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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. So lets get this straight...5 and a half months and 1 Million Chinese Visitors.....leaves 6 and a half months to bring in 4 million more to reach the goal of 5 million.......not seeing it folks.
  2. @Felton JarvisAs the above post indicates you need to look at the BOI LTR website. There is also a current running OP, a long one, but full of useful information after you wade past the naysayers.
  3. What would be the reason to destroy it? Care to elaborate.
  4. All one can say after this is that Putin is definitely a deranged man, who is beginning to resemble Hitler before the end, of course with the caveat being if this is truly a poisoning and not an Adenovirus as claimed.
  5. Why not? Plenty of places to live in Issan. Easy travel, well there use to be from the UTH airport. Close to Laos for a popover. Lived there for almost 8 years, while flying back to the US. To Chiang Mai and out to Hong Kong for business. Just because some of us have money does not mean we have to live in a place that caters to those that do have the funds.
  6. I agree 100% with this comment and a few of the other ones. A graduation is special to all. It is not a time to take away from the others involved in the ceremony by drawing attention to oneself.
  7. If I did not already live most of the time in Thailand, with already having a place in PKK as well as in BKK, and then doing the frequent traveling I do back and forth to the US, I think I would add a place in Panama. A few friends have recently retired there and are enjoying splitting time between there, the US and Morrocco. All it takes is money.
  8. Here is another link that gives some more info. McCarthy and Biden reach agreement in principle on debt limit - POLITICO In addition to lifting the $31.4 trillion borrowing cap through the 2024 presidential election, the deal in principle would keep non-defense spending roughly flat for the fiscal year that begins Oct. 1, according to a person familiar with the negotiations, falling far short of the $130 billion in cuts at fiscal 2022 levels that Republicans had originally demanded. Non-defense spending would increase by 1 percent in 2025, followed by years of non-enforceable funding targets, according to the person familiar. Republicans had initially pushed for a decade of strict funding limits. .....McCarthy, speaking to reporters, touted that the deal had “historic reductions in spending,” no new taxes, no new government programs and would make reforms to “lift people out of poverty,” referring to the adjusted work requirements.
  9. Just like many people originally said they knew of no one who died from Covid. However, now that time has passed many people do know one or more that have died from Covid. I myself lost four prior co-workers, as well as a teacher who taught my kids. As for Long Covid as I stated in an earlier post my niece is suffering from long covid symptoms. You do tend to diminish and deflect in your posts regarding posted scientific studies and links.
  10. Advantages are is that there are no 90 day reports needed, as a person who has a LTR Visa only needs to do an annual report. The Visa is also a 10 year multiple entry visa and the price is only 50K Thb in total. If you qualify its a great deal. I have one, the LTR-P or wealthy pensioner visa. There are many people already here who now have the LTR Visa. Makes traveling in and out easy using the Fastrack lines as well. This Visa is approved through the BOI.
  11. Your view and not mine, so I will agree to disagree with mask wearing being a rarity. Enjoy your day.
  12. As the Thai's say "Up to you" I have no problem wearing a mask when it is necessary, and if I choose not to wear one, like you and I get sick for some reason or another, then the only one I have to blame is myself. If your visiting and elderly individual or a friend who has medical issues, I would hope a sensible approach is made and if requested a mask is worn. I went into the RTP office to help my elderly neighbor file a theft report yesterday. We wore masks as well as the entire Staff in the office. A foreign gentleman entered the office, was met by the officer at the front desk running the que, and he started shouting about how he was not going to put a mask on after he was asked to. He was then politely shown the door and asked to leave until he came back with a mask on. Politeness and sensibility go a long way when it comes to using common sense instead of bowing ones back.
  13. I started wearing a mask around 2010 as we had moved to BKK from Udon. Saw it regularly in Bangkok because of the PM 2.5 issues and that was just one reason I know they were worn and why we wore them. The other reason they were worn, and still are worn, is because of the exhaust from the cars and motorcycles. As I walk the streets or ride my bike this has also made it a necessity. I never said anywhere i my posts that I want everyone to wear one, so please do not put words in my posts which were never written. Uncommon for you to see people wearing masks as you probably never paid much attention to what was going on around you and you just ignored it. It wasn't until the mask mandates came in that people started to complain and bellyache.....My view is different then your and we will agree to disagree on that point. Continue to misquote me and you will not be given the time of day again. Plenty of studies and articles to prove mask wearing in Asia was common prior to Covid. Enjoy your weekend.
  14. Niece in the US, who is 24, still has not regained her sense of smell nor taste. She was a collegiate swimmer, but now can not take in full deep breaths either. Now dealing with depression as her life has changed and she has to find a work around for daily life.
  15. Yet they were worn, and it is something folks deny. It gets old having to prove that masks were worn here in Asia versus the rest of the world before Covid. Moving on. I wear one to protect myself when out and about in large crowds, or when shopping. Most food vendors are wearing them still, as well as restaurant employees. In fact the movie theatre employee's were wearing them again today when we went to see a movie as well as most of those watching the movie, well the ones not stuffing popcorn into there mouths.
  16. You want to hang your hat on that one.... https://theconversation.com/a-brief-history-of-masks-from-the-17th-century-plague-to-the-ongoing-coronavirus-pandemic-142959 A century of Chinese mask-wearing Similarly, in China, mask-wearing has a long history. A pneumonic plague epidemic in China in 1910-11 sparked widespread mask-wearing there. After the Communists came to power in 1949, there was intense fear of germ warfare, leading many to wear masks. In the 21st century, the SARS epidemic intensified mask-wearing, as did the smog that blanketed many Chinese cities. The Chinese government urged its citizens to protect themselves against pollution by wearing masks. During the COVID-19 epidemic, some of the first people in Canada to wear masks were people with ties to Asia, who were already accustomed to the practice of masking.
  17. You have been banging on about this for years, and you have been proven wrong over and over again. Asian country's have worm mask for decades prior to Covid, going all the way back to the early 1900's. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/east-asian-countries-face-masks-before-covid_l_5f63a43fc5b61845586837f4 https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/culture-shocked/202005/why-was-mask-wearing-popular-in-asia-even-covid-19 It was already customary for Asians to wear a mask to protect others when they were sick, so wearing a mask was a given for them during the recent Covid-19 outbreak.
  18. You best do some research. Many articles out there to prove your view as disinformation. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/east-asian-countries-face-masks-before-covid_l_5f63a43fc5b61845586837f4 “Because of the custom of wearing masks here, it wasn’t necessary for the government to mandate mask wearing for a long time because the public had already widely adopted their use,” said Ria Sinha, a senior research fellow at the Center for the Humanities and Medicine at the University of Hong Kong. (Sinha is currently directing a COVID-19 archive project.) There’s a long history of East Asian countries masking up. Just as the anti-mask movement in America goes back to the 1918-19 flu pandemic (yep, there were protests over government ordinances then, too), so does the East Asian inclination to wear a mask.
  19. Yet in a speech given DeSantis will look at pardoning all of those convicted. What has the world come to when people who commit crimes get to walk free after being part of an insurrection to overthrow an elected government.
  20. I feel sad for all of the ethnic groups in Myanmar. This is turning into a humanitarian crisis.
  21. Playing to the MAGA base and not realizing he is dividing the country even further. A crime is a crime. There was no weaponization to prosecute these people.
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