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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Just ask your daughter to send your new card by courier.
  2. Much ado about nothing. Musk going for maximum lay-offs, the cabinet holding him back where necessary.
  3. Police 'unable to track extremist crimes'. Should also read '...or any other type of crime...'
  4. Psychotic ? Calculating, more like. Hysterical rants. None at all that I'm aware of.
  5. 'An argument over garden territory'. It's far from clear what the argument was precisely about. While the Brits could own the house they could not own the land/garden on which it is located. Possibly some form of lease involved, but unlikely. Something was said to trigger the violence over what was likely to have been a relatively minor issue. In any country, anywhere, foreigners would be well advised to stay calm, and be polite at all times.
  6. Me for one. Was it really necessary for the lady to record whatever the guy was doing, and then report him to the police ? Not at all necessary, in my opinion.
  7. At least people are talking about peace now. It will be tough though. Putin wants the Russian speaking areas of eastern Ukraine, while Zelensky wants the money flow to continue. I think Trump will resolve this, but it will take time.
  8. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Donations tend to disappear into the ether without trace.
  9. Go after the dealers, not the users.
  10. Friendly people, good food, pleasant weather, and warm women.
  11. Does anybody know how many white farmers have been murdered ?
  12. Idiocy and violence combined in equal measure.
  13. A sad story. Wild animals and humans don't go well together.
  14. Just sad to see the Dems puerile behaviour, but disgraceful when they didn't give some recognition to the young lad who had suffered from brain cancer.
  15. Britain has been blessed with significant reserves of oil, coal and gas. Not to fully exploit them is a betrayal of the British people.
  16. Musk has done rather well in life. I doubt he needs your advice.
  17. Anyone who has lived in what used to be called a third world country would not apply that description to Thailand. A developing country would be more appropriate.
  18. Assaults on staff occurred regularly at a hospital I used to attend in Surrey in the UK. Why such violence takes place in hospitals is a mystery to me, given that the attackers are abusing staff who are there to help them at a time of need.
  19. A classic example of a non sequitur.
  20. I merely questioned your use of the word penalty in your original post. 'Crime' or 'offence' would seem to have been more accurate in the context which you were referencing. Small issue.
  21. '..and the PENALTY is aggravated assault..' Really ?
  22. There are laws in the UK which specifically recognise provocation.
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