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Everything posted by Brock

  1. You will if not done already, need a new TM30 with the new passport details. I submitted a new TM30 in Dec due to a new passport (oz)
  2. One TM30 can list all in the house hold, sometimes you get one receipt for 4 people, sometimes individual receipts. Just make sure you have a copy of the TM30 with receipts (I did any way, better to have too much paperwork than not enough).
  3. It all depends on the office. The office in Ratchaburi that I use has said they dont require a new TM30, unless you have a new passport.
  4. Its a proposed date of implementation, I wouldnt worry about it as it more than likely wont be working in 4 months time. And yes if you are coming Visa exempt, you will be allowed in for 60 days. Its not worth getting upset by something like the TM6, or ETA.. Just keep your eyes open for it, and fill in the required information.. (No-one knows what is required as yet)
  5. The Cabbages and Condoms in Ratchaburi has a nice restaurant, coffee shop and hotel attached. They also have an experimental garden where they find way to grow good cash crops to help the farmers move into other money making products apart form rice.
  6. Its a TM7, I will be doing the same myself shortly. I think this might work, A link to the Form that can be printed, with a fill in guide.Form can be filled in on a PC, saved and printed. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/a8b1x4bubcce7zyu1jijr/TM-7-fill-in-with-guide.pdf?rlkey=wuquf0b6u6bhmiu39dco2xeuq&st=ukuct7f4&dl=0
  7. I have been using a portable pocket wifi for years. Just link phone, tablet, TV etc and you are set.
  8. They are probably contacting insect spray, or something else that is killing them.
  9. If that was saturdays lotto, there was no 100K payout.. Unless you were one of the 6 who one first division..
  10. The whole system depends, on how many panels you have, and that can depend on the battery and inverter you are using. The are trying to get you to work out what is essential to keep running, so those will be powered in the event of a power outage. Remember solar panels dont work at night so no charging. The more appliances you want to run will mean more panels, more batteries and bigger inverter. Could they hook up the house to the inverter?? Yes they could, but it may be at the inverter limit, and it will drain the batteries quickly. Aircon at night will be a big load.
  11. The import duties will be very high more than likely, and with the hassles of dealing with shipping/ customs, would it be worth it?? Cut your losses, sell the bike in the UK and get something similar locally.
  12. Bad reporting. Australia doesnt require the ETA, Thailand will from December. And its for all the Visa Exempt countries, not just Australia..
  13. You as a Foreigner will never be considered as a "Local". I have been living on and off in a village in Thailand, for many years, where I have participated in many local events. I am considered to be part of the village community and treated with respect nd friendliness. BUT, I am still the Farung, and my house is known as the Bahn Farung (foreigner house)..
  14. I think the question is, what is the purpose of connecting your phone to the LAN/Router. Do you want to use it to connect to a printer?? ( easier to use wifi) etc.
  15. Its much easier just to use internet banking, and transfer directly from your Oz bank to the Thai bank. It just may take a few days.
  16. I get several a day. they just get deleted. Its an attempt by a bot probably to hack into your account. As you have a multiple factor authentication activated, the needed one time code gets sent to your phone. If you have any concerns, delete all the messages, then login to your account and change your password.
  17. The article actually seems to be an ad for true Money card..
  18. Now is the time to get yours in Oz for the upcoming winter, just had mine. Do you need it if visiting Thailand?? Probably not, but its a good idea to keep your protection up. Does it work, isit effective?? Dont know for certain, but I havent had the flu for many years..
  19. Simply put, you dont need to have WiFi to run a smart TV. The TV simply wont be able to access the internet services. It will still connect to the antenna, and or satellite Box. The TV wont ask to connect to the internet if you just want to use free to air viewing.
  20. It seems that is the info given out in Thailand. One of our family members was told that, and my wife asked me if it was right as In Oz we are told plain water is ok..
  21. Its very easy to do the extension in person, why pay 5000is baht for some one to do it when it costs 1900baht. It doesnt matter if you stay for an extra week or 30 days the extension gives you 30 days..and still costs the same.
  22. I have done it a few times in the last 2 years. First time I had a 60day visa, with a return ticket in the third month. Extension made 14 days before visa expired, no questions about return ticket. A few months later flew in on Visa Exemption, obtained extension problem free. The Airlines can see you have a return ticket when you check in, and are aware of the immigration rules. I flew from Perth-Singapore-BKK and return each time with Singapore Airlines.
  23. Just do a 30 day extension..
  24. The sligshots dont have very strong rubber, so when fired they will just sting. You could replace the rubber with truck inner tube strips and use ball bearings, that would definitely slow down th\e little buggers. They are dangerous, can be infected with rabies and do serious damage to property.
  25. There is no requirement or expectation of a tip in Thailand, though the tip is appreciated by your server. You have to remember, that giving a tip is not a universal practice.. In Australia, servers are paid a decent wage, so arent hassling for a tip. If you wish to tip fine, but dont look down on those that dont as cheap charlies, as its may not be their custom to tip..
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