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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. He still has to overcome lese majeste charges
  2. ...and murderers, rapists and thieves.
  3. As a Brit I would hope for anyone other than Biden as president, no matter whether Democrat or Republican.
  4. Nothing much to celibrate. A long way to go yet. The ruling elite are determined to silence him one way or another, sadly.
  5. The aviation hub objective has been declared by successive Thai governments for over 50 years. Never quite seems to happen...
  6. The policewoman's comment just about sums up why the police generally have lost all respect in the UK.
  7. Yes indeed. A Japanese friend told me recently he no longer wanted to holiday in Thailand because of the numbers of chinese to be found all over the country.
  8. A welcome result, but a long way to go given the judgement to be made at the end of this month regarding Pita's alleged abuse of the lese majeste law.
  9. Knew the victim, and knew the land ownership documents were in her house.
  10. Tall women in Nan ? Never noticed that before. Are you sure they weren't ladyboys ?
  11. Never once used an agent in over 60 years of visiting, living, working and now in retirement in Thailand. However, as age catches up with me, I will likely need to do so at some stage. Currently 82 years old.
  12. It seems likely that he will punished by being banned from political activity. The ruling elite are frightened by his views, and by his popularity.
  13. Killing and eating animals is disgusting.
  14. So, you don't think you are an idiot ?Extraordinary arrogance.
  15. To my knowledge he has not concluded any business with anybody. No matter, he won't be PM for very long.
  16. Not a chance. The ruling elite are frightened of him. They will make sure he is expelled from any political activity.
  17. So you think it's ok to tease small animals. You are beneath contempt. Utterly disgusting.
  18. Ridiculous on the face of it, but this is Thailand....
  19. The reports appear to avoid referring to the sex/gender of the minor.
  20. This was always an impractical scheme/bribe, cobbled together to win votes. The 'PM' now has to face reality.
  21. Fair idea. Problem is no one will take any notice, even if you submit your ideas in Thai.
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