If you continue with this you're going to create a lot of trouble for all of us. Pay your taxes on the basis of your own situation, and leaveus to do the same.
In over 60 years I have never had a problem anywhere in Thailand with dogs. I am totally opposed to any form of 'eradication'. The OP says he has PTSD because of dogs. He needs to see a doctor specializing in mental health issues.
I would definitely suggest a trial run, an extended holiday, before committing to this. The last thing you want is to bring them here on a permanent basis only to find that they don't like it.
There is no sense in allowing the widespread drinking of alcohol and smoking cigarettes, but not allowing the use of cannabis for recreational purposes.
Reading the article in Al Jazeera it appears Trump obtained the backing of at least 20 of the 40 delegates. He was aiming for 40% support so he apparently did way better than anticipated.
You refer to Buddhism as a religion. It is not. It is one man's philosophy which does not involve worship. The idolatry, and praying for good fortune, practised at temples all over Thailand has nothing to do with Buddhism.