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Posts posted by maxcorrigan

  1. 13 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    Now that's an interesting juxtaposition isn't it.


    And I can tell you from experience, that you were to contact Nationwide helpline or secure messaging and ask them 'will you send my replacement card to Thailand' they will say 'no we can't'. - And then they do! Yes, that's actually happened to me.


    In the world of banking, the left hand doesn't always know what the right hand is doing. No wonder there is so much confusion regarding these these issues.

    I was only quoting from own experience otherwise i would not have commented, from the Nationwide and the Halifax Bank!

  2. 20 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    Don't all the UK banks use the card reader?

    No, Halifax bank does not use a card reader and will not send replacement debit cards on expiry to Thailand either, they say they have an embargo on Thailand, when i asked why via their (now discontinued) 24hr helpline in Thailand they did not know!

    Nationwide on the other hand use the reader as others have said, and have no problems sending replacement cards, so it all depends on who you bank with!

  3. 8 minutes ago, saengd said:

    You are incorrect on the first point but correct on the second point.


    I suppose if you made yourself UK resident and then the very next day went back to Thailand, they might have something to say about that and your pension might revert. But if you file a tax return or two inbetween then all should be good.

    Yes i did think that, after i posted my comment!

  4. 1 hour ago, saengd said:

    Not quite.


    For example, my UK state pension was frozen at 110 Pounds per week when I left the UK to live in Thailand. Two years ago, when I declared myself UK resident once again, DWP started to pay me all of the increases I had not received since I left the UK hence my pension was increased to 125 Pounds per week.

    Yes but how i understand it is, if you came back to live in Thailand again your pension would go back to when you first left £110, correct me if i'm wrong!                                                                 And as a side note if you left Thailand and went to live in the Phillopeans (SP) where pensions are not frozen would you still get all the increases?

  5. On 11/26/2019 at 5:29 PM, oobar said:

    Is pedo also not short for pedodontist, which, though likely not correct in this case, is hardly an insult worth suing over.  A silly lawsuit.

    I don't think you followed the case at all, he called Vern a pedo not just once, he called him a pedo a second time, not only that he got someone to check Vern's past history in Pattaya to see if there was any dirt he could dig up, he also tried to say that Vern married his wife when she was under aged all unsuccessful, and it was Musk who dared Vern to sue him, not the other round as many on here keep saying! 

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 11/24/2019 at 1:37 PM, Galong said:

    Hi Max,  I don't know what sort of insurance government employees have in addition to Social Security, if any.  You might want to check to see if you're actually getting the Thai SS.  If you are, you can continue to contribute to it and get the benefits.  

    Do you have a card to present the hospitals when you visit?  My SS card is blue and white with a triangular logo.   Probably best to ask your wife what you actually have. If you're not actually working, I question whether you'd be on the Thai SS system... that would be a guess on my part.

    Best of luck.

    Thanks for your answer, this is  not SS as far as i am aware, i pay nothing in at all hence no card, and  i have never worked here, it seems since she was a government employee (Teacher) i am covered!

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 11/20/2019 at 1:04 PM, colinneil said:

    Maybe, but as a young lad i was told too much w++king made you go blind, well almost 60 years later my eye sight is still ok.:cheesy::cheesy:

    Well Colin that certainly proves you're not a stropper then, plus i was always told too much w+++ng makes hair grow on the palms of your hands (i can see you now looking)

    • Haha 1
  8. On 11/20/2019 at 9:57 AM, ivor bigun said:

    Thanks ,same day? wow ,will have to get one of our neighbours ,most are buisiness people so have work commitments and are not home till the evening , 

    Mine was not the same day it was about 2wks later. witness required with their house book, 3 men arrived (plain clothed) took a few photos with me wife witness showing house number etc. none inside house this was back in April from Jomtien so may have altered since, their photos were in addition to the pictures you have taken yourself and presented at IO office!

    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 hour ago, transam said:

    Not sure it is scaremongering because there will be 80 year olds relaxing in LOS who did not know that a third of their income is soon to be in the bin, it will come as quite a shock, I think...????

    They should know i've had two letters so far, stating my pension with support for a wife will stop in April 2020 ie. £65 a week!

  10. 8 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

    How did they find out? Even when you live abroad you can be technically resident according to the IR if you have 'ties' to the UK such as bank accounts,   properties,  a home address classified as your primary address even if you rent it out. You do mot have citizenship in Thailand, a proveable permanent address etc etc. Its moot.

    They found out through returned mail, i do not have a permanent address in the UK but have two UK bank accounts carried over from when i lived there!, i don't think they would except bank accounts for resident purposes!

  11. 5 hours ago, chilly07 said:

    Think it best not to mention working the system on a UK address as if they twig they can demand it all back. For me peace of mind is all.

    I got away with it for 10 months when they found out that i was living abroad, they did not take back the extra money (yearly increase in April) they had paid just put the weekly payments back to what it was when i left which was Dec 2014!

    And the opener got away light when he says he getting stopped £40 mine will drop £65!

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