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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 2 hours ago, catman20 said:

    millions of bahts  no problem

    I agree with you.


    in 25 years, I have used TMB, Bangkok Bank, Thai Farmers, Krung Thai Bank ( personal favourite) SCB etc without incident. There have been many arguments when I have wanted to send large amounts out of the country but when you can prove you brought it in and have inward remittance papers, their objections fade away.


    They got through the Asian crisis, they got through the global meltdown and banking crisis and I think are as safe as any European or US banks, but that's my own personal opinion.

  2. I used to get annoyed when I read posts like this from obsequious idiots in government attempting to make, what they think are,  ' deep, meaningful statements ' to curry favour with the out of touch elites running the country or at least, those in power. I no longer do.


    The nearest comparison I can draw to the statements that come from the Thai government officials and leadership; is the new US president Trump, who speaks first via the press or twitter without checking the facts, blames everyone else, and then goes into complete denial when confronted with facts to the contrary of what was said. He should be the next Thai president, he is made for the job and has all the right qualifications.


    Next, if you visit any village or town in Thailand tourist or not, you will find stalls everywhere selling fake football shirts, Police and Army gear, fake jeans etc You can start at Jatuchak market or MBK in Bangkok and go right the way to  the border with Laos in the North, Malaysia in the South, the country is drowning in fake clothing. The Thais even manufacture fake jeans in ready made factories in Bang Kwang prison!


    Why do foreigners buy fake gear? Because it's all made over here and they are sick of rip off prices that do not reflect the quality of the products, but are there to keep the likes of Wayne Rooney and co in Range Rovers and stupid salaries. Why do Thais buy copies? The average Thai salary, not the spoilt rich kids in Bangkok, does not permit their finances to afford originals!


    I would not even trust the authenticity of Levis or Polo in branded stores in Thailand as the copies are graded, and good copies can easily pass for originals to everyone but the most skilled purchaser, and are sold as such!!!


    Regards buying in Patpong, Pattaya and Phuket, these are the cheapest quality and worst copies available because the BIB demand the stall rental ' tea money ' and something has to suffer and so it's quality and price passed on to the gullible foreigner. If foreigners want copies, avoid these places, cut out the middle man and buy at Jatuchak in Bangkok or Poipet on the Cambodian border.


    The foreigners are usually the victims not the perpetrators. Most products in Thailand in the aforementioned tourist areas f Thailand are to be found cheaper and better quality back home and that INCLUDES the copies!

  3. I suppose you also support stoning for unwilling victims of rape on adultery grounds, according to their perverted version of Islam, murdering people who leave or renounce Islam, cutting hands of a thief regardless if they are a starving youngster, valuing a woman's statement in court as half that of a man. etc etc


    The Danish guy was unfortunate that the ladyboy reported him, probably coerced in the Sunnee plaza area by undercover cops, desperate for ' brown envelopes ' It was hardly the lady boys ' first rodeo ' and more likely spurred to report this by receiving the low sum of 500 baht ( low for pattaya ) or by police offering her/him and the parents the promise of a possible 20K or 30K from the corruption to follow whilst the police pull in 500,000  baht plus.


    Next the comment on pedophilia by another poster. A pedophile is a person interested in prepubescent boys or girls in a sexual nature. This guy was neither and with a 17 year old willing participant. All this 15 year old, and 15-18 years old etc is pure confusion and can be manipulated by the police constantly to suit their own ends........money!....................... because it sure isn't the welfare of the Thai youth that concerns them.


    The thing is to stick to 18 year olds plus with I.D. cards to prove their age.Most I.D.s now have the persons details in English as well as Thai.


    Again, police scraping the barrel for income. Hardly newsworthy.


    And there for the grace of God walk many who frequent Thailand's bars and go go establishments where they employ sixteen and seventeen year olds as well as illegal immigrants, quick to pour scorn on a silly Danish mans mistake but only ready and willing to do it themselves until they become victims of police 'selective ' arrests.


    I would have no objections if the police were consistent or cared about the welfare. It's pure greed and money and further exploitation of foreigners.

  4. I go back regularly to the UK. With the likes of Aldi and Lidl, Home Bargains, Poundworld, Poundland, etc food and drink to take home is very inexpensive. Cars, especially second hand are cheap.


    Clothing and sportswear is better quality and cheaper in the UK with the likes of Sports Direct. Drinking out is very reasonable if, as most places have now, a Wither spoons drinking establishment. The country is full of them.


    Cigarettes are a fortune to purchase. Taxis, depends where you live but private hire or the Uber etc. The biggest expense for most is rent, which in your case doesn't apply. There are very few things better value for money in Thailand apart from accommodation be it room rents or hotels.


    Fruit, vegetables, clothing, spectacles, leisure wear, all better value for money in the UK. Eating out is slightly expensive but depends how upscale you go. It's a choice!


    However, weather lousy, grumpy faces, ages for a hospital appointment and doctors appointment etc etc.

  5. They need to do something and soon. I have been in and out of the place for the last 12 years and it is definitely on the slide.


    The majority of travellers spend no more than 3 days in Siem Reap and that is generous. They could even spend less with the massive  admission price hike coming for Angkor Wat.


    Phnom Penn, like many capital cities, is a non event unless you are there on business or looking for hookers. There are failed or abandoned half built condominium projects, half empty shopping malls with rents too expensive to attract tenants and a middle class that still cannot afford the condos and housing being built.


    Street food is not good, market fruit and vegetable selection is poor and unhygienic, by and large bugger all to do unless you want to sit in a bar all day smoking yourself to death on cheap fags and drinking in the local happy hours at $0.50 for draft. There is not much to do at all except to sit at the river, look at the water, go visit Toul Sleng, S21, and spend your time making sure your phone doesn't get stolen.


    The problem is outside the centre of both towns there is virtually no infrastructure in either Phnom Penn nor Siem reap. Crime is becoming rampant and more daring and vicious in Siem Reap and all too regular with a bone idle, lazy and unhelpful police force, who actually manage to do less and be WORSE than their Thai counterparts.


    There are those foreigners that are there living in la la land, NGOs and those that are teaching or those that cannot fulfill Thailand's visa requirements, who think they are chilling in some super cute idyllic unspoiled third world haven. In reality it is now just another tourist trap with lousy deathtrap red roads, rats and rodents all over the place, AGGRESSIVE BEGGARS, terrible sewerage and even worse flooding with constant blackouts in the rainy season.


    Sihanoukville is the nearest they have and only main beach resort that again has major problems with lowlifes, poor infrastructure and crime. It is a known hangout for foreigners ' lying low ' and ' on the run ' from other SE nations and largely unsafe in many areas as well as lawless.


    Once you have seen Angkor, the surrounding temples and sites and the museum, you can cross it off your bucket list with little reason to return. The government needs to stop the greed and at least make some kind of effort in the out of control corruption and mafias instead on concentrating solely on its grip on power at the expense of its citizens.


    The run of the mill, standard Cambodian people are wonderful and a pleasure to meet. They need a helping hand. Unfortunately, any aid or funds coming into the country never reaches them.

  6. 8 hours ago, The man from udon said:

    Obviously the rip off has ripped off the rip offs and they weren't happy about it.there  is 10s of millions of baht in property,cars that have been paid for with money from old people's retirement savings leaving some suicidal.its only a matter of time and we will find out what they've all been up to.as for web designer,yeah I know one and he's got a rented house and top of the range scooter.the police are only interested as its all over the world media and involves big money.if I was shot up here in the jungle of udon thani I might make it into the local news for a day.these boiler room boys have and still are ruining lives of hard working people who have saved all their lives.no RIP from me on this one.cant wait to find out what mr goodie two shoes and his cronies have been up to.i know you can be murdered here for giving someone a bad hair cut but not for designing a bad website for 2 international hit men.live fast,die fast...

    Totally agree with the above post.


    As all TV members know, An average, run of the mill IT website developer doesn't go buying, multiple houses and cars in such a short space of time in Thailand, as a foreigner, unless up to unsavory business. Your average web designer is usually chasing business from dawn till dusk in this competitive industry. I know by the amount that used to approach me when I had a business in Pattaya some 15 years ago.


    A shiver goes down the spine as soon as ' boiler rooms ' gets mentioned. His behaviour suggests somebody wanting to be a ' man about town ' No discretion here with Porsche Cayenne and Mercedes parked outside the door. Millions and millions of pounds and Dollars are cheated out of old peoples retirement and pension funds by these boiler room gangs on a weekly basis, protected by a country with officials who use the law to protect them.


    In the photo does he honestly look like an IT geek who stays in every night working on his websites? or a Jack the lad with the obligatory ' tough guy ' chest and shoulder tattoos of a  seasoned '  Ex Marbella now Ex Pattaya chancer! ' with all the trappings of "in your face " new found wealth.


    Boiler room guys have been working under and protected by very senior police figures in Thailand for years. When the walls come tumbling down, the Police, who will have been highly active in the ' counting department ' of this guys venture, will fade away into the background promising an investigation that never materialises. In Thailand there are TWO highly organized groups, and they are in uniform, that make serious money on a daily basis and is for the most part, untouchable. The foreigners are just ' here today, gone tomorrow '


    Just looking at it sensibly, an IT guy working on legitimate web development and this man do not fit in the same sentence.


    Now, it is coming out, the IT developer he is due in court for employing numbers of illegals, no work permit himself, then we have alleged hit men running off to Cambodia, Boiler rooms, online gambling sites, A 10 million baht house and four other houses,


    We have all been in the wrong job,  I am going to retrain as a web developer!

  7. 1 hour ago, kamahele said:

    It is unconstitutional and thus illegal to use religion as a factor. 

    Yes, all Muslims are certainly not terrorists................................BUT all terrorists do seem to be Muslims!


    Sure he is going to focus on Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, and plenty more or similar from those regions. It would be a bit  of a foolish waste of resources  targeting Scandinavians!


    He/the government of the USA will focus on those from hot spot/flashpoint countries. At this period in time, they will be predominantly Muslim countries because that's where all the problems are. They are targeting the problem, not the religion per se.


    They might want to look at people flying in from the likes of Germany these days as well with the amount they have let in, especially those gaining residency in recent years that are originally from problem countries. after boasts from ISIS that they were sending in their jihadists mixed in with genuine refugees.


    It is well known about  terrorist sleeper cells lying dormant for three, four or five years in their adopted countries.After Germany, France, Belgium, the UK and of course 9/11 Western countries have every right to safeguard their borders and be stringent with their checks.




    5 hours ago, nottocus said:

    But what about his human rights?


    What about the boy's human rights who he stabbed?


    He should cease to have any, the scumbag.


    I doubt very much he will be out in a few years as that young victim was from a ' well to do ' family, and  as you all know in Thailand that counts.


    The prosecutors are baying for blood, the file has already been sent to them. Many times the Police take the 84 days ( maximum detention allowed without charge)  so that " arrangements and accommodations " can be facilitated. Not so in this case.


    This heinous crime has sparked outrage amongst the Bangkok hierarchy, the prosecutors are going to court post haste, so I think words have been whispered in many ears.

  9. 11 hours ago, Valentine said:

    There are plenty on death row but I believe none have been carried out for a number of years. Lethal injection is used.


    There were a couple given the death penalty in 2009 and I am fairly sure they were drug offences and their appeal to the King for clemency failed.


    it is true that the death penalties have slowed down a great deal but the death penalty is still on the statute books and death sentence  prisoners convicted can be and are executed. Everything is grindingly slow in the Thai court system. The cases, the appeals, the sentences, further appeals etc


    Anybody thinking, that those on the ' death row  '  have it easy are mistaken as restrictions are still upon then as prisoners awaiting death such as leg chains 24-7, segregation etc. 


    Bang Kwang is tough and conditions are harsh but there again  Klong Prem is no easy option either.

  10. Is it wrong and disrespectful? Yes, of course it is especially when women and young children could be passing the area.it is Thailand in all sense of the word, not some seedy part of Pattaya or some isolated beach on one of the islands.


    I do however agree with some posters here, that what we have is the ' morality police ' out in full force to in effect to stereotype and class all foreigners the same as though we are collectively ' pond life! ' 


    What at else can be expected for a narrow minded , xenophobic race? they were voted in the top five recently of the most ignorant countries in the World in terms of knowledge on geographical, cultural and historical affairs outside their own country. Incidentally, the group was lead by India, closely followed by China and the USA.


    The authorities also need to wake up and smell the coffee and take off those rose tinted glasses. Thailand has fierce competition in the region for tourism and is not this God given paradise that those in TAT seem to try and convince us all that it is.It has an enormous amount of internal and external problems and issues without the newspapers focussing in on nonsense like this.


    Ah, that's right, I remember now. They must focus on nonsense or risk arrest by the BIB or BIG for reporting what is really wrong and going on in the country.

  11. Guys,

    Please can you help for those of you who are reasonably tech savvy.

    I recently got a Kodi box which was supposed to come fully loaded and I am having a few problems which I will mention. I can go easily get movies and TV shows and these also update regularly with no issues.

    I can get music etc etc. My problem occurs when I try to get Sky sports channels. It initially opens then quickly asks me for a passcode saying my contract expired in October 2016. I never had any contract so this must be the person who originally set it up.

    Is there no way round to watch this for free? Or is this subscription only? The guy who got it for me told me there were plenty of other ways to get into Sky sports but I am obviously not clever enough to do this.

    Also, I am wanting to get rid completely of True but my problem has always been my other half likes to watch Thai channels sometimes. I am in the dark regards this iptv system, as I am not that up to date. I can work my way reasonably well on a computer, but I mainly use it for e mails, FB, downloading from torrents etc.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

  12. I doubt very much this policy will be implemented and think it is the usual " hot air " from government ministers to give the impression they actually intend to do something. Every foreign resident or long term stayer in Thailand knows the reasons for these accidents. 1. Next to zero driver training or experience with the exception of being self taught. 2. Rampant corruption meaning they can usually pay their way out of most situations. 3. Ridiculous speeding. 4. Unsafe vehicles with virtually no checks and balances. This covers large buses and trucks as well as minibuses and bikes. 5. They seem to have an incomprehensible idea that they, and they alone, have the right of way regardless of circumstances. This again, can be attributed to no driver competence tests and poor driving standards. 6. No serious or enforceable bans or punishments for serious driving infractions to deter them, such as cars being seized and crushed for lack of insurance, not road worthy and driver disqualifications. This is now what occurs in Europe.

    Thailand has the second or third worst driving record in the world for accidents, deaths and road carnage. The roads themselves are not to blame as they are better than they are in many countries. It is the mentality of the people themselves.

    A serious road safety campaign including TV and social media as well as driver awareness programmes, a brutal and sustained campaign against drink driving, drug related driving, penalties for badly maintained vehicles etc.

    But as always, it isn't going to happen, there is no will no see it through, and as with everything else and every other drama of the day; once it is out of the spotlight , it is out of sight and out of mind.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

  13. 49 minutes ago, meatboy said:

    only if your a tourist. or have a business and be vat.registered.




    I don't see the difference.


    By refunding the tax on bank interest on retirement extensions they are acknowledging you are non-resident, so therefore a tourist albeit long stay and/or multiple entry. That is why I understand they refund you the tax on interest.


    So why then, for example, do they not refund VAT to us on a car purchase if we are in fact, only long term tourists on extension and not residents?


    I am only asking a genuine question as I would really like to know.


    I have seen tourists at the airport getting VAT reclaims but they I believe, are showing their receipts ( and goods purchased???? ) to the authorities at the departure point at the VAT reclaim counter in the airport.These are in effect, short term holiday tourists.


  14. Hi,

    Living on a retirement extension, I like many others, reclaim the 15% tax charged on bank interest once a year. My other half is saying that I can claim VAT charges etc on the car and even on appliances I have purchased as I am not a resident, .....only a long stay tourist???

    Surely, this cannot be correct as I considered all these things as living expenses but I am certainly going to ask TV members as I have never heard of anything like this.

    Can somebody clarify please the correct position as I believe this is wishful thinking.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

  15. Up in the boonies, when I transferred old to new passport I just paid a tea fee, I couldn't be bothered with the heat and messing around they give you when they want something.


    Having said that, they don't get the big bucks/breaks/opportunities I suppose like those fortunate to work in Pattaya, Phuket and the rest of them.

    Are you serious !!! Do you honestly think that Thais don't buy 3 piece suites ?
    Furniture shops are for the Thais, you just happen to also use them.

    Why you being a clown and attempting to make a drama out of a perfectly sensible question?

    Who said at any time or even implied that " Thais don't buy three piece suites ??? " I am well aware of Thai purchasing power. I merely and correctly pointed out that there was a large, substantial range in Pattaya due to the large numbers of foreigners from different countries which makes perfect sense.

    Thanks to the other guys who contributed and assisted, I will check out Ubon.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect
  17. Hi,


    I am in the Roi Et area but do not spend too much time in Thailand looking for furniture or shopping etc. so I am pretty clueless on where to buy furniture. I bought my last one in Pattaya a good few years ago now, where the ranges are substantial due to the large amount of foreigners.


    Can I be guided please as to where the best places are for a traditional three piece suite of decent quality in Isaarn. I do not like what is on offer at Home Pro neither style, range or quality.


    I don't mind to travel to Khonkaen ore wherever as long as there is a decent range.

  18. Situations like these, I admire the Arabs!


    ' I divorce thee, I divorce thee, I divorce thee "


    Game over, no lawyers and ' No, you can't take the car, it's no good to you anyway as women are not allowed drive on the roads'  then you kick THEM out of the house and send them back to their parents in disgrace!


    My kind of divorce! :1zgarz5:

  19. 1 hour ago, AlQaholic said:

    How can he be convicted multiple times for dealing? I thought it was either life or death for that crime, or is that reserved only for foreigners?


    He has probably been a small time dealer over many years considering his age. Also, small amounts regards dealing, especially previously before the law was changed, allowed for much lighter sentences when the dealer confessed to the crime.


    if this case goes to court and he is indeed charged with the amounts quoted he is looking at the death sentence commuted to life if he admits the crime.


    The Thais definitely are treated more leniently than foreigners in 99% of cases. Also. High profile resorts such as Phuket, Pattaya, Bangkok etc tend to attract larger and more severe sentencing than up in the back and beyond.

  20. I don't believe the child has been hit severely with a cane 99 times. Thai exaggeration for selling a newspaper and the Thai Television channels would go to the ' opening of an envelope ' to get a story!


    The marks are not severe enough to show brutal force as is being said here. No, she should not have hit him if it is no longer allowed in schools but this 99 times stuff, Who was counting??


    One minute TV readers are saying young Thai boys are spoilt to death by the parents and that is why they end up as drug addled, lazy Yaa Baa addicted scumbags that beat women and the next people are suggesting corporal punishment in any form is unacceptable.


    Well, knowing Thais, who push their luck as far as possible at any situation that arises, it would not surprise me at all if the boys mother is seeking a higher payout unfortunately.


    The nature of the beast.



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