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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. I approve the closing of hazardous u turns which are the cause of so many accudents.
  2. A long jail sentence and a substantial fine payable to the deceased's family is the very least this scumbag should face. RIP to the young man who was killed. I hope you had some enjoyment in your all too short life.
  3. Well said. Never used an agent once in over 60 years of visiting, working, and retiring in Thailand.
  4. Can't stand the guy, but it's his money and his choice as to what to do with it.
  5. You can reduce your 800k down to 400k within a limited time frame without switching to marriage from retirement. Latter is so much easier if you can possibly find a way to stay with it.
  6. The Palestinian/Hamas attack on Israel was barbaric, to put it mildly. Hard retaliation was inevitable and entirely justifiable.
  7. Many Chinese feel that Thailand is not safe, and reports of incidents involving robbery and/or violence receive broad coverage in China.
  8. You need your head examined if you welcome sharia law. I hope you were joking.
  9. Focus on Western tourists. They spend more per head than Indian and Chinese tourists. The TAT has lost it's way on this issue.
  10. The Palestinians (originally known as Philistines) have always supported Hama's.
  11. Similar statements are made before every new year with no improvement in the death rate.
  12. First came to Thailand in 1961. Visited on business in the 1970s, worked here in the 1980s, retired here in the 1990s and stayed here ever since. Never once used an agent over all these years, and no intention of ever doing so.
  13. Fact is Thaksin will be under threat for as long as he is in Thailand. Why, precisely, is he here I wonder ? He could so easily have continued to run things from outside Thailand.
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