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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. Let's hope that the senate does not stall this and cause a default. A default would be disastrous. This deal may not be good for both sides, but it keeps the spending in check and flat which should over time reduce the actual overall debt.
  2. With more and more information coming out everyday, regarding Trumps indiscretions, the sooner an indictment is made and he is prosecuted the sooner the US can move forward. Still stuck in an endless Trump loop. Time to move on from Trump and heal the nation he is still dividing.
  3. May she RIP and her daughter given the help she needs.
  4. There are hundreds of other lawsuits which have been filed for many other medication and drug interactions. Remember the vaccines are not a sterilizing vaccine. Do you really want to go down the road your going? You have done this before many times over the past few years and have always been shown the information to prove what your being told. As we have had these types of conversations before, it gets tiring, and therefore I will let you do the research on both sides of the fence instead of doing it. Agreeing to Disagree with your view and moving on.
  5. No they were not rushed into production, and Yes they were fully evaluated. Been in Production for years for many things. https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2021/the-long-history-of-mrna-vaccines Thanks to decades of research and innovation, mRNA vaccine technology was ready. With COVID, this technology got its moment and has proven to be extremely safe and effective. Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is the first mRNA product to achieve full FDA approval in the U.S.
  6. Yet what occurs if the decide the whole election needs to be redone....that will cause more grief as far as the Baht goes.
  7. Neither could they use it to provide prosecuting attorneys with any evidence for a case to be prosecuted. If they had then it would have been done and over with before the election... It's my believe that the Trump folks held onto it, since he was in power at the time, so that it wouldn't see the light of day to be tried before the election. Imagine if they had tried Hunter before the election and the case imploded.....hmmm
  8. Wonder what the regular arrests numbered for all other non visa related violations.
  9. Misinformation once again. Fact check and many other sources prove your comments are wrong. The Pfizer executive never said what you folks are passing on. Fact Check-Preventing transmission never required for COVID vaccines’ initial approval; Pfizer vax did reduce transmission of early variants | Reuters To get emergency approval, companies needed to show that the vaccines were safe and prevented vaccinated people from getting ill. They did not have to show that the vaccine would also prevent people from spreading the virus to others. Once the vaccines were on the market, independent researchers in multiple countries studied people who received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and did show that vaccination reduced transmission of variants circulating at the time. The misleading posts imply that national restrictions such as vaccine passports were based on a promise of vaccines blocking virus spread that neither the companies nor EU regulators made before the vaccines were marketed. Back on topic, the way I read the OP is that the lady had an autoimmune disorder to begin with, before she was vaccinated. I have an auto immune disorder and because of it the only vaccines the doctor wanted me to have was the AZ vaccine, Not everyone has a medical problem after taking a vaccine, and that can be the Influenza vaccine, the MMR vaccine, the Hepatitis vaccine or a multitude of others vaccines even the Covid vaccines, yet some, and that is "some" of the folks do have side effects from vaccines, side effects which can be deadly or cause other issues. Trying to say that the vaccines for Covid were never tested is a misnomer.
  10. Lets start with sidewalks that are paved and not full of holes, missing sections or roots running across them. Ten lets ensure the RTP keep the wrong way riders at bay and off of the sidewalks as well. Thats a start,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  11. Not just the teachers but the entire administration of the school should have been made aware, and if they were aware then they should not have blown it off and done nothing to curtail the issue.
  12. Just doing what there former leader is doing. The new style of GoFundMe for my defense. GoDefendMe. It should be returned to those who donated it in my view with the slociters who are doing the fundraisers being charged with a fraud perpetrated on society.
  13. Someone's cooking something up that doesn't smell right. Divisive politics or squirming for a way in to the cabinet?
  14. Wow, what a strange turn of events. Now one only has to wonder is if she was a planted Russian agent from long ago. Why defect to Russia if not. Plenty of other places to flee to. You have to also wonder, if not an agent, what she is being given for what she might know.
  15. Its been sold many times over in the past 15 years. At one time I use to go there for my breakfast when I headed into town just so I could have a pint of Guinness with it.
  16. For some folks when you get in deep you just keep getting in deeper as there is no way up and out. Digging a hole is what she did, and it only got deeper. Sometimes one just needs to fold and close-up and one day restart. Getting in over your head is never a good idea.
  17. Has he not heard of the term "reap what you sow" Because he surely did.
  18. So young and already so violent and quick to anger. One only has to wonder who or how they learned such behavior. Young kids watch so much violence on TV and then of course some of the shows, like games they play, those that die come back to life.
  19. Yet, even when he says that Cannabis can not be used for recreational use, how and why were all of the shops allowed to be opened with no restrictions. There are still tables set up in places outside on the sidewalks where they sell rolled joints and bud.
  20. Just received a call from the stepdaughter, who we took back to her fathers house when school started 2 weeks ago. She has been sent back home this morning as well as the few classmates who arrived for their class today. Apparently over half of her class, 9 year olds, are out with Covid, and many others in other classes are as well. They were told by the Teacher and the Wat director that the classes would be done on-line though the end of the week, and the class would resume after the Holiday on next Monday. Seems that the folks who went home to vote, brought back a strain with them. GF just received a Line message from the teacher saying they would be doing a deep clean at the school in the rooms. It is what it is, and unfortunately we expected something to occur as viruses do circulate around the school after a restart. As I used to say, children are germ magnets, yes I know I used the term interchangeably when it really isn't..
  21. Why, has Biden been indicted for anything, and are there any cases that match Trumps. I don't think so. Its the son that's in a little bit of trouble. However, Trump caused an insurrection, claimed the election was stolen, filed a multitude of lawsuits with that claim and then lost them all as unfounded, then because of gracious and sharing nature thousands are going to jail because of him, his finances are shams, and then of course he took home classified documents and when asked for them back denied he had them and then failed to honor the first few asks of him. So lets see, documents were found during cursory searches of Biden and Pences residences by there own folks and then they were returned to the National Archives. Did the Donald do that, naw he claimed he declassified them by just thinking about it....... Trump is the modern day Jefferson Davis, dividing the country etc...
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