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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Very strange. From the report there appears to have been no motive.
  2. This is a good example of how things can work well at CW if applicants prepare correctly. Not sure what your point is regarding stamping a passport not being rocket science. I don't think we need you to be stating the obvious to us.
  3. That's ridiculous. I trust you are joking, albeit in poor taste.
  4. A return to normality (or normalcy as you call it) is something most buisinesses, large and small, will welcome. Having said that I personally rather enjoyed the slower pace of the lockdowns, but I appreciate the effects have been very bad for the world-wide economy.
  5. Police dealt with this as well as was possible. They were arresting a deranged maniac armed with a knife. I can think of several countries, including the USA, where he would likely have been shot dead.
  6. Cambodia is cheaper than Thailand so perhaps better for those on a limited budget. However in terms of security, general facilities, hospitals, food and entertainment,Thailand is way ahead in my opinion.
  7. Both pathetic and dangerous. While some Thai people are good with animals, others are hopeless.
  8. For all it's faults more buzz in Bangkok than the other two. Fun to be had in Pattaya though, Chiang Mai nice but a bit dull.
  9. I have been mugged twice in my life, once in Manila, and once in south London in the UK. In my opinion Thailand is safer than both the Philippines and the UK. I have also heard that Vietnam is safe for foreigners. I have never been there myself.
  10. I wonder how many foreigners would be daft enough to want to risk investing millions of baht in land in Thailand ? Very few I reckon.
  11. Given the way Grab motor bikes are driven I wouldn't be sorry if they disappeared for ever.
  12. This was never a good idea in the first place. Just leave the current law as it is. I wish my own country, the UK, had also never allowed foreigners to buy land or houses. As it is house/land prices there have become extremely high, with limited availability in many areas.
  13. Why do you say Braverman has failed ? She's only just been appointed.
  14. She would have been well advised to take her car to a reputable auto repair business rather than a garage. I have had some remarkably good work done by specialist auto repairers in Thailand.
  15. I don't think it's a good idea for Thailand to allow foreigners to buy land. I have seen in my own country, the UK, what happens when foreigners are given unrestricted access to land/house purchase. Prices go through the roof, and community spirit is destroyed.
  16. Too many people, world wide. Before long there will be no wild life anywhere.
  17. There was a time in Thailand when communist China was regarded with the utmost suspicion. Now it:s a non-stop kow-tow. Very sad.
  18. Nudism on many Thai beaches was quite normal many years ago. Prudism has taken over these days.
  19. Me too. Never had any such problems. Have you activated the app correctly ? BTW, I come from the UK where nothing seems to work any more.
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