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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. A lot to like about Chuwit. All the very best to him at such a tough time.
  2. Just carry both passports with you when travelling.
  3. There is a growing perception that Thailand is no longer friendly towards western people.
  4. I've known several over the years. Some show off, some show off mildly, some never.
  5. I've known several over the years. Some show off, some show off mildly, some never.
  6. I've heard this woman described as a nightmare personified. Not knowing her I was unable to either agree or disagree...
  7. From the beginning this has been a shabby, shameful vote-buying exercise by the current PM, with no thought being given as to how it would be financed.
  8. I wish you were right. I fear most of the rest of the world couldn't care less about what goes on in Thailand.
  9. Re-criminalisation would be ridiculous. Just regulate, as per cigarettes and alcohol.
  10. The 'conservative states' are not discriminating against trans-women, they are merely trying to ensure that womens' toilets and womens' sports are reserved for women, and that young children are protected from re-alignment surgery.
  11. Helpful comment from the RTP, if you turn yourself in you will go to jail. Chances are, therefore, he might just not choose to turn himself in..
  12. .Recreational cannabis users should never have been criminalised in the first place. Rapists and drunk drivers should, however, face the full force kf the law.
  13. Like, summarise the Oscar Wilde story about the three sheets.
  14. A terrible tragedy. This trade should be very closely controlled. Also, how come some endangered species are involved ?
  15. If this is true it is strange that so few Thais support the views of their former, much loved and respected, Father of the Nation.
  16. The problem for the Palestinians, aka the Philistines, is that they are not liked by fellow arabs throughout the Middle East. Anyway, I doubt Thailand has much understanding of the UN resolution it is supporting.
  17. We drink kratom as tea, and have done so for many years. Never experienced any of these problems.
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