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Posts posted by maxcorrigan

  1. 21 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    I read yesterday that the British government statisticians include "deaths suspected as being due to covid 19" in the official figures. Whereas some other countries only include confirmed definite cases.



    Yes i read the same thing the operative word being "suspected" though why they want to drum up numbers i don't understand!

  2. 10 hours ago, blackcab said:


    At the present time a Thai citizen would only be able to return to Thailand on a repatriation flight that was pre-arranged by the Thai government. Such a flight would be at the time and date of the Thai government's choosing. There is no guarantee a flight would be scheduled at a time or date that suits you.


    The Thai citizen would need to obtain a fit to fly certificate from a doctor and a letter from the Thai Embassy in London before they were booked onto the flight.


    Upon returning the Thai citizen would be placed in mandatory state quarantine for 14 days.

    I s there any source for that possibly in Thai, not doubting you at all, seems a bit steep though!

  3. As another said Colin you need an emergency escape route, maybe one of those Roman catapult machines you sit on in your chair with a parachute attached then up up and away!

    Glad you're alright mate, you've certainly put Preston on the map with your exploits, take care and stay safe!

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  4. 21 hours ago, sandyf said:

    The code only dictates how much tax is to be paid. I am in the same boat as Dave just above but I have never bothered about it. I pay a bit too much tax each month and then just claim it back at the end of the year.

    The tax is taken from another pension and I will get a P60 in another week or so. Once I have that I will do an online tax return and you get the money in about a week.


    I hate to tell you this but you have just dipped out. The year 2018/19 had 14 payments, only happens every 21 years.

    I will wait for my P60 then maybe get back to you then, if you don't mind!

  5. 19 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    I never told them anything. They just sent me a new code and I just claim the refund every year.

    Sandy i have not seen anything on a refund, maybe i'm missing the obvious, i just get the yearly coding and left it at that, will look closer this time though, now they've stopped allowance for wife (can't recall exact name for this so called benefit)

  6. 17 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Available from Iherb.

    Strangely enough when i visited North Carolina a few years back speaking of Irish tea, i was looking in a big store for English Breakfast Tea as it is usually called every where i've been, could'nt it find in the tea section, then found Irish Breakfast Tea, for some reason it seems Americans don't like giving credit too England or the English maybe with some justification, this is not to say of course that the Irish don't drink tea, as i'm sure they do!

  7. 1 hour ago, gamini said:

    What do you mean by home country? I have always understood that those of us who live here call Thailand our home. Why are you here if its not your home. I am just curious. Sometimes Thais ask me where I am from. I cant answer that question. I was born in a British colony. I have UK and NZ passports but I have Irish, British,  Dutch, German and Italian blood! 

    You're a mongrel then?????

  8. 1 hour ago, VocalNeal said:

    To go to "the" University implies a college in Oxford? In your example the Brits are correct. 

    Only Brits and the like omit articles in front of words like school, hospital, university and bank. An American or Canadian would say that I go to "a university" or "the university" and not simply "university".


    You're are joking when Americans say things like Play ball, skip rope, Play Guitar, not Play the Guitar, Play Piano  not play the piano etc. as the English would say.

    The rest of your post is complete rubbish cliches that a lot of Americans love not all though thank goodness!

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