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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Thanks for the info. My question, is this easier than turning up in person ? Just did my 1 year extension of my retirement visa at CW. In at 0830 out at 1030 with no hassle.
  2. The reports on this case are incomplete but, in my opinion, it is highly likely the woman was behaving in a spoiled and abusive manner.
  3. Killing and eating animals is disgusting.
  4. Just leave him where he is unless there is some genuinely important reason for him needing to travel.
  5. To be fair I don't think he was 'assaulting' her.
  6. Since 1961 I've not had any problems with bankiing services in Thailand. In the UK, however, I have had many, and ongoing.
  7. Not much to comment on or get excited about. Windscreen washers in cities all over the world tend to be aggressive. They lead a tough life.
  8. I've always found Uhu works ok.
  9. Not aware that Thailand is worse than other countries regarding plastic. On my last visit to the UK there were discarded plastic items all over the place. Ut was a real mess.
  10. Utterly pathetic. Do something useful like going after the dealers or, better still, murderers, rapists and thieves.
  11. No idea. I only fly first class.
  12. Killing and eating animals is disgusting.
  13. All over the country Thais are happy, and very often relieved, if a foreigner can speak with them in Thai.
  14. Not at all. The number of westerners residing in Thailand is in decline. The Chinese presence is, however, identifiably increasing.
  15. Separate double beds, or separate rooms. Both work for us after 40 years. Quite ridiculous to judge the state of a relationship on this issue. Some couples will be best suited by sleeping in the same bed, others not.
  16. A bit late in the day to exonerate this poor guy. The USA court system is a corrupt shambles.
  17. Ridiculous to award such huge amounts of money. Under Biden the USA is looking more and more like a third world banana republic.
  18. A strange report from the police major general. Not sure I believe a word of it.
  19. The report appears to be over a year old which is odd. I lived in Taiwan for 5 years where my neighbour had 2 large male pitbulls. They were a delight. Friendly and funny. In Thailand I have 6 dogs at our place in the country in Rayong. They will only go for you if you invite yourself unannounced through the main gates. I have never ever had a problem with soi dogs in all the time I have been in Thailand, having first arrived in 1961, worked here in the 1980s, and retired here in 1993.
  20. This is a gross under estimate. More like 10 times minimum that number of indebtors.
  21. If this guy is a Brit as a fellow Brit I feel ashamed by such utterly crass behaviour. Sadly we are judged by the antics of this moron.
  22. From what you say it's not at all clear what happened.
  23. Thais seem to be wildly optimistic re land and house prices. A guy with a townhouse near to me In Ratchayothin, Bangkok is wanting to sell for 9m but the top price for his property should be 5m max.
  24. As a vegetarian I woukd put roast potatoes, stuffing and sprouts at the top of my list.
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