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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. No idea, other than to say the nightlife is nothing like as much fun as it was in the 1960s, 70s and 80s.
  2. Poor little soul. God bless you, and rest in peace. Whoever did this to you will surely face justice sooner or later. An utterly disgusting crime.
  3. Very simple. Many English born people speak English very badly. Poor diction, sloppy attitude, limited vocabulary. Main reason is the poor educational standard increasingly prevalent in the UK. Some time ago a bar owner in Romania said 'It's very easy to tell who the English are. They're the ones who can't speak English properly'.
  4. As an ancient Brit we were brought up not to complain and be thankful for small mercies. No idea how younger generations behave.
  5. An utterly ridiculous idea. There will be no benefit to business, probably the reverse, general chaos, and water being wasted everywhere
  6. Wake up 3am. Early morning chores while cool eg feeding animals. All extra curricular activity in daytime 11am to 5pm approx Sleep 8pm.
  7. I would say not enough given the life-style you say you want to lead. You might just get by so long as you do not take on any additional costs, but I suspect you will struggle.
  8. Returned to the wild ? I fear not. Most finish up in a soup bowl, sadly.
  9. This guy is a waste of time but I suppose he's got to appear to be doing something while his boss is indisposed.
  10. Spent a lot if time in Japan over the years. In my experience Japanese women are shy, but when they get to know you they are fun to be with. Takes time though.
  11. Likewise. Never been keen on Christmas whether in Thailand or anywhere else.
  12. Musk didn't/ and doesn't endorse any form of anti-semitism. You don't know what you're talking about.
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