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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. This is ridiculous. There is no way a county court in Texas has any form of jurisdiction in Thailand.
  2. Obviously different people have different sensitivities to fumes caused by smoking. I have no problem with fumes from cannabis. cigars or pipes, but I do not like cigarette smoke although I can live with it. Would there be any objection to a rule that, in a condo, smoking of any kind in the building would only be allowed on balconies ?
  3. Russian men have always been heavy vodka drinkers which can indeed lead to loutish behaviour. However it would be a mistake to write them off as cowardly draft-dodgers. They proved their worth in 2 world wars.
  4. Wait and see. Time will tell. I seem to recall there was relative peace during his first tenure.
  5. My neighbours in Taiwan had two pit bulls, male and female. They were delightful, friendly towards my wife and I, and towards our two dogs.
  6. The driver of the car mainly at fault. Clearly going way too fast, and not concentrating. BS comment from him claiming he applied the handbrake.
  7. Possibly all three, or all two if yabba and crystal meth are one and the same.
  8. Too self-righteous. too self-important.
  9. Nothing new about this. What consenting adults do in private, in Thailand or anywhere else, is up to them.
  10. As you say, the cost will be different for everyone. In my case I'm not bothered about the cost issue. I do not intend to leave Thailand, and my family here, for 6 months of every year.
  11. Booking a ride for a 'journey' of 1km, approx 1/2 a mile ? Surely an easy walking distance ? I suspect the 57 year old Norwegian may have been slightly the worse for wear at 5am after a long night out. It would be interesting to hear from the driver what it was that lead him to react with such violence.
  12. No idea what on earth you are talking about.
  13. I'm going nowhere. BTW, born 23 November 1941, which I reckon makes me 83.
  14. Thailand can be a very noisy place. I'm afraid very few people here are going to feel sorry for you. Perhaps best to move on asap.
  15. Surely a misprint. Should read closet Marxist.
  16. I've been married to a Thai woman for 40 years. Best move I ever made. Hope things work out well for you.
  17. Yes indeed. I have considered doing so, but have decided against, whatever the cost
  18. The way elephants are treated in Buddhist Thailand is disgusting. The valley and surrounding areas are their traditional territories and now they are being driven out. Shamefui.
  19. Ridiculous. Those controlling borders in Britain are not doing their job, likewise the civil servants processing immigration applications. It is an utter shambles entirely created by the inadequacy of successive Tory and Labour governments. Not a great fan of Farage, but this mess is not due him or his policies. A further point, you would do well to stop calling people you don't agree with idiots. You're clearly not so smart yourself.
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