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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. I'm not sure it's about physical driving skills which are generally good in Thailand. In my opinion it's more about lack of concentration, tiredness leading to sleep, drink and drugs.
  2. In addition to their ugliness, ineffectiveness without wind, and the high cost of materials to manufacture them, windmills also horribly kill and maim birds. In summary, they are a useless nightmare.
  3. If public health is one of his responsibilities his visit is entirely justified. By the way he's a multi-millionaire who certainly doesn't need to grub around for free trips.
  4. How depraved must somebody be to want to do this to a one year old ? This disgusting individual should be put inside for a long time. Meantime, where is the girl's mother ?
  5. Awful, despicable human beings. I hope the little one somehow gets the chance for a good life.
  6. You need to buy time. Maybe you could apply for a 30 day extension on line assuming you have copies of your passport. If nothing happens after 3 weeks I'm afraid you will have to go the police/embassy route. Sorry for your predicament. I've heard of agents who perform well for years and then suddenly disappear, usually as a result of money problems.
  7. This is where most Democrat Party governments in the US finish up.
  8. On the contrary. She was criticised by those who wanted her decisions to be made according to their instructions, rather than her making decisions based on the facts. She has always walked where others fear to tread, and all credit to her for that. She bravely risks reprisals in one form or another...
  9. She may have been out cold on drink or drugs, or both.
  10. You're such a good guy for reporting this. I hope you found the girl some other means to earn money.
  11. Since SCB closed it's branch at CW I have presented a bank letter dated one day before the day I apply, likewise my bank book update. Several years later and these have always been accepted without comment.
  12. Clarkson's first mistake was not to tone down the offending article which was over the top. His second mistake, however, was to apologize for it.
  13. If you don't already you need to get to know the rich and powerful in Thailand. You'll find that the baht strengthens when they are making overseas investments.
  14. Nothing of any interest in this. Trump haters blowing hot air as usual. Move on...
  15. Should be ok given your extension expires on a Sunday, but common sense to apply earlier rather than take the risk. Hopefully this is not too difficult to understand.
  16. I've been mugged twice in my life, once in Metro Manila, and once in Blackheath, south London. The main problem in London and other large cities in the UK appears to be knife crime, gun crime less so up to now.
  17. I heard on the radio the shooter was likely a member of a Columbian drugs cartel, living in the UK courtesy of the Home Office, whose officials granted him a UK visa. If this is correct yet another stunning performance by the UK civil service.
  18. Every country in the world does all it can to make money out of tourists. In this case, in Thailand, they are being asked to pay 100 baht extra. Wow ! Who can possibly afford such a huge sum ? My suggestion ? Don't ever leave your own country in the first place. Utterly pathetic.
  19. No matter what the authorities say, with increasing numbers of Chinese coming to Thailand the nominee problem is likely to become increasingly serious. Many Chinese visitors have no intention to return to their homeland.
  20. Of course. There are no prostitutes in Pattaya, nor anywhere else in Thailand. We know that because the Thai government information office said so.
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