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Posts posted by maxcorrigan

  1. 12 hours ago, steven100 said:

    Excellent  !  good job Khun Prayuth Chan O Cha .....  In fact I was having dinner last night and talking to a retired policeman and a big machinery parts manufacturer, and they both agreed that it was better to have Khun Prayuth as PM than any of the other candidates.

    I believe this also, and I don't believe a word of farang talk on tv, as I know most people are ok with the current PM. They just want to get on with their daily lives and not worry about political embroilment.







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  2. 18 hours ago, steven100 said:

    Well done and well spoken. Khun Prayut Chan O Cha will be the next PM for at least until 2026.

    He is the choice and he is warranted as the peoples Prime Minister of Thailand.

    Although some farang disagree mean little to nothing as it's for Thailand and the Thai people, not the moaning whinging farang.

    One thing I can say for certain is he is a far better choice than any of the other clowns running.


    Go Thailand !!  Go Khun Prayut Chan O Cha ....



    I like the cut of your jib Benson.png

  3. I think a lot would depend on where you live in Thailand, as simon43 says living in Isaan Laos would be his better option ie. being able to easily visit any friends/family back in Isaan, with me being in Sattahip, Cambodia I think would be the better option allowing my wife/me to visit her family here in Sattahip fairly easily, but it appears you have no wife so you can easily check out each country, this is purely my opinion as I have never visited either country  Laos or Cambodia, best of luck either way!

  4. "Thailand visa policies are still much easier to adhere to than countries like Canada or the UK".

    True, but once you are over the initial hurdle, that's it, my wife has an ILR in UK we now live in LOS for the last 5 years, and as long as she shows her face in the UK every two years (with or without me) and gets her passport stamped, or decides to live there permanently she is covered, with no 90 day reports or yearly request for an extension with it's multitude of forms, photos, copies, home visits etc. she can buy land or anything else she want's, these are things not allowed to us in Thailand!

    Maybe UK rules have changed now, but that's how it is with us!

    Other than that a good post!

  5. 3 hours ago, missoura said:

    Years ago my Thai wife hounded me for months to get our daughter's American passport done. Why? She said "A person has more choices."


    Having said that, I grew up in America and have lived in Thailand for a little over two decades. Unfortunately, even with all this experience I am not an expert about either country. But here is one observation that I have made. I often see Thai people walking around with t-shirts that display American symbols of some sort. And I don't see many Thais wearing t-shirts representing Thailand...


    2018-03-31 14-02-24 - 0038.JPG

    I have seen many more Union Jack t shirts than US ones, does'nt mean anything, other than the Thais like the design and don't care or know the origins! 

    • Like 2
  6. On 5/17/2019 at 2:56 PM, seasia said:

    I think you have it right, although I have some catching up to do, only 2 posters here on ignore.

    I am exactly the same as you in your last line comment.


    Slightly off topic I guess but am a member on a few investment/stock trading boards.

    On the 2nd largest UK based one I did manage to get my ignore list up to 46.

    Only ever for insults, never for difference of opinion.

    I had some fairly vicious/hateful attacks yet I always post clearly and politely ( OK maybe  a rare exception or two but in those cases if I feel I have been harsh, I apologise.)


    Unfortunately they made a platform change recently and it is now no longer possible to place a poster on ignore.


    Something I notice here is if someone states they have decided to leave Thailand , for whatever reason, they do seem to come under attack.

    A shame as I think it is interesting to hear of alternatives.

    If you are speaking of this platform on TV "ignore" is still there just waive the little arrow over the avatar and it's there, my pet hate on this subject are the snipers who come in halfway through a discussion and pick on a few posters for some silly misunderstanding they have made, offer nothing to the discussion in question then vanish as all good snipers do before anyone can get back at them, OK rant over!

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  7. 3 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    Yea, as far as I understand, article 44 will be no longer when the new government is installed. Saying that, It wouldn't surprise me if we hear something like, "we've decided to keep 44 in order to continue the peace and happiness Prayut has created over the last 5 years....." (the junta's words not mine). 


    Will be interesting to see. If he loses 44, I think he's f*****. The media and public are already beginning to show a little more balls and are criticizing more. 

    I think it will be more interesting to see if he still keeps his complete blanket amnesty intact!

  8. 1 hour ago, william76 said:


    It reminds me of a book of Upton Sinclair I am just reading ,"The Jungle".

    Nothing has really changed in 100+ years. 

    Same territory defence fightings for a couple of bahts, to be spent in go-go bars afterwards.

    Shabby business, pathetic.

    Good book i remember reading that back in OZ about 1967!

  9. 1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Again, based on the wording of this Phuket News report, they SEEM to be focusing their wrath on retirement visas and extensions -- and no mention at all of marriage-based visas or extensions....


    But obviously, there's no telling right now how Immigration is likely to enforce this in the future...


    Although, they did recently set a precedent for treating retirement extensions differently than marriage extensions, when Immigration adopted the new "maintain your Thai bank deposit year-round" rule, and didn't apply that same concept to marriage extensions at all.


    on one-year Non-Immigrant O-A “visas”, or “permits-to-stay”.

    I would imagine "or permits to stay" just about covers us all whether married or not, what i want to know is how does this affect us married to a thai ex-government worker, whereby we are so far covered on their government insurance!

  10. On 5/11/2019 at 5:53 AM, luckyluke said:

    There is often a big difference between an academic and a social language. 


    With the English I learned at school, I wasn't (still aren't) able to understand  the English spoken by some native British. 




    "With the English I learned at school", i get the same problem with some British accents coupled with my 80 year old ears does not help, and i notice you use the clunky type US spelling ie learned not learnt, no problem just my observation FWIW!

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  11. 10 hours ago, madmen said:

    "A week later, a student committed suicide by jumping off the highest building on our campus."


    As if that wasn't mental illness. That pic shows 50 people that I can count. show a top down pic stretching down sukhumvit? no of course not they dont exist

    Toady Prawit looks as if he's just spotted a tasty fly and he's gonner swiftly flick it out of the air with his tongue at the ready!

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