to be one who lives in same house so may be your maid + gardener can be the witness then again never know from one Immagation to the next ????

    As far as i remember the witness will need their own housebook our visit last year (March) was a couple of weeks after our visit to Jontiem IO they phone a couple of days before hand to let you know!

  5. 2 hours ago, tso310 said:

    He's a big Gary Glitter fan -


    I'm the leader, I'm the leader, I'm the leader of the gang, I am
    I'm the leader, I'm the leader, well, there's no one like the man I am
    I can take you high as a kite every single night
    I can make you jump out of bed standing on my head

    If you're from the uk and old enough you might remember the song "I'm a wa...ker" much more apt!

    • Haha 1
  6. 14 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    I for one being a resident farang would gladly kick his fat backside all the way to airport and back to where he hatched from. As for his missus she could do some time in jail to reflect on her actions to a fellow countrywomen.

    Thieving at best is bad enough but from elderly shopkeepers who showed them an amount of trust and good service didn't deserve this!

    From the opener they are both reported as being foreign and she certainly looks foreign so stealing from her own country women does'nt really come into it, unless i misunderstood your post!

  7. 46 minutes ago, Yinn said:

    Very stupid thread question.


    Thai people not care/think about/ interest/talk about “westerners” much.

    Thai intersted/care about there family, friends, neighbors, pets more than “westerners”


    Sorry, you not important like you imagine yourself. 

    In your home country, people talk about Thai people every day? Or not?


    Q “Which countries in SEA dont blame westerners for everything”

    A  Every SEA country. 

    Welcome back Yinn, agreed seem's a strange question in view of this horrific robbery! 

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, dvg said:

    2 month ago I had foto nr 2 and 3 and was send back home for a 3 th picture in the bedroom with the two off us.Here in Chiang Mai.

    Strangely enough at jomthiem i have never been asked (five times) for bedroom photos, but as already stated big variations at different IOs so best for the opener to make sure what exactly is required at the office he intends on using! 

  9. On 1/3/2020 at 8:41 PM, Oxx said:


    "I think"? Clearly you didn't "think".  Why make up a stupid lie that is so easily disproven? Some pathological hatred of the UK? Or just of its navy?


    There one Admiral, five vice admirals and 22 rear admirals, compared with 75 commissioned ships (including submarines) and additional ships in the Royal Fleet Auxiliary and under contract.




    Sorry if i upset you there and thanks for the info, the reason i said think was because it was something i had read a while back, but could not vouch for as i did not know if the info was correct or not, as for hatred of the UK i was born and bred there 81 years ago and certainly no hatred for it or the navy, not as you seem to have when answering a post, can you actually hold a discussion before accusing people of lying and stupidity accusations?   

  10. On 1/2/2020 at 12:57 PM, overherebc said:

    I would agree. Even UK forces it becomes less likely to be involved up the sharp end if ranked higher than major. In some of the more specialised units Colonels may get involved but that's tied to specialist training and experience.

    Coming through the ranks to reach comm' off' status it's also unusual to climb higher than major. Positions above that are usually filled by Sandhurst production systems and the old boy network meaning you fit into the 'forward, he cried from the rear' system.

    UK I think now had about 80ish total Brig's and Gen's

    I think the UK also has more Admirals than ships, so not only top heavy here in Thailand

    • Confused 1
  11. On 12/21/2019 at 9:13 PM, Mac98 said:

    Because the pre-existing conditions loophole means you will not be covered for what is most likely to put you in hospital. You will have paid thousands of dollars for absolutely nothing. And if a retiree makes it to 75 he can't get insurance anyway. Offer a decent policy and i will buy it. They should have an inexpensive "catastrophic" policy that covers costs for anything and everything, but only for the part of those costs exceeding 200,000b. The hospital should collect your passport and not return it until your part of the bill has been paid.    

    Exactly, some posters come up with these none thought out reasons for not having insurance, just try getting insured at 81 with existing conditions see what it costs if you can get it, and what you are covered for, as the swaying goes "words are cheap" the actual doing is somewhat different!

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