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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. I'm beginning to think the West should have stayed right out of this.
  2. Over 70 million people voted for Trump but somehow he lost. Amazing. God bless America.
  3. Death is not such a big deai if you believe in reincarnation, as do many Thais. While there is emotion expressed at Thai funerals it is limited by comparison with most other nationalities.
  4. For some reason Ford have always had problems with the poor quality of their dealers in Thailand. In this case, however, I suspect it's the vehicle owner who is trying it on.
  5. 6 girls involved, under-age but not children. Disgraceful, but hardly the biggest story we've heard on this sad subject.
  6. I think the reference to his age is unfair. I've seen worse from 30 year olds. At 81 years old I recently gave up driving after I felt my reactions were no longer as sharp as they should be. Never had an accident in a lifetime of motoring, including rallying and club racing. This guy's biggest mistake was leaving his engine running, and panicking when then inadvertently setting the car in motion.
  7. I thought this legislation regarding school pregnancies had already been in place for many years. Confused.
  8. Generally westerners are not considered rude if they do not return a wai with a wai. A smile and an right hand extended for a handshake is entirely acceptable. Being waied by service providers does not require a response. If you do so you will be thought to be ignorant and rather silly.
  9. It's an issue of comparability. Fox news is pathetic at times, but less so than CNN or the BBC who are even worse.
  10. I have always gone in person to CW. Never had any hassle. In and out within a maximum of 1 hour. Just need to make the effort to get myself there and back to my home in Ratchayotin. Hardly a demanding exercise.
  11. Cosmetic surgery is best avoided. Too many instances, not only in Thailand, of an unsatisfactory and sad outcome.
  12. During the financial crash of 1997/8 I was defrauded of 5 million baht by a Thai business partner. After years of legal action I have recovered nothing, and will now never do so because my former partner has died.
  13. To the point of the question. Some years ago I attempted to open a bank account for my Thai step son aged 12 at the government savings bank and was told that by law I could not do so until he was 15.
  14. A sad event. As a fellow 81 years old I have given up driving cars this year because I am not confident that my reaction times are as quick as they should be. Must be even more critical if riding motor bikes.
  15. We should be careful what we wish for. It is by no means certain that whoever/whatever follows Sturgeon will be any less troublesome.
  16. I used to play Scrabble with my Thai step son when he was very young. He's now 22, and believes it has helped him a lot in getting to grips with the Business English course he is undertaking at university.
  17. Never had a problem using SCB, Lioyds and Barclays debit cards at Lotus stores. When you say Bangkok card I assume that means Bangkok Bank. If so, maybe worth having a word with them to identify the problem.
  18. This is beginning to look ominous. I'm beginning to wonder if the UK and other western countries should have stayed out of this. Ukraine has a poor record for corruption, and for the killing of many Russian speakers with Ukrainian citizenship.
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