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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. Then open up a Grand jury if this is all true, oh wait ........ https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/was-hunter-biden-arrested-not-yet-here-s-why-n1299413 The truth is not so simple. Just because investigating agents have found evidence they believe is sufficient to file charges does not mean that prosecutors will or should seek an indictment. The decision of whether to charge the younger Biden will be made by David C. Weiss, the U.S. attorney in Delaware who was appointed by former President Donald Trump. Unlike other U.S. attorneys, he has not been replaced by Biden. Attorney General Merrick Garland has also promised not to interfere in Weiss’ decision. According to Garland, “We put the investigation in the hands of a Trump appointee from the previous administration.”
  2. Grasping at anything they believe can deflect away from another Big investigation and indictment.
  3. I have to wonder who is in the background pushing these trolls forward to destroy the election the countries citizens voted in. My guess would be the current caretaker government. Enough is enough, no pun intended but it is time to Move Forward into todays world and stop living in the past. How does ownership shares in a media company, which is defunct, had anything to do with the election. Was he on-air getting free airtime and abusing the media to obtain a advantage over others.
  4. One has to wonder if this can be turned into a new Tourist attraction as the Agoda OP said was needed. After all they could promote it as the Leaning Temple of Bangkok.....
  5. Saw a quick blip on the morning news, looked like Nate and the Police Chief had a Fruit basket in hand they were holding. Missed the news commentator discussing it. Wonder if Nate gave him the fruit basket, or Nate was given a fruit basket.....lol
  6. I believe that the additional tapes given to him and his defense team, were the ones supplied by his own defense during the initial discovery. He has walked himself into a corner. His own words and the signing of legislation to enhance the penalties for the crimes he is now indicted for are what should be slapping him in the face. He made his bed and now must lay in it. Just read he may now be spending more time with Kari Lake who he tried to assist and still stands by the Election was stolen rhetoric. One wonders if there are tapes of them discussing the criminal indictment after the fact.
  7. As thy say, if you have to ask the price then you can't afford it. If I see something I want, I buy it, no questions asked. Some of us worked hard and saved to get where we are, and some of us also made a considerable amount speculating in certain areas.
  8. Another one who is spiteful towards folks that have money and spend money. Folks don't spend money unless they have it. The jealousy in this OP is incredible.
  9. When did you decide that anyone who has money and spends money on what they want is stupid. How do you know that they do not donate to others. What gives you the ability to decide who does what with there money. It really amazes me that there are such spiteful people in the world.
  10. Again making a case for people who love him to move him to the has been side of the equation and move on to someone who will heal the country.
  11. MAGA rhetoric, they are the only ones who use that term for the current President.
  12. No ads on my link. Not sure why yours showed an ad. I don't have an ad blocker and watched it with no issues. Trump really did convince us that he must be a secret witness for the prosecution.
  13. Trust is everything in a marriage, it does not sound like she really knew him before they married.
  14. Thats rich, MCcarthy comparing treason to a misdemeanor conviction. These folks with there rose colored glasses trying to compare an apple to an orange.
  15. Are you really truthfully making these statements as being real. Very few actually go to jail.
  16. Oh the sarcasm, my sides are hurting from laughing so hard now. Thanks I needed my afternoon humor break from watching Trumps interviews. No national secrets needed by any country it's not Democratic, now that's a rich statement
  17. The wheels are coming off of the Trump bus and his planes engines are starting to wobble. Lawrence: Trump incriminated himself on Fox tonight | Watch (msn.com)
  18. He has no idea of what his proposals are and how they affect others until they are pointed out to him. I think he might be facing a crisis of instability. The stress has definitely played on his memories.
  19. Here is a almost 21 minute portion of the interview. For his comment on loosing the election look at 13 minutes 37 seconds https://www.foxnews.com/video/6329751193112
  20. A plea deal is available to everyone and are done regularly. What percentage of cases do you think go to court and what percentage are resolved outside of a court room. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2019/06/11/only-2-of-federal-criminal-defendants-go-to-trial-and-most-who-do-are-found-guilty/
  21. Yet instead of taking the Felony to court they arranged a plea deal in which the charges were reduced to a misdemeanor and the gun charge dismissed as long as he completes his probation period. If he fails to complete the probation the charges will be re-instated. You folks must not be aware of how the justice system works and how plea deals are available to all defendants unless they are up for a Third Strike. The Judge who oversaw the agreement is also a Trump appointee. Fair is Fair and the law is the law for everyone regardless of who they are. You must believe that only those who are not associated with someone in power get convicted of the higher charges and do not get to make a plea deal. Sad https://www.politico.com/news/2023/06/20/hunter-biden-reaches-plea-deal-with-feds-to-resolve-tax-issues-gun-charge-00102637 Under an agreement detailed Tuesday in a filing in federal court in Delaware, President Joe Biden’s son will plead guilty to a pair of misdemeanor tax charges. Prosecutors have also charged him with possessing a firearm while being a user of illegal drugs — a felony — but have agreed to dismiss that charge if he completes a two-year period of probation. Hunter Biden, 53, is unlikely to serve time in prison if he complies with release conditions. The deal, subject to approval by a federal judge, calls for both sides to recommend that he be put on probation. The probe was overseen by U.S. Attorney for Delaware David Weiss, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump and was permitted to stay in his post after Joe Biden took office in order to complete the investigation of the president’s son. The White House and the Justice Department have said they did not interfere with Weiss’ investigation.
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