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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Appalling behaviour by the two boys, and very sad for the lady dog owner. Just not sure what the law is regarding punishment of young children.
  2. Not sure about the alleged loss of 14m baht. Story strong on the sex angle, but not at all clear on the money angle
  3. Last time I was in the UK the roads were a mess. Potholes everywhere
  4. I am beginning to think this may well be the worst Thai government I have seen after 40 years of living here.
  5. The current Thai government is run by the Chinese. Message to the Thai people, WAKE UP, YOU ARE BEING TAKEN OVER !
  6. His biggest achievement is to have become groveller in chief in Thailand immediately on stealing office.
  7. In the 20th century in the USA 27 people were executed who were later found to be innocent.
  8. ...having first been briefed by the Thai military and it's friends in Beijing...
  9. He appears to be in permanent grovel mode. Hardly an inspiring figure. Wonder if he kow-tows to Thaksin when taking orders.
  10. This is a despicable act of vote buying. It will be a financial disaster. Sad that so many Thais appear to fall for a scam such as this.
  11. Is this an attempt to be funny, or a case of astonishing ignorance !?
  12. This exercise is a disgrace. Pheu Thai have effectively bought votes to win seats at election time without saying where the money will come from to cover the cost. It now looks as though foreigners will be targetted in this regard. The more I see of the new government the less I like it. We appear to have moved out of the frying pan into the fire.
  13. He has bought this upon himself, through his own dishonesty and through totally failing to learn how things work in Thailand.
  14. As this news is absorbed by potential Chinese tourists many will decide not to holiday in Thailand. There has always been a suspicion in China that Thailand is not entirely safe. I should add that in the last 60 years I have never personally felt in any way threatened in Thailand. RIP and condolences to those who died, and to the families of those who died, in the Siam Paragon shootings.
  15. No sign so far that the new PM is anything other than an establishment mouthpiece.
  16. It may be entirely wrong but I was told by a Thai lawyer some years ago that pensions were not taxed in Thailand.
  17. There are way too many people worlwide. Better to find a more sophisticated way to raise government revenue than the tax system which is applied jn most countries today.
  18. I sense brown envelopes being part of the cost of renovation.
  19. Very difficult to judge. Might be ok but, on balance, probably not. Anyway, in this case I wonder if the article is genuine.
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